Support 4 base value type : int, long, float, double
FmlArg argA = Fml.Arg(2); // BaseType == int
FmlArg argB = Fml.Arg(3L); // BaseType == long
FmlArg argC = Fml.Arg(4.1f); // BaseType == float
FmlArg argD = Fml.Arg(5.2); // BaseType == double
Both FmlArg and FmlPow are FmlNode
FmlPow powNode = Fml.Pow(Fml.Arg(3.5), argA);
Console.WriteLine(powNode.GetDouble()); // 3.5 ^ 2 = 12.25
powNode stores result in double but it can be retrieved by any other types
Console.WriteLine(powNode.GetInt64()); // (long)12.25 = 12
Addition accept multiple FmlNode as arguments. And most operator select type automatically, float addition is used in this case
FmlAdd addNode = Fml.Add(argA, Fml.Arg(3), Fml.Arg(2.5f));
Console.WriteLine(addNode.GetSingle()); // 2 + 3 + 2.5 = 7.5f
addNode.ReplaceChild(argA, argB);
Console.WriteLine(addNode.GetSingle()); // 3 + 3 + 2.5 = 8.5f
Console.WriteLine(addNode.GetSingle()); // 3 + 2.5 = 5.5f
Clear and Add
Console.WriteLine(addNode.GetSingle()); // 4.1f + 12.25 = 16.35
Multiple, Min, Max take variable arguments, too
FmlMul mulNode = Fml.Mul(argC, Fml.Arg(2));
Console.WriteLine(mulNode.GetSingle()); // 4.1f * 2 = 8.2f
If only argC is out of date, addNode will recalculate, but powNode won't
Console.WriteLine(addNode.GetSingle()); // 4.2f + 12.25 = 16.45
mulNode will recalculate as well
Console.WriteLine(mulNode.GetSingle()); // 4.2f * 2 = 8.4f
Call CalculateString() to get calculation detail for debug
The format of string is opName[resultValue](args...)
Console.WriteLine(addNode.CalculateString()); // [16.45F](4.2F + [12.25](3.5 ^ 2))
Remember to get node result or FmlNode.Update() before calling it
FmlFloor floorNode = Fml.Floor(argD);
Console.WriteLine(floorNode.CalculateString()); // Floor[5](5.2)
Overload methods for different type
Console.WriteLine(Fml.Arg(1)); // 1
Console.WriteLine(Fml.Arg(1L)); // 1L
Console.WriteLine(Fml.Arg(1f)); // 1.0F
Console.WriteLine(Fml.Arg((double)1)); // 1.0