- DS77 (DS77_S_20220530_B16 and later)
- DS77C (DS77_S_20220530_B16 and later )
- AArch64
- Ubuntu16.04 (x86_64 platform), e.g. intel i5,i7
- Ubuntu18.04 (x86_64 platform), e.g. intel i5,i7
- Windows 10/11
Ubuntu18.04 arm64 SDK package that is developed for personal computer platform(arm64), use standard compiler aarch64-linux-gnu(v7.5.0)
Ubuntu16.04 PC SDK package that is developed for personal computer platform(x86_64), use standard compiler x86_64-linux-gnu(v5.4.0)
Ubuntu18.04 PC SDK package that is developed for personal computer platform(x86_64), use standard compiler x86_64-linux-gnu(v7.5.0) Ubuntu18.04 SDK package compatible with Ubuntu20.04
Windows PC SDK package that is developed for personal computer platform(x86_64), use standard compiler VS2017
Choose the right base branch;
Include sample project and documentation;
- Homepage: https://www.vzense.com/
- Order: https://www.vzense.com/
- Docs: Vzense ToF Sensor and Application
- Develop tools: https://github.com/Vzense , https://gitee.com/Vzense
- Q&A forum: FAQ - 青岛维感科技有限公司 (vzense.com)