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diffeological space for general array
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lecopivo committed Nov 9, 2024
1 parent 7d4e067 commit 7ba0e62
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Showing 10 changed files with 901 additions and 89 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion SciLean/Algebra/IsAffineMap.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ theorem id_rule : IsAffineMap R (fun x : X ↦ x) := by constructor; simp; fun_p
theorem const_rule (y : Y)
: IsAffineMap R (fun _ : X => y)
:= by constructor; simp; apply IsLinearMap.isLinearMap_const_zero
:= by constructor; simp; apply IsLinearMap.const_zero_rule

theorem comp_rule {f : Y → Z} {g : X → Y}
Expand Down
26 changes: 19 additions & 7 deletions SciLean/Algebra/IsLinearMap.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,32 +24,44 @@ variable {R X Y Z ι : Type _} {E : ι → Type _}
[∀ i, AddCommMonoid (E i)] [∀ i, Module R (E i)]

theorem isLinearMap_id : IsLinearMap R (fun x : X ↦ x) :=
theorem id_rule : IsLinearMap R (fun x : X ↦ x) :=

-- todo: I think this does not get used at all
theorem isLinearMap_const_zero
theorem const_zero_rule
: IsLinearMap R (fun _ : X => (0 : Y))
:= by sorry_proof

theorem isLinearMap_comp {f : Y → Z} {g : X → Y}
theorem comp_rule {f : Y → Z} {g : X → Y}
(hf : IsLinearMap R f) (hg : IsLinearMap R g) : IsLinearMap R (fun x ↦ f (g x)) :=
((mk' _ hf).comp (mk' _ hg)).isLinear

theorem isLinearMap_apply (i : ι) : IsLinearMap R (fun f : (i : ι) → E i ↦ f i) := by sorry_proof
theorem apply_rule (i : ι) : IsLinearMap R (fun f : (i : ι) → E i ↦ f i) := by sorry_proof

theorem isLinearMap_pi (f : X → (i : ι) → E i) (hf : ∀ i, IsLinearMap R (f · i)) :
theorem pi_rule (f : X → (i : ι) → E i) (hf : ∀ i, IsLinearMap R (f · i)) :
IsLinearMap R (fun x i ↦ f x i) := by sorry_proof

end Semiring

end IsLinearMap

-- Lambda notation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

section LinearMapMk'

variable {R X Y Z ι : Type _} {E : ι → Type _}
[Semiring R]
[AddCommGroup X] [Module R X]
[AddCommGroup Y] [Module R Y]
[AddCommGroup Z] [Module R Z]
[∀ i, AddCommMonoid (E i)] [∀ i, Module R (E i)]

variable (R)
def' (f : X → Y) (hf : IsLinearMap R f) : X →ₗ[R] Y := .mk (.mk f hf.1) hf.2
variable {R}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,9 +109,9 @@ theorem'_congr
theorem'_zero :' R (fun _ : X => (0 : Y)) (by fun_prop) = 0 := by rfl

end LinearMapMk'

end Semiring

namespace IsLinearMap
section CommSemiring

variable {R X Y Z ι : Type _} {E : ι → Type _}
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions SciLean/Analysis/Diffeology/Array.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,10 @@ structure ArrayPlot (X : Type*) [NormedAddCommGroup X] [NormedSpace ℝ X] (n :
val : ℝ^n → ArrayN X dim
contDiff : ContDiff ℝ ⊤ val

-- TODO: change assumptions on `X` i.e. it is diffeological space with constant tangent space
-- (X : Type*) [Diffeology X] (TX : Type*) [AddCommGroup TX] [Module ℝ TX] [TangentSpace X (fun _ : X => TX)]
-- Also thinkg about what would it take to have general `X` with what ever tangent space
open Diffeology in
instance (X : Type*) [NormedAddCommGroup X] [NormedSpace ℝ X] :
Diffeology (Array X) where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,7 +196,6 @@ theorem Array.get?.arg_a.TSSmooth (i : ℕ) :
have := plot_tangentMapEq h
fun_trans; simp_all
· rfl
case tangentMap_exp => sorry

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,7 +280,6 @@ theorem _root_.Array.append.arg_asbs.TSSmooth_rule : TSSmooth (fun x : Array X×
apply tsMap'_ext
· simp_all
· fun_trans; simp_all
case tangentMap_exp => sorry

