jQuery plugin to retrieve and parse the feed for a youtube user's channel, displaying a list of thumbnails with title and number of views which link to the video itself
// username -or- query: required, username takes precedence over query
username: 'default' | query: 'default',
// startIndex: optional, must be >=1
startIndex: 1,
// maxResults: optional, defaults to 50
maxResults: 10,
// orderBy: optional, defaults to 'published'
orderBy: 'relevance|published|viewCount|rating'
// callback: optional function to execute when plugin is finished loading the videos
callback: function(api) { ... }
* Details on the api object exposed to the callback function
api.failed; // set to true if no videos are loaded, otherwise false
api.videoCount; // number of videos actually loaded
api.videos; // array containing the loaded video objects
// id: the video's id (youtube.com/watch?v=<id>)
// link: url of video on youtube's site
// title: video's title
// thumb: url of video's thumbnail
// duration: duration of video (in seconds)
// views: number of views
// htmlId: id of the html element within the plugin
api.loadMore(num); // function to load <num> more videos
// (callback is executed again when loadMore finishes)