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clean up gaussian function and exp and log simp theorems
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lecopivo committed Dec 7, 2024
1 parent 2da870e commit 88566a9
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Showing 8 changed files with 190 additions and 177 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions SciLean/Algebra/Dimension.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,11 @@ elab "dim(" X:term ")" : term => do
let (dim,_) ← elabConvRewrite dim #[] (← `(conv| simp -failIfUnchanged))
return dim

@[simp, simp_core]
theorem finrank_dimension {R X d} [Ring R] [AddCommGroup X] [Module R X] [hd : Dimension R X d] :
Module.finrank R X = d := hd.is_dim

instance : Dimension ℝ ℝ 1 where
is_dim := by simp
Expand Down
51 changes: 34 additions & 17 deletions SciLean/Analysis/SpecialFunctions/Exp.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.RevFDeriv
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.RevCDeriv
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.FwdFDeriv
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.FwdCDeriv
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.ContDiff

open ComplexConjugate

Expand All @@ -15,24 +16,12 @@ variable
{U} [SemiInnerProductSpace C U]

-- Exp -------------------------------------------------------------------------

set_option linter.unusedVariables false in
theorem exp.arg_x.DifferentiableAt_rule
{W} [NormedAddCommGroup W] [NormedSpace C W]
(w : W) (x : W → C) (hx : DifferentiableAt C x w) :
DifferentiableAt C (fun w => exp (x w)) w := sorry_proof

theorem exp.arg_x.Differentiable_rule
{W} [NormedAddCommGroup W] [NormedSpace C W]
(x : W → C) (hx : Differentiable C x) :
Differentiable C fun w => exp (x w) := by intro x; fun_prop
-- Exp ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def_fun_prop exp in x with_transitive : Differentiable K by sorry_proof
def_fun_prop exp in x with_transitive : ContDiff K ⊤ by sorry_proof

set_option linter.unusedVariables false in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,3 +117,31 @@ theorem exp.arg_x.revCDeriv_rule
(exp xdx.1, fun dy => xdx.2 (conj (exp xdx.1) * dy)) := by
unfold revCDeriv
fun_trans [fwdCDeriv, smul_push, simp_core]

@[simp, simp_core, exp_push]
theorem exp_zero : exp (0:R) = 1 := sorry_proof
@[simp, simp_core, exp_push]
theorem exp_log (x : R) : exp (log x) = abs x := sorry_proof

theorem exp_add (x y : R) : exp (x+y) = exp x * exp y := sorry_proof
theorem mul_exp (x y : R) : exp x * exp y = exp (x+y) := sorry_proof

theorem exp_sub (x y : R) : exp (x-y) = exp x / exp y := sorry_proof
theorem div_exp (x y : R) : exp x / exp y = exp (x-y) := sorry_proof

theorem exp_inv (x : R) : exp (-x) = (exp x)⁻¹ := sorry_proof
theorem inv_exp (x : R) : (exp x)⁻¹ = exp (-x) := sorry_proof

theorem exp_mul (x y : R) : (exp x*y) = (exp x)^y := sorry_proof
theorem pow_exp (x y : R) : (exp x)^y = exp (x*y) := sorry_proof
114 changes: 49 additions & 65 deletions SciLean/Analysis/SpecialFunctions/Gaussian.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,102 +1,86 @@
import SciLean.Algebra.Dimension
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.FDeriv
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.ContDiff
import SciLean.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Exp
import SciLean.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Log
import SciLean.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Norm2

import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.FDeriv

import SciLean.Meta.GenerateFunTrans
import SciLean.Meta.Notation.Let'
import SciLean.Tactic.Autodiff
import SciLean.Lean.ToSSA

open ComplexConjugate
import Mathlib.Probability.Distributions.Gaussian

namespace SciLean

open Scalar RealScalar ComplexConjugate

set_option deprecated.oldSectionVars true

{R C} [Scalar R C] [RealScalar R]
{W} [Vec R W]
{U} [SemiHilbert R U]
{X : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup X] [AdjointSpace R X] [CompleteSpace X] {d : outParam ℕ} [hdim : Dimension R X d]

set_default_scalar R

-- Gaussian ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

open Scalar RealScalar in
def gaussian {U} [Sub U] [SMul R U] [Inner R U] (μ : U) (σ : R) (x : U) : R :=
def gaussian [Dimension R X d] (μ : X) (σ : R) (x : X) : R :=
let x' := σ⁻¹ • (x - μ)
1/(σ*sqrt (2*(pi : R))) * exp (- ‖x'‖₂²/2)

