Contributions, resources & other info for the US-RSE'24 conference taking place Oct 15-17, 2024 in Albuquerque, NM.
Rajshree Deshmukh, Dan Gunter, Michael Pesce
Poster Board #11
Download the poster: PDF (10 MB)
Exploring the RSE-verse: visualizing the complexity of RSE taxonomy beyond the “research vs software” binary
Ludovico Bianchi, Mikaela Cashman
Poster Board #19
Download the poster: PNG (4 MB), PDF (28 MB)
Reproducing notebooks without (too much) effort: a simple but effective automated workflow for US-RSE’24 and beyond using Binder and GitHub Actions
Ludovico Bianchi
Thu Oct 17, 10:30 am, Cochiti
Brad Richardson
Wed Oct 16, 1:00 pm, Hopi/Tewa
Mikaela Cashman
Wed Oct 16, 1:00 pm, Cochiti
Rajshree Deshmukh, Cody O'Donnel, Lavanya Ramakrishnan
Oct 9, 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM MT (online)
Access the slides: Google Docs
- Keith Beattie (US-RSE Steering Council)
- Gregory Lemieux (National Labs WG)
- Hannah Cohoon, Drew Paine, Rajshree Deshmukh (User Experience WG)
- Keith Beattie1 (LBNL staff page)
- Ludovico Bianchi1 (GitHub, LBNL staff page, personal website)
- Mikaela Cashman2 (LinkedIn, Google Scholar)
- Rajshree Deshmukh1 (LBNL staff page, GitHub)
- Gregory Lemieux1 (LBNL profile)
- Cody O'Donnel2 (LBNL staff page, GitHub)
- Drew Paine1 (LBNL staff page)
- Lavanya Ramakrishnan (LBNL staff page, Google Scholar)
- Brad Richardson 1 (LBNL profile)