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Moved runDuperPortfolioMode to Interface.lean and made it a MetaM fun…
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JOSHCLUNE committed Nov 3, 2023
1 parent 2a164b9 commit aa788db
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Showing 2 changed files with 174 additions and 174 deletions.
169 changes: 169 additions & 0 deletions Duper/Interface.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,23 @@ open Lean
open Lean.Meta
open Duper
open ProverM
open Lean.Parser

registerTraceClass `Saturate.debug
registerTraceClass `Portfolio.debug

register_option printPortfolioInstance : Bool := {
defValue := false
descr := "Whether to print the portfolio instance that solved the proof"

def getPrintPortfolioInstance (opts : Options) : Bool :=
printPortfolioInstance.get opts

def getPrintPortfolioInstanceM : CoreM Bool := do
let opts ← getOptions
return getPrintPortfolioInstance opts

/-- We save the `CoreM` state. This is because we will add a constant `skolemSorry` to the environment to support skolem constants with
universe levels. We want to erase this constant after the saturation procedure ends -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,3 +195,158 @@ def runDuperInstance4 (formulas : List (Expr × Expr × Array Name)) (inhabitati
match inhabitationReasoning with
| none => withOptions (fun o => o.set `selFunction 13) $ runDuper formulas instanceMaxHeartbeats
| some b => withOptions (fun o => (o.set `selFunction 13).set `inhabitationReasoning b) $ runDuper formulas instanceMaxHeartbeats

def getMaxHeartbeats : CoreM Nat := return (← read).maxHeartbeats

declare_syntax_cat Duper.bool_lit (behavior := symbol)

syntax "true" : Duper.bool_lit
syntax "false" : Duper.bool_lit

def elabBoolLit [Monad m] [MonadError m] (stx : TSyntax `Duper.bool_lit) : m Bool :=
withRef stx do
match stx with
| `(bool_lit| true) => return true
| `(bool_lit| false) => return false
| _ => Elab.throwUnsupportedSyntax

def boolToBoolLit [Monad m] [MonadQuotation m] (b : Bool) : m (TSyntax `Duper.bool_lit) := do
match b with
| true => `(bool_lit| true)
| false => `(bool_lit| false)

declare_syntax_cat Duper.configOption (behavior := symbol)

syntax (&"portfolioMode" " := " Duper.bool_lit) : Duper.configOption
syntax (&"portfolioInstance" " := " numLit) : Duper.configOption
syntax (&"inhabitationReasoning" " := " Duper.bool_lit) : Duper.configOption

structure ConfigurationOptions where
portfolioMode : Bool -- True by default (unless portfolio instance is specified)
portfolioInstance : Option Nat -- None by default (unless portfolioMode is false, in which case, some 0 is default)
inhabitationReasoning : Option Bool -- None by default

syntax duperStar := "*"
syntax (name := duper) "duper" (ppSpace "[" (duperStar <|> term),* "]")? (ppSpace "{"Duper.configOption,*,?"}")? : tactic
syntax (name := duperTrace) "duper?" (ppSpace "[" (duperStar <|> term),* "]")? (ppSpace "{"Duper.configOption,*,?"}")? : tactic

/-- If `n` is a Nat that corresponds to one of Duper's portfolio instances, then `portfolioInstanceToConfigOptionStx n` returns the
syntax object corresponding to `portfolioInstance := n`. This is necessary so that `duper?` can produce its suggestion. -/
def portfolioInstanceToConfigOptionStx [Monad m] [MonadError m] [MonadQuotation m] (n : Nat) : m (TSyntax `Duper.configOption) := do
match n with
| 0 => `(configOption| portfolioInstance := 0)
| 1 => `(configOption| portfolioInstance := 1)
| 2 => `(configOption| portfolioInstance := 2)
| 3 => `(configOption| portfolioInstance := 3)
| 4 => `(configOption| portfolioInstance := 4)
| _ => throwError "Invalid Duper instance {n}"

/-- Constructs and suggests the syntax for a duper call, for use with `duper?` -/
def mkDuperCallSuggestion (duperStxRef : Syntax) (origSpan : Syntax) (facts : Syntax.TSepArray `term ",")
(withDuperStar : Bool) (portfolioInstance : Nat) (inhabitationReasoning : Option Bool) : MetaM Unit := do
let mut configOptionsArr : Array Syntax := #[] -- An Array containing configuration option elements and separators (",")
let portfolioInstanceStx ← portfolioInstanceToConfigOptionStx portfolioInstance
configOptionsArr := configOptionsArr.push portfolioInstanceStx

match inhabitationReasoning with
| none => pure ()
| some b =>
let inhabitationReasoningStx ← boolToBoolLit b
configOptionsArr := configOptionsArr.push (mkAtom ",") -- Add separator before each additional element
configOptionsArr := configOptionsArr.push $ ← `(configOption| inhabitationReasoning := $inhabitationReasoningStx)

let configOptionsStx : Syntax.TSepArray `Duper.configOption "," := {elemsAndSeps := configOptionsArr}
if withDuperStar && facts.elemsAndSeps.isEmpty then
let suggestion ←`(tactic| duper [*] {$configOptionsStx,*})
Std.Tactic.TryThis.addSuggestion duperStxRef suggestion (origSpan? := origSpan)
else if withDuperStar then
let suggestion ←`(tactic| duper [*, $facts,*] {$configOptionsStx,*})
Std.Tactic.TryThis.addSuggestion duperStxRef suggestion (origSpan? := origSpan)
let suggestion ←`(tactic| duper [$facts,*] {$configOptionsStx,*})
Std.Tactic.TryThis.addSuggestion duperStxRef suggestion (origSpan? := origSpan)

