🚧 Work in progress... 👷
Generic GUI for storage-related bindings based on cfw-bindings-wrangler-bridge
You can interact both local and remote data! 🧙
- Remotely: Cloudflare dashboard required auth, and not a good UX(sorry, IMO)
- Locally:
persistent source, no way to easily see what's in it
This module tries to solve these both problems at once.
npx cfw-storage-bindings-studio
# Options
# For GUI running port, default: 3000
npx cfw-storage-bindings-studio --studio-port 5173
# For bridge worker settings
npx cfw-storage-bindings-studio --config ./path/to/wrangler.toml --remote
npx cfw-storage-bindings-studio --config ./path/to/wrangler.toml --persist-to ./path/to/.wrangler/state
# Run wrangler dev .. cfw-bindings-wrangler-bridge .. somewhere, then
npm run dev
- CLI <-> APP
- List bindings
- Svelte 5 migration(blocked by svelte-query) 🔥
- Fancy UI(temp)
- KV.list
- KV.get
- Better details by MIME
- KV.delete
- KV.put(new)
- KV.put(update)
- KV.put(text | binary)
- KV revalidate all/each
- D1 showTables
- D1 showAllRows
- D1 custom SQL repl
- D1 Add record
- D1 Update record
- D1 Delete record
- R2.xxx
- TBD...