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vector diffeology
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lecopivo committed Nov 6, 2024
1 parent 0176741 commit c91b30c
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 0 deletions.
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions SciLean/Analysis/Diffeology/VecDiffeology.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
import SciLean.Analysis.Diffeology.Basic
import SciLean.Analysis.Diffeology.Prod

namespace SciLean

local notation:max "ℝ^" n:max => Fin n → ℝ

open Diffeology in
class StandardDiffeology (X : Type*) [NormedAddCommGroup X] [NormedSpace ℝ X] [Diffeology X] : Prop where
plots_smooth : ∀ {n} {p : ℝ^n → X}, (p ∈ plots n) ↔ ContDiff ℝ ⊤ p := by rfl

def mkStandardDiffeology (X : Type*) [NormedAddCommGroup X] [NormedSpace ℝ X] : Diffeology X where
plots n p := ContDiff ℝ ⊤ p
plot_comp := by
intro n m p f hp hf
exact hp.comp hf
const_plot := by
apply contDiff_const

instance : Diffeology ℝ := mkStandardDiffeology ℝ
instance : StandardDiffeology ℝ where
plots_smooth := by intros; rfl

open Diffeology in
class VecDiffeology (X : Type*) [AddCommGroup X] [Module ℝ X] [Diffeology X] : Prop where
add_plot : ∀ (p q : ℝ^n → X),
p ∈ plots n → q ∈ plots n → (fun u => p u + q u) ∈ plots n
smul_plot : ∀ (p : ℝ^n → ℝ) (q : ℝ^n → X),
p ∈ plots n → q ∈ plots n → (fun u => p u • p u) ∈ plots n

