Set of plugins for IITC
Player Inventory (need CORE subscription)
Use the newly added (Feb 2021) feature for C.O.R.E users to bring the inventory to IITC. This includes a dialog showing your whole inventory, the content of each capsules, the list of your keys. It adds a highlight that shows all portals in view (even not loaded) you have keys. You can export the key numbers to the Keys plugin if available. In the later case, you benefit from the Keys plugin, including keys on map, and in the portals list.
Show virus in the regular Comm and add a tab/pane with portal/player name filter and event type filter. This script refactors IITC chat code and parses chat log to flag each comm by its type. The features are inspired by COMM Filter by udnp
Adds a tab to the chat and computes the MU score per player parsing the COMM. The data is delete only on page reload or by user interaction (per player) so you can move the map without losing the already loaded scores.
Highlight uniques captured/visited/scanned from intel data
Since February 2021, the intel provides Portal History. This plugin highlights portals depending on their history. It comes with some variants such as hiding all captured portals, or showing both captured and visited portals with different colors. Consider editing the source to fit your needs.
Makes IITC handle multiple highlighter concurrently.
Basic but powerful customizable highlighter inspired by Expression for MapBox Style. Claim: all official highlighters can be defined by a static JSON object.
Bring ameba64/ingress-items icons into IITC. Currently for mods only, in portail details and as overlay on mobile
Bring the labels (street/city/etc) of CartoDB or default Ingress map above the fields/links and portal.
With the Styling Wizard from Google, you can design your own base map and use it in IITC-CE.
This is a WIP plugin to test WebGL layers for IITC. Version 0.1 uses cached data from the Portal cache plugin to draw a layer with all portals using a WebGL layer with Leaflet.glify.
Ingress Maplibre layers and MapBox Vector Tiles
This is another WIP plugin to test WebGL layers for IITC using MapLibre GL JS. Maplibre layers uses a custom style and loads data from the IITC objects as GeoJSON. It implements portal click and link direction animation. MapBox Vector Tiles brings map vector tiles as base layer. Both plugins need the plugin maplibre-gl-js.user.js as dependency.
Add a basic 3D glimpse of current view. Mainly useless except for seeing links as straight lines on the globe.
Some cache plugin to populate the map with local data using IndexedDB. The plugin only stores guid, coordinates, timestamp.and optionnaly team from intel.
Share Coords to any url based third party
Add button in portal info to show custom links based on the portal coordinates or portal guid.
Portals pictures dialog for easier portal lookup on IFS decoding
Add a dialog including the pictures of all visible portals. When clicking one, the portal is selected. The list of picture is sorting according to the number of click so you can find easily a already clicked picture.
Use the what3word location in the IITC search bar.
Look for a valid GUID in the IITC search bar and look for the portal if any. This can be useful when copy/pasting a Ingress deep link.
Because of overdose of dialogs. List open dialogs in the sidebar with the ability to give focus or close a dialog.
Copy agent link (mobile only)
Copy agent profile link on press for IITC Mobile.