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -340,4 +341,3 @@ theorem _root_.Array.setD.arg_av.TSSmooth_rule (i : ℕ) :
fun_trans only [hp2x,hp2dx,hp1.1,hp1.2]
· simp only [hn,reduceDIte]
exact h.1
case tangentMap_exp => sorry
265 changes: 265 additions & 0 deletions SciLean/Analysis/Diffeology/ArrayTangentSpace.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
import SciLean.Analysis.Diffeology.Basic
import SciLean.Analysis.Diffeology.TangentSpace
import SciLean.Analysis.Diffeology.VecDiffeology
import SciLean.Analysis.Diffeology.Option
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.ContDiff
import SciLean.Data.ArrayN

namespace SciLean

local notation:max "ℝ^" n:max => Fin n → ℝ

structure ArrayTangentSpace
{X : Type u} [Diffeology X] {TX : outParam (X → Type v)}
[(x : X) → AddCommGroup (TX x)] [(x : X) → outParam (Module ℝ (TX x))] [ts: TangentSpace X TX]
(x : Array X) where
data : Array (Σ T : Type v, T)
data_size : data.size = x.size
data_cast : ∀ i : Fin x.size, data[i].1 = TX (x[i])

{X : Type u} [Diffeology X] {TX : outParam (X → Type v)}
[(x : X) → AddCommGroup (TX x)] [(x : X) → outParam (Module ℝ (TX x))] [ts: TangentSpace X TX]

namespace ArrayTangentSpace

def get {x : Array X} (dx : ArrayTangentSpace x) (i : Fin x.size) : TX x[i] :=
let i' : Fin := ⟨i, by have := dx.data_size; omega⟩
cast (dx.data_cast i) ([i']).2

theorem ext_get {x : Array X} (dx dx' : ArrayTangentSpace x) :
(∀ i, dx.get i = dx'.get i) → dx = dx' := by
intro h
· rw[dx.data_size]; rw[dx'.data_size]
· simp[ArrayTangentSpace.get] at h
· sorry

def castBase {x : Array X} (dx : ArrayTangentSpace x) (y : Array X) (h : x = y) : ArrayTangentSpace y :=
by subst h; exact dx

theorem castBase_get {x y : Array X} (h : x = y) (dx : ArrayTangentSpace x) (i : Fin y.size) :
(dx.castBase y h).get i = cast (by simp[h]) (dx.get ⟨i, h ▸ i.2⟩) := by
subst h

def ofFn {x : Array X} (f : (i : Fin x.size) → TX x[i]) : ArrayTangentSpace x where
data := .ofFn (fun i => ⟨TX x[i], f i⟩)
data_size := by simp
data_cast := by intro i; simp

theorem get_ofFn {x : Array X} (f : (i : Fin x.size) → TX x[i]) (i : Fin x.size) :
(ofFn f).get i = f i := by
simp[ofFn, get]

def ofFnCast {x : Array X} {TX' : Fin s → Type _} (f : (i : Fin s) → TX' i)
(hn : x.size = s) (h : ∀ i : Fin s, TX' i = TX x[i]) : ArrayTangentSpace x where
data := .ofFn (fun i => ⟨TX x[i], cast (by simp_all) (f i)⟩)
data_size := by simp_all
data_cast := by intro i; simp

theorem get_ofFnCast {x : Array X} {TX' : Fin s → Type _} (f : (i : Fin s) → TX' i)
(hn : x.size = s) (h : ∀ i : Fin s, TX' i = TX x[i]) :
(ofFnCast f hn h).get = cast (by subst hn; sorry) f := by
subst hn
simp[ofFnCast, get]

def mapIdx {x : Array X} (dx : ArrayTangentSpace x)
(f : (i : Fin x.size) → TX x[i] → TX x[i]) : ArrayTangentSpace x :=
.ofFn (fun i => f i (dx.get i))

theorem get_mapIdx {x : Array X} (dx : ArrayTangentSpace x)
(f : (i : Fin x.size) → TX x[i] → TX x[i]) (i : Fin x.size) :
(dx.mapIdx f).get i = f i (dx.get i) := by

