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lecopivo committed Nov 5, 2024
1 parent e46e652 commit 52f5a48
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Showing 2 changed files with 124 additions and 26 deletions.
107 changes: 102 additions & 5 deletions SciLean/Analysis/Diffeology/Connection.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
import SciLean.Analysis.Diffeology.PlotHomotopy
import SciLean.Analysis.Diffeology.Prod
import SciLean.Analysis.Diffeology.NormedSpace

namespace SciLean

Expand All @@ -18,13 +21,18 @@ class Connection {X : Type*} (E : X → Type*) [Diffeology X] [∀ x, Diffeology
lift c r t (lift c s r v) = lift c s t v

smooth_comp {n m}
{p : ℝ^n → Sigma E}
{p : ℝ^n → Sigma E} {x}
{ht : PlotPointHomotopy (fun u => (p u).1) x}
{hp₂ : ht.transportSection' lift (fun u => (p u).2) ∈ plots n}
(f : ℝ^m → ℝ^n) (hf : ContDiff ℝ ⊤ f)
(ht' : PlotPointHomotopy (fun u => (p (f u)).1) x) :
ht'.transportSection' lift (fun u => (p (f u)).2) ∈ plots m

const_lift {n} {x y : X}
{path : PlotHomotopy (fun _ : ℝ^n => x) (fun _ : ℝ^n => y)}
(p : ℝ^n → E x) (hp : p ∈ plots n) :
PlotPointHomotopy.transportSection' path lift p ∈ plots n

def PlotPointHomotopy.transportSection
{X : Type*} {E : X → Type*} [Diffeology X] [∀ x, Diffeology (E x)] [Connection E]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,8 +70,97 @@ instance {X : Type*} (E : X → Type*) [Diffeology X] [∀ x, Diffeology (E x)]
· apply Diffeology.const_plot
· intros x₀ ht
simp at ht
unfold PlotPointHomotopy.transportSection
unfold PlotPointHomotopy.transportSection'
apply Connection.const_lift
apply const_plot

{X : Type*} [Diffeology X]
{E : X → Type*} [∀ x, Diffeology (E x)] [Connection E]

def DDSmooth (f : (x : X) → E x) : Prop :=
DSmooth (fun x => x (f x))

class DVec (X : Type*) extends AddCommGroup X, Module ℝ X, Diffeology X, TangentSpace X (fun _ => X) where
add_smooth : TSSmooth (fun x : X×X => x.1+x.2)
smul_smooth : TSSmooth (fun x : ℝ×X => x.1•x.2)

instance [AddCommGroup X] [Module ℝ X] : Diffeology X := sorry
instance [AddCommGroup X] [Module ℝ X] : TangentSpace X (fun _ => X) := sorry

instance [AddCommGroup X] [Module ℝ X] : Connection (fun _ : α => X) := sorry

open TangentSpace in
instance {X : Type*} [Diffeology X] (TX : X → Type*) [∀ x, AddCommGroup (TX x)] [∀ x, Module ℝ (TX x)]
[TangentSpace X TX] [∀ x, Diffeology (TX x)] [Connection TX] :
TangentSpace (Sigma TX) (fun x => TX x.1 × TX x.1) := sorry

instance {X : Type*} [Diffeology X] {TX : X → Type*} [∀ x, AddCommGroup (TX x)] [∀ x, Module ℝ (TX x)] [TangentSpace X TX]
{E : X → Type*} [∀ x, Diffeology (E x)]
{TE : (x : X) → E x → Type*} [∀ x e, AddCommGroup (TE x e)] [∀ x e, Module ℝ (TE x e)] [∀ x, TangentSpace (E x) (TE x)] [Connection E] :
TangentSpace (Sigma E) (fun x => TX x.1 × TE x.1 x.2) := sorry

-- def covDeriv
-- {X : Type*} [Diffeology X] {TX : X → Type*} [∀ x, AddCommGroup (TX x)] [∀ x, Module ℝ (TX x)] [TangentSpace X TX] [TangentSpace X TX]
-- {E : X → Type*} [∀ x, Diffeology (E x)]
-- {TE : (x : X) → E x → Type*} [∀ x e, AddCommGroup (TE x e)] [∀ x e, Module ℝ (TE x e)] [∀ x, TangentSpace (E x) (TE x)] [Connection E]
-- (f : (x : X) → E x) (x : X) (dx : TX x) : TE _ (f x) :=
-- let c := TangentSpace.exp x dx
-- let c' := fun x => f (c x)
-- let c' := fun t => (c t) (f (c t))
-- let v'' := TangentSpace.tangentMap c' sorry 0 1
-- cast (by simp[c',c]; rw[TangentSpace.exp_at_zero]) v''.2

