你目前看到的是由Leaf Studio工作室(一群“呆呆”的学生)所写的Leaf calc for Android demo版本! 我们很感谢你们能够翻到这个仓库,更希望你们能够高抬贵手,为我们的项目点个star,鼓励鼓励我们,谢谢!
制作匆匆,记录潦草 敬请见谅 谢谢 BY LEAF STUDIO
2020年5月4日 Leaf calc for Android MUI框架版第一个版本发布
2020年5月5日 Leaf calc for Android MUI demo v2.0 主要修正UI问题
2020年5月16日 Leaf calc for Android MUI demo v2.5.0 新增“关于”选项
你目前看到的是由Leaf Studio工作室(一群“呆呆”的學生)所寫的Leaf calc for Android demo版本! 我們很感謝你們能夠翻到這個倉庫,更希望你們能夠高抬貴手,為我們的項目點個star,鼓勵鼓勵我們,謝謝!
製作匆匆,記錄潦草 敬請見諒 謝謝 BY LEAF STUDIO
2020年5月4日 Leaf calc for Android MUI框架版第一個版本發布
2020年5月5日 Leaf calc for Android MUI demo v2.0 主要修正UI問題
2020年5月16日 Leaf calc for Android MUI demo v2.5.0 新增“關於”選項
What you are currently seeing is the Leaf calc for Android demo version written by Leaf Studio (a group of "dull" students)! We are very grateful that you can turn over to this warehouse, and we hope you can raise your hand and order a star for our project, encourage and encourage us, thank you!
This project currently uses the JavaScript MUI framework to develop apps, pay attention to the word "current", because I am now learning a better uniapp, and after learning uniapp, I will bring a better app experience to users.
In order to speed up the publication, the first version directly applied the html page, in fact, because the school is a bit busy, so this is the case. But as long as I have time in the future, I will update it! And will use the formal MUI framework of UI components to make the app more professional and more beautiful.
Although what I do is a very common multi-function calculator, the studio composed by me and my colleagues is confident to provide users with better apps from him!
Make a hurry, record scribble Sorry Thank you BY LEAF STUDIO
May 4, 2020 The first version of Leaf calc for Android MUI framework version is released
May 5, 2020 Leaf calc for Android MUI demo v2.0 mainly fixes UI problems
May 16, 2020 Leaf calc for Android MUI demo v2.5.0 adds "About" option
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