A collection of modifications for fluxbb that I wrote for LebGeeks. You may use them in conjunction with Daris' patcher.
- Mailchimp integration: allows users to subscribe to your newsletter on sign-up. Users are unsubscribed automatically if they are deleted.
- Registration challenge: A math challenge that visitors need to solve in order to sign up. it was written for a tech community, so the assumption is that the user has basic programming knowledge.
- Syntax highlighting: highlight [code] blocks using prettify.js by Google.
- Relative time: displays timestamps as relative, for example "5 days ago" instead of a date.
- Better titles: removes forum name from topic title, removes page number for the first page.
- Bullet quicklinks: replaces the "|" characters by a bullet (•) in the quicklinks.
- Hide last visit: hides the "Last visit" string from the header
- Hide powered by: hide "powered by FluxBB" in footer. This makes it less likely for spammers to find the forum.
- Hide stats: hides the forum statistics to everyone except admins
- Hide userlist: remove "userlist" link from navigation. It is still accessible via /userlist.php
- Reveal IP: show the IP address of the user instead of "IP Address Logged"
- Reveal user info: show information about the poster under the username in topic view to staff members only. Make sure to set "User info in posts" to "No" in the admin options.
- Selective user title: remove the user title "Member" but keeps admins, mods, and any other custom title.
- Status image: replaces the user status indicator with an image.
The following mods were not written by myself but are included in this repo:
- Google sitemap generator by Smartys
- Private messaging system by Koos
Copyright 2013 LebGeeks / Licensed under the GPLv3