/-- Implements duper calls when portfolio mode is enabled. If `duperStxInfo` is not none and `runDuperPortfolioMode` succeeds in deriving
a contradiction, then `Std.Tactic.TryThis.addSuggestion` will be used to give the user a more specific invocation of duper that can
reproduce the proof (without having to run duper in portfolio mode). As with the other `runDuper` functions, `runDuperPortfolioMode`
ultimately returns a proof if successful and throws an error if unsuccessful. -/
def runDuperPortfolioMode (formulas : List (Expr × Expr × Array Name)) (configOptions : ConfigurationOptions)
(duperStxInfo : Option (Syntax × Syntax × Syntax.TSepArray `term "," × Bool)) : MetaM Expr := do
let maxHeartbeats ← getMaxHeartbeats
let instances :=
#[(0, runDuperInstance0 formulas),
(1, runDuperInstance1 formulas),
(2, runDuperInstance2 formulas),
(3, runDuperInstance3 formulas),
(4, runDuperInstance4 formulas)]
let numInstances := instances.size
let maxInstanceHeartbeats := maxHeartbeats / numInstances -- Allocate total heartbeats among all instances
let mut inhabitationReasoningEnabled : Bool :=
match configOptions.inhabitationReasoning with
| some true => true
| some false => false
| none => false -- If inhabitationReasoning is not specified, disable it unless it becomes clear it is needed
for (duperInstanceNum, duperInstanceFn) in instances do
/- If Duper finds a contradiction and successfully performs proof reconstruction, `proofOption` will be `some proof` and
`retryWithInhabitationReasoning` will be false.
If Duper saturates or fails proof reconstruction specifically because inhabitation reasoning is disabled, `proofOption`
will be `none` and `retryWithInhabitationReasoning` will be true.
If Duper times out (achieving ProverM.Result.unknown and throwing the error "Prover was terminated.") then `proofOption`
will be `none` and `retryWithInhabitationReasoning` will be false.
If Duper fails for any other reason, then an error will be thrown. -/
let (proofOption, retryWithInhabitationReasoning) ←
let proof ← duperInstanceFn inhabitationReasoningEnabled maxInstanceHeartbeats
pure $ (some proof, false)
catch e =>
let errorMessage ← e.toMessageData.toString
if errorMessage.startsWith "instantiatePremises :: Failed to find instance for" || errorMessage.startsWith "Prover saturated" then
if inhabitationReasoningEnabled then
throw e -- Throw the error rather than try to continue because inhabitation reasoning is already enabled
else if configOptions.inhabitationReasoning = some false then
IO.println "Duper determined that this problem requires inhabitation reasoning"
throw e -- Throw the error rather than try to continue because the user explicitly specified that inhabitation reasoning should be disabled
pure (none, true) -- Attempting to solve this problem with inhabitation reasoning disabled leads to failed proof reconstruction
else if errorMessage.startsWith "Prover was terminated" then
pure (none, false) -- No reason to retry with inhabitation reasoning, portfolio mode should just move on to the next instance in the loop
throw e -- Throw the error because it doesn't appear to pertain to inhabitation reasoning or a timeout
match proofOption with
| some proof =>
if ← getPrintPortfolioInstanceM then IO.println s!"Solved by Duper instance {duperInstanceNum}"
match duperStxInfo with
| none => return proof
| some (duperStxRef, origSpan, facts, withDuperStar) =>
mkDuperCallSuggestion duperStxRef origSpan facts withDuperStar duperInstanceNum inhabitationReasoningEnabled
return proof
| none =>
if !retryWithInhabitationReasoning then continue
-- Attempting to solve this problem with inhabitation reasoning disabled leads to failed proof reconstruction
inhabitationReasoningEnabled := true
-- Retry the portfolio instance that was able to find a proof when inhabitation reasoning was disabled
IO.println "Duper determined that this problem requires inhabitation reasoning, continuing portfolio mode with it enabled"
/- If Duper finds a contradiction and successfully performs proof reconstruction `proofOption` will be `some proof`.
If Duper times out, then `proofOption` will be `none`.
If Duper fails for any other reason, then an error will be thrown. -/
let proofOption ←
let proof ← duperInstanceFn inhabitationReasoningEnabled maxInstanceHeartbeats
pure $ some proof
catch e =>
-- Only `e` is an error arising from the Duper instance timing out, it should be caught. Otherwise, it should be thrown.
if (← e.toMessageData.toString).startsWith "Prover was terminated" then pure none -- Duper instance just timed out, try again with the next instance
else throw e -- Error unrelated to timeout, and inhabitation reasoning is already enabled, so throw the error
match proofOption with
| some proof =>
if ← getPrintPortfolioInstanceM then IO.println s!"Solved by Duper instance {duperInstanceNum}"
match duperStxInfo with
| none => return proof
| some (duperStxRef, origSpan, facts, withDuperStar) =>
mkDuperCallSuggestion duperStxRef origSpan facts withDuperStar duperInstanceNum inhabitationReasoningEnabled
return proof
| none => continue -- Duper timed out, try the next instance
throwError "Prover ran out of time before solving the goal"

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