(2*π*σ^2)^(-(d:R)/2) * exp (- ‖x'‖₂²/2)

open Scalar RealScalar in
@[simp, simp_core]
theorem log_gaussian (μ : U) (σ : R) (x : U) :
theorem log_gaussian (μ : X) (σ : R) (x : X) :
log (gaussian μ σ x)
let x' := σ⁻¹ • (x - μ)
(- ‖x'‖₂²/2 - log σ - log (sqrt (2*(pi :R)))) := by
(- d/2 * (log (2*π) + 2 * log σ) - ‖x'‖₂²/2 ) := by

unfold gaussian
simp [log_inv,log_mul,log_div,log_exp,log_one]
simp [log_push]

def_fun_prop with_transitive
{X : Type _} [NormedAddCommGroup X] [AdjointSpace R X] (σ : R) :
Differentiable R (fun (μx : X×X) => gaussian μx.1 σ μx.2) by
unfold gaussian; fun_prop

def_fun_prop with_transitive
{X : Type _} [SemiHilbert R X] (σ : R) :
HasAdjDiff R (fun (μx : X×X) => gaussian μx.1 σ μx.2) by
unfold gaussian; fun_prop

section OnAdjointSpace
def_fun_prop gaussian in μ x with_transitive : Differentiable R

set_option deprecated.oldSectionVars true

variable {U : Type _} [NormedAddCommGroup U] [AdjointSpace R U] [CompleteSpace U]

theorem gaussian.arg_μx.fderiv_rule (σ : R) :
fderiv R (fun μx : U×U => gaussian μx.1 σ μx.2)
fun μx => fun dμx =>L[R]
let dx' := - (σ^2)⁻¹ * ⟪dμx.2-dμx.1, μx.2-μx.1
dx' * gaussian μx.1 σ μx.2 := by
ext x dx <;>
(unfold gaussian; simp
conv => lhs; autodiff

theorem gaussian.arg_μx.fwdFDeriv_rule (σ : R) :
fwdFDeriv R (fun μx : U×U => gaussian μx.1 σ μx.2)
fun μx dμx =>
let x' := gaussian μx.1 σ μx.2
let dx' := - (σ^2)⁻¹ * ⟪dμx.2-dμx.1, μx.2-μx.1
(x', dx' * x') := by
abbrev_fun_trans gaussian in μ x : fderiv R by
equals (fun μx => fun dμx =>L[R]
let' (μ,x) := μx
let' (dμ,dx) := dμx
let dx' := - (σ^2)⁻¹ * ⟪dx-dμ, x-μ⟫[R]
dx' * gaussian μ σ x) =>
unfold gaussian
funext x;
ext dx <;> (simp[smul_pull]; ring)

abbrev_fun_trans gaussian in μ x : fwdFDeriv R by
-- ideally
-- unfold fwdFDeriv
-- autodiff
-- run common subexpression elimination
equals (fun μx dμx =>
let' (μ,x) := μx
let' (dμ,dx) := dμx
let dx' := - (σ^2)⁻¹ * ⟪dx-dμ, x-μ⟫[R]
let G := gaussian μ σ x
(G, dx' * G)) =>
unfold fwdFDeriv

theorem gaussian.arg_μx.revFDeriv_rule (σ : R) :
revFDeriv R (fun μx : U×U => gaussian μx.1 σ μx.2)
fun μx =>
let s := gaussian μx.1 σ μx.2
(s, fun dr =>
let dx := (dr * s * (σ^2)⁻¹) • (μx.1-μx.2)
(- dx, dx)) := by
abbrev_fun_trans gaussian in μ x [CompleteSpace X] : revFDeriv R by
equals (fun μx =>
let' (μ,x) := μx
let G := gaussian μ σ x
(G, fun dr =>
let dx := (G*(σ^2)⁻¹*dr) • (x-μ)
(dx,-dx))) =>
unfold revFDeriv
funext μx; simp; funext dr
fun_trans [smul_smul,neg_push];
simp [smul_sub,neg_sub]