open Classical in
def covDeriv
{X : Type*} [Diffeology X] {TX : X → Type*}
[∀ x, AddCommGroup (TX x)] [∀ x, Module ℝ (TX x)] [TangentSpace X TX]
{Y : Type*} [Diffeology Y] {TY : Y → Type*}
[∀ y, AddCommGroup (TY y)] [∀ y, Module ℝ (TY y)] [TangentSpace Y TY]
{E : Y → Type*} [∀ x, Diffeology (E x)] {TE : (y : Y) → E y → Type*}
[∀ y e, AddCommGroup (TE y e)] [∀ y e, Module ℝ (TE y e)] [∀ y, TangentSpace (E y) (TE y)] [Connection E]
{g : X → Y} (f : (x : X) → E (g x)) (x : X) (dx : TX x) : TE _ (f x) :=
let c := TangentSpace.exp x dx
let c' := fun t => (g (c t)) (f (c t))
if hc : c' ∈ Diffeology.plots 1 then
let v'' := TangentSpace.tangentMap c' hc 0 1
cast (by simp[c',c]; rw[TangentSpace.exp_at_zero]) v''.2

example {X} [AddCommGroup X] [Module ℝ X] [Diffeology X] [TangentSpace X (fun _ => X)] :
TangentSpace (X×X) (fun _ => X × X) := by infer_instance

open TangentSpace

variable (n : ℕ)

#synth TangentSpace (Fin n → ℝ) (fun x => Fin n → ℝ)

-- instance {W : Type*} [Diffeology W] {X : Type*} [Diffeology X] (f : W → X) [Fact (DSmooth f)] (E : X → Type*) [∀ x, Diffeology (E x)]
-- [Connection E] : Connection (fun w => E (f w)) := sorry

instance {X : Type*} [Diffeology X] (TX : X → Type*) [∀ x, DVec (TX x)]
[TangentSpace X TX] [∀ x, Diffeology (TX x)] [Connection TX] :
TangentSpace (Sigma TX) (fun x => TX x.1 × TX x.1) where

tangentMap {n} p hp u du :=
let dy := tangentMap (fun u => (p u).1) hp.1 u du
let dz := covDeriv (fun u => (p u).2) u du
tangentMap_comp := sorry
tangentMap_const := sorry
tangentMap_linear := sorry
exp := sorry
exp_at_zero := sorry
exp_is_plot := sorry
tangentMap_exp_at_zero := sorry
43 changes: 22 additions & 21 deletions SciLean/Analysis/Diffeology/Prod.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import SciLean.Analysis.Diffeology.Basic
import SciLean.Analysis.Diffeology.TangentSpace

namespace SciLean

Expand All @@ -11,11 +12,11 @@ open Diffeology in
instance : Diffeology (X × Y) where
plots := fun n p =>
Prod.fst ∘ p ∈ plots n ∧ Prod.snd ∘ p ∈ plots n
smooth_comp := by
plot_comp := by
intros n m p f hp hf
· exact Diffeology.smooth_comp hp.1 hf
· exact Diffeology.smooth_comp hp.2 hf
· exact Diffeology.plot_comp hp.1 hf
· exact Diffeology.plot_comp hp.2 hf
const_plot := by
intros n x
Expand All @@ -30,35 +31,35 @@ instance
[∀ y, AddCommGroup (TY y)] [∀ y, Module ℝ (TY y)] [TangentSpace Y TY] :
TangentSpace (X × Y) (fun xy => TX xy.1 × TY xy.2) where

tangent c hc x dx := (tangent (Prod.fst ∘ c) hc.1 x dx, tangent (Prod.snd ∘ c) hc.2 x dx)
tangentMap c hc x dx := (tangentMap (Prod.fst ∘ c) hc.1 x dx, tangentMap (Prod.snd ∘ c) hc.2 x dx)

smooth_comp := by
tangentMap_comp := by
intros n m p f hp hf x dx
have := smooth_comp hp.1 hf x dx
have := smooth_comp hp.2 hf x dx
have := tangentMap_comp hp.1 hf x dx
have := tangentMap_comp hp.2 hf x dx
simp_all [Function.comp_def]

tangent_const := by
tangentMap_const := by
intro n x t dt
have := tangent_const x.1 t dt
have := tangent_const x.2 t dt
have := tangentMap_const x.1 t dt
have := tangentMap_const x.2 t dt
simp_all [Function.comp_def]

curve x dx t := (curve x.1 dx.1 t, curve x.2 dx.2 t)
curve_at_zero := by intros; simp
curve_is_plot x dx:= ⟨curve_is_plot x.1 dx.1, curve_is_plot x.2 dx.2
exp x dx t := (exp x.1 dx.1 t, exp x.2 dx.2 t)
exp_at_zero := by intros; simp
exp_is_plot x dx:= ⟨exp_is_plot x.1 dx.1, exp_is_plot x.2 dx.2

tangent_curve_at_zero := by
tangentMap_exp_at_zero := by
intros x dx t
have := tangent_curve_at_zero x.1 dx.1 t
have := tangent_curve_at_zero x.2 dx.2 t
have := tangentMap_exp_at_zero x.1 dx.1 t
have := tangentMap_exp_at_zero x.2 dx.2 t
simp_all [Function.comp_def]
ext <;> simp

tangent_linear := by
tangentMap_linear := by
intros n c hc x
have := (tangent_linear _ hc.1 x).1
have := (tangent_linear _ hc.1 x).2
have := (tangent_linear _ hc.2 x).1
have := (tangent_linear _ hc.2 x).2
have := (tangentMap_linear _ hc.1 x).1
have := (tangentMap_linear _ hc.1 x).2
have := (tangentMap_linear _ hc.2 x).1
have := (tangentMap_linear _ hc.2 x).2
constructor <;> simp_all

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