This repository contains a light implementation of the Ktor framework wrapped by Resilience4j, a Kotlin library for managing failures in a microservice-based system.
Expected behaviour:
The Resilience4j Aspects order is following: Retry ( CircuitBreaker ( RateLimiter ( TimeLimiter ( Bulkhead ( Function ) ) ) ) )
- Java 17 or later
- Circuit breaker pattern to prevent cascading failures
- Retry pattern to automatically retry failed requests
- Bulkhead pattern to limit the number of concurrent requests
- KTOR Client Plugins
- For more information on Resilience4j, please see the official documentation:
- For more information on Ktor, please see the official documentation:
Add only one dependency that contains KTOR engine and Resilience4j plugins:
ObjectMapperFactory is already configured to use KotlinModule and JavaTimeModule.
Using plugins is optional, but recommended.
val httpClient = ResilientClient(httpClient = HttpClient(CIO) {
install(ContentNegotiation) {
register(ContentType.Application.Json, JacksonConverter(objectMapper = ObjectMapperFactory.objectMapper))
install(RetryPlugin) {
retry = Retry.of("test", RetryConfig.custom<HttpClientCall>()
.retryOnResult { httpClientCall: HttpClientCall -> httpClientCall.response.status.value == 500 }
Can be found here: ktor-resilient-client/src/test/kotlin/PluginHttpTests.kt
GPG key should be placed in ~/.gradle/ and has the following format:
Sonatype keys in the ~/.gradle/ should have the following format:
How to build and publish to sonatype? Run the following command in the console:
./gradlew clean build publishToMavenLocal
./gradlew clean build publishToSonatype
To contribute to this project, simply fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.