Alexa Voice User Interface for FamilySearch
Build: This app combines Alexa and FamilySearch. It is based of familysearch-javascript-sdk turned into a npm by following direction at
PreBuilt: Requires an Amazon Alexa enabled device and the accompany application (called an Alexa Skill) found at
User interface
Start with, 'Alexa, tell family history for me.', then drill back into your family history by saying, 'Father', 'Mother', 'Spouse', or 'Child'. Requires a FamilySearch account available free at All data is retrieved from FamilySearch if something doesn't sound correct please correct the data at
Sample Utterances:
After enabling the skill.
Start by saying, 'Alexa, tell family history for me'.
To repeat the last persons you can say: repeat again say that again
To start or return to you, you can say: me for me start over
To hear about the persons father you cay say: father for father
To hear about the persons mother you cay say: mother for mother
To hear about the persons spouse you cay say: spouse for spouse
To hear about the persons children you cay say: children
To hear about the persons specific child you cay say: child for child
This app uses OAuth 2 to authenticate, however because FamilySearch does not support refresh tokens the user will have to use the Alexa phone app to relink the app every time they want to use it.
Let me repeat that because it is important, the user will have to use the Alexa phone app to "Disable the skill" then "Enable" (and re-authenticate) after 10 minutes of idle time.