end OnAdjointSpace
funext x; fun_trans
funext dx; simp only [, neg_inj]
constructor <;> module
45 changes: 37 additions & 8 deletions SciLean/Analysis/SpecialFunctions/Log.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -213,13 +213,42 @@ theorem log.arg_x.revCDeriv_rule

end Convenient

@[simp, simp_core]
theorem log_one : Scalar.log (1:R) = 0 := sorry_proof
@[simp, simp_core]
theorem log_exp (x : R) : Scalar.log (Scalar.exp x) = x := sorry_proof
theorem log_mul (x y : R) : Scalar.log (x*y) = Scalar.log x + Scalar.log y := sorry_proof
theorem log_div (x y : R) : Scalar.log (x/y) = Scalar.log x - Scalar.log y := sorry_proof
theorem log_inv (x : R) : Scalar.log x⁻¹ = - Scalar.log x := sorry_proof
open Scalar

@[simp, simp_core, log_push]
theorem log_one : log (1:R) = 0 := sorry_proof
@[simp, simp_core, log_push]
theorem log_exp (x : R) : log (exp x) = x := sorry_proof

theorem log_mul (x y : R) : log (x*y) = log x + log y := sorry_proof
theorem add_log (x y : R) : log x + log y = log (x*y) := sorry_proof

theorem log_div (x y : R) : log (x/y) = log x - log y := sorry_proof
theorem sub_log (x y : R) : log x - log y = log (x/y) := sorry_proof

theorem log_inv (x : R) : log (x⁻¹) = - log x := sorry_proof
theorem neg_log (x : R) : - log x = log (x⁻¹) := sorry_proof

theorem log_pow (x y : R) : log (x^y) = y * log x := sorry_proof
theorem log_pow_nat (x : R) (n : ℕ) : log (x^n) = n * log x := sorry_proof
theorem log_pow_int (x : R) (n : ℤ) : log (x^n) = n * log x := sorry_proof
theorem mul_log (x y : R) : y * log x = log (x^y) := sorry_proof
theorem mul_log' (x y : R) : (log x) * y = log (x^y) := sorry_proof

theorem log_prod {I} [IndexType I] (f : I → R) : log (∏ i, f i) = ∑ i, log (f i) := sorry_proof
theorem sum_log {I} [IndexType I] (f : I → R) : (∑ i, log (f i)) = log (∏ i, f i) := sorry_proof

end Log
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions SciLean/Data/ArrayType/Algebra.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import SciLean.Analysis.Convenient.FinVec
import SciLean.Analysis.AdjointSpace.Basic
import SciLean.Analysis.Scalar.FloatAsReal

import SciLean.Algebra.Dimension

import SciLean.Data.ArrayType.Basic
import SciLean.Data.StructType.Algebra

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,6 +270,9 @@ instance [ArrayType Cont Idx Elem] [MeasurableSpace Elem] [TopologicalSpace Elem
measurable_eq := sorry_proof

instance {d} [ArrayType Cont Idx Elem] [AddCommGroup Elem] [Module K Elem] [Dimension K Elem d] :
Dimension K Cont ((size Idx)*d) where
is_dim := by conv => lhs; simp

-- This is problem as `Vec` and `NormedAddCommGroup` provide different topologie on `Elem`
-- example {R} [RCLike R] [ArrayType Cont Idx Elem] [NormedAddCommGroup Elem] [NormedSpace ℝ Elem] [Vec R Elem] :
Expand Down
46 changes: 21 additions & 25 deletions SciLean/Data/DataArray/Operations/GaussianN.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,44 +18,47 @@ open Scalar RealScalar
The reason why it is symbolic is that you do not want to compute deteminant and inverse of `σ`. -/
def gaussianN {n : ℕ} (μ : R^[n]) (S : R^[n,n]) (x : R^[n]) : R :=
def gaussianS {n : ℕ} (μ : R^[n]) (S : R^[n,n]) (x : R^[n]) : R :=
let x' := x-μ
(2*π)^(-(n:R)/2) * S.det^(-(1:R)/2) * exp (- ⟪x', (S⁻¹)*x'⟫/2)
#check Module.finrank

