dashboard for supervising pomelo
< mmm, pomelos are delicous >
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- input
- list-name (used as key in qdb)
- data-list - arbitrary list of data
- filter-predicate
- sort-by-main
- sort-by-prop-list - list of props to create sort buttons for
- item-component
- qdb state?
- (list-name)-sort-by (:getter keyword)
- (list-name)-sort-order (:asc :desc)
- unit-filter-list-generic
- displays a list of data
- orders by selectables (create-at name email id...)
- filters by a given prop search trem
- multi fuzzy (name email id ...)
- allows user to provide list item component
- unit-search-filter
- unit-qdb-filter-container
- combine (unit-search-bar-generic unit-filter-list-generic)
- sticky-query-cleaner
- keep track of components on page that need querys (remove querys from qdb when no components are loaded)
- probs after a route switch with a tiny delay (allow for rerender)
- :tag it with a name
- inc each time componet mount
- dec when unmount
- handler for no more of :tag type
- use for removing keys from :qdb
- so what is in the dirs?
- ui components that allow for custom props + react props (micro ui)part/
- ui components that only allow custom props (micro ui)book/
- ui components that are used for testing ui's in storybookpage/
- ui components that are used for page routing (macro ui)data/
- re-frame-fx for storing and fetching datahttp/
- fns for creating:api
fx form making api requetsside/
- re-frame-intercepors for managing custom side effects
- custom re-fame effects in
- :ldb -> a localstorge backed database for storing persistent data (like :db)
- great for caching credentials and preferences
- :qdb -> a query-string backed database for storing view-state data (like :db)
- great for storing view-state
- :api -> used to make api requests
- can auto attach supervisor auth headers
- requests are tracked with
- supports sending json and FormData
- :debug -> used to log data when testing out a new side effect
- this one is actual just a reg-event-fx so you have to dispatch data to it
- :ldb -> a localstorge backed database for storing persistent data (like :db)
- data
- request-ctx - used to track metadata about a single api request
- request-metrix - used to track metadata about all api requests
- require data/* libs as d-
by itself is an actual value(:require [supervisor.data.theme :as d-theme])
(let [theme @(d-theme/fetch)] ...)
's are components that allow you to pass in normalreact
props- only have one arg
can have custom or react props
- only have one arg
's are components that have very specific props and will not- can have unique argument
- any component that starts with
is used by amap
to create a list - they all will add
{:key <some-unique-value>}
to the root component - items are not allowed to use reframe subscriptions or any global atoms
- this means that all data used in this component will need to be passed by a prop
- ui componets that are used for testing units and parts
- page components allows take in 1 prop that is the route
- page routes are defined in
- route configs can auto add links to the nave bar
- setup development environment
npm i
- start the dev server
npm run client:start
- clojurescript
- clojurescript cheatsheet
- awesome clojurescript - resources list
- the clojure toolbox - resources list
- shadow-cljs - cljs build system
- clojure-lsip - clj/cljs LSP implementation
- kondo - a static analyzer and linter
- conjure - interactive evaluation for neovim
- parinfer - lisp paren editor mode
- rust-parinfer - parinfer for neovim
- reagent - minimal react for cljs
- reframe - a reagent framework
- secretary - cljs client side router
- cljs-ajax - http requests
- garden - css in cljs
- spade - a css in cljs garden util
- oops - cljs macros for working with js objects
closuer-library - googles common js library
- cool sort-by snip:
(sort-by (juxt :lastname :firstname) data)