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Rails API

  • The API will cover the M & C: model and controller
  • Generating a resource will create model, view, controller, and routes.
  • However, we will use React for the views.

Process to create and test the API functionality

  1. Create an empty github repo √
  2. Create a local rails application √
  3. Connected the github repo and the local rails app √
  4. Add all the applicable dependencies √
  5. Create a resource √
  6. Add seeds √
  7. Enable CORS √

Create a resource

  • $ rails generate resource FlowMaster name:string age:integer enjoys:text image:text
  • $ rails db: migrate

Rspec testing suite

  • To see all files: $ rspec spec
  • To specify one file, give the file path: $ rspec spec/requests/flow_masters_spec.rb
  1. Add seeds

temporary method to create mock data

  • $ rails console

FlowMaster.create(name:'BoneCrumble', age:27,enjoys:'snacks and bars', image:'')

  • If the database is dropped or shared, the mock data created in rails console would not persist. Use seeds file to maintain mock data.

seeds (idempotent method to create mock data)

  • Create an array with objects that contain the attributes required for the schema
  # db/seeds.rb
  rappers = [
      age: 27,
      enjoys:'snacks and bars',
      image: ''
      name: 'RTO',
      age: 42,
      enjoys: 'eating whack rappers for breakfast',
      image: ''
      name: 'Madam',
      age: 45,
      enjoys: 'Leaving chalk dust on the pupils',
      image: ''
  • use each method to iterate across each object in the array and create a data entry using the attributes from the object
    • as well as provide a printout to the console to show that the entry was made successfully
  rappers.each do |each_rapper|
    FlowMaster.create each_rapper
    puts "creating flow master #{each_rapper}"
  1. Enable CORS
  • Add the following code to the ApplicationController
  # app/controllers/application_controller.rb
  skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token

Enable CORS

  • Add rack-cors gem to the Gemfile
  • Create a cors.rb file in config/initializers directory
  • Add the following code to that file
# Avoid CORS issues when API is called from the frontend app.
# Handle Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in order to accept cross-origin AJAX requests.

# Read more:

Rails.application.config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do
  allow do
    origins '*'  # <- change this to allow requests from any domain while in development.

    resource '*',
      headers: :any,
      methods: [:get, :post, :put, :patch, :delete, :options, :head]
  • To add required dependencies for the cors: $ bundle

API Endpoints

  • Stub out the endpoints
  def index
  def create
  def update
  def destroy
  • Make a Test for the endpoint
  • See it fail
  • Provide the code to make the test pass
  • See it pass

API Validations


  • Create the rspec test for the model (spec/models/flow_master_spec.rb)
  • See it fail
  • Provide the validation to make it pass (app/models/flow_master.rb)
  • See it pass


  • Create the rspec test for the controller(spec/requests/flow_masters_spec.rb)
  • See it fail
  • Provide the code to make it pass (app/controllers/flow_masters_controller.rb)
  • See it pass

mock data

  name: 'Young Spatula',
  age: 24,
  enjoys: 'singing while cooking and creating bars',
  image: ''


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