def_fun_prop gaussianN in μ x : Differentiable R

def_fun_prop gaussianS in μ x : Differentiable R

abbrev_fun_trans gaussianN in μ x : fderiv R by

abbrev_fun_trans gaussianS in μ x : fderiv R by
equals (fun μx => fun dμx : R^[n]×R^[n] =>L[R]
let' (μ,x) := μx
let' (dμ,dx) := dμx
let x' := x-μ
let dx' := dx-dμ
(-2⁻¹)*(⟪dx',S⁻¹*x'⟫[R] + ⟪x',S⁻¹*dx'⟫[R])*gaussianN μ S x) =>
unfold gaussianN
let G := gaussianS μ S x
let ds := ⟪dx',S⁻¹*x'⟫[R] + ⟪x',S⁻¹*dx'⟫[R]
(-2⁻¹)*ds*G) =>
unfold gaussianS
funext x; dsimp;
ext dx <;> (simp; ring)

abbrev_fun_trans gaussianN in μ x : fwdFDeriv R by
abbrev_fun_trans gaussianS in μ x : fwdFDeriv R by
equals (fun μx dμx : R^[n] × R^[n] =>
let' (μ,x) := μx
let' (dμ,dx) := dμx
let x' := x-μ
let dx' := dx-dμ
let G := gaussianN μ S x
(G, (-2⁻¹)*(⟪dx',S⁻¹*x'⟫[R] + ⟪x',S⁻¹*dx'⟫[R])*G)) =>
let G := gaussianS μ S x
let ds := ⟪dx',S⁻¹*x'⟫[R] + ⟪x',S⁻¹*dx'⟫[R]
(G, (-2⁻¹)*ds*G)) =>
unfold fwdFDeriv

abbrev_fun_trans gaussianN in μ x : revFDeriv R by
abbrev_fun_trans gaussianS in μ x : revFDeriv R by
equals (fun μx : R^[n] × R^[n] =>
let' (μ,x) := μx
let x' := x-μ
let G := gaussianN μ S x
let G := gaussianS μ S x
(G, fun dr =>
let dx := (-2⁻¹*dr)•(S⁻ᵀ*x' + S⁻¹*x')
(-G•dx,G•dx))) =>
Expand All @@ -77,9 +80,9 @@ omit [PlainDataType R] in
theorem RealScalar.one_pow (x : R) : (1:R)^x = 1 := sorry_proof

theorem gaussianN_ATA {μ : R^[n]} {A : R^[n,n]} {x : R^[n]} (hA : A.Invertible) :
gaussianN μ ((Aᵀ*A)⁻¹) x = A.det * gaussianN 0 𝐈 (A*(x-μ)) := by
unfold gaussianN
theorem gaussianS_ATA' {μ : R^[n]} {A : R^[n,n]} {x : R^[n]} (hA : A.Invertible) :
gaussianS μ ((Aᵀ*A)⁻¹) x = A.det * gaussianS 0 𝐈 (A*(x-μ)) := by
unfold gaussianS
simp (disch:=simp[hA]) only [det_inv_eq_inv_det, det_mul, det_transpose, mul_inv_rev,
DataArrayN.inv_inv, vecmul_assoc, transpose_transpose, inner_self, det_identity, mul_one,
sub_zero, inv_identity,identity_vecmul, mul_eq_mul_right_iff,RealScalar.one_pow,inner_ATA_right]
Expand All @@ -88,16 +91,9 @@ theorem gaussianN_ATA {μ : R^[n]} {A : R^[n,n]} {x : R^[n]} (hA : A.Invertible)

-- NOTE: gaussian - has incorrect definition right now !!!
theorem gaussianN_ATA' (μ : R^[n]) (A : R^[n,n]) (hA : A.Invertible) (x : R^[n]) :
gaussianN μ ((Aᵀ*A)⁻¹) x = A.det * gaussian 0 1 (A*(x-μ)) := by
theorem gaussianS_ATA (μ : R^[n]) (A : R^[n,n]) (hA : A.Invertible) (x : R^[n]) :
gaussianS μ ((Aᵀ*A)⁻¹) x = A.det * gaussian 0 1 (A*(x-μ)) := by

rw[gaussianN_ATA hA]
unfold gaussian gaussianN
rw[gaussianS_ATA' hA]
unfold gaussian gaussianS
have h : (sqrt (2 * π))⁻¹ = (2*π)^(-(1:R)/2) := sorry
sorry_proof -- almost done

#check gaussian

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