def append {x y : Array X} (dx : ArrayTangentSpace x) (dy : ArrayTangentSpace y) :
ArrayTangentSpace (x ++ y) where
data := ++
data_size := by simp[dx.data_size, dy.data_size]
data_cast := by
intro i
have : = x.size := by rw[dx.data_size]
by_cases h : i.val < x.size
· have h' : i.val < := by rw[dx.data_size]; exact h
exact dx.data_cast ⟨i.val, h⟩
· have h' : ¬(i < := by rw[dx.data_size]; omega
have := dy.data_cast ⟨i.val -, by simp_all; have :=i.2; simp_all; omega⟩

theorem get_append {x y : Array X} (dx : ArrayTangentSpace x) (dy : ArrayTangentSpace y) (i : Fin (x ++ y).size) :
(dx.append dy).get i
if h : i < x.size then
cast (by simp[Array.getElem_append,h]) (dx.get ⟨i, by have :=i.2; simp_all⟩)
cast (by simp[Array.getElem_append,h]) (dy.get ⟨i-x.size, by have :=i.2; simp_all; omega⟩) := sorry

-- Operations --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

instance {x : Array X} : Add (ArrayTangentSpace x) :=
fun dx dy => dx.mapIdx (fun i xi => xi + dy.get i)⟩

theorem add_get {x : Array X} (dx dy : ArrayTangentSpace x) (i : Fin x.size) :
(dx + dy).get i = dx.get i + dy.get i := by

instance {x : Array X} : Sub (ArrayTangentSpace x) :=
fun dx dy => dx.mapIdx (fun i xi => xi - dy.get i)⟩

theorem sub_get {x : Array X} (dx dy : ArrayTangentSpace x) (i : Fin x.size) :
(dx - dy).get i = dx.get i - dy.get i := by

instance {x : Array X} : Neg (ArrayTangentSpace x) :=
fun dx => dx.mapIdx (fun _ xi => -xi)⟩

theorem neg_get {x : Array X} (dx : ArrayTangentSpace x) (i : Fin x.size) :
(-dx).get i = -dx.get i := by

instance {x : Array X} : SMul ℝ (ArrayTangentSpace x) :=
fun r dx => dx.mapIdx (fun _ xi => r • xi)⟩

theorem smul_get {x : Array X} (r : ℝ) (dx : ArrayTangentSpace x) (i : Fin x.size) :
(r • dx).get i = r • dx.get i := by

instance {x : Array X} : Zero (ArrayTangentSpace x) :=
⟨ofFn (fun _ => 0)⟩

theorem zero_get {x : Array X} (i : Fin x.size) :
(0 : ArrayTangentSpace x).get i = 0 := by

-- Algebra -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

instance {x : Array X} : AddCommGroup (ArrayTangentSpace x) :=
{ add_assoc := by
intro a b c
apply ext_get
intro i
, zero_add := by
intro a
apply ext_get
intro i
, add_zero := by
intro a
apply ext_get
intro i
, add_comm := by
intro a b
apply ext_get
intro i
, nsmul := fun n dx => dx.mapIdx (fun _ xi => (n:ℝ) • xi)
, nsmul_zero := by
intro n
apply ext_get
intro i
, nsmul_succ := by
intro n dx
apply ext_get
intro i
simp; module
, zsmul := fun z dx => dx.mapIdx (fun _ xi => (z:ℝ) • xi)
, zsmul_zero' := by
intro dx
apply ext_get
intro i
, zsmul_succ' := by
intro n dx
apply ext_get
intro i
simp; module
, zsmul_neg' := by
intro n dx
apply ext_get
intro i
simp; module
, neg_add_cancel := by
intro a
apply ext_get
intro i
, sub_eq_add_neg := by
intro a b
apply ext_get
intro i

instance {x : Array X} : Module ℝ (ArrayTangentSpace x) where
smul_add := by
intro r dx dy
apply ext_get
intro i
smul_zero := by
intro r
apply ext_get
intro i
one_smul := by
intro dx
apply ext_get
intro i
mul_smul := by
intro r s dx
apply ext_get
intro i
add_smul := by
intro r s dx
apply ext_get
intro i
zero_smul := by
intro dx
apply ext_get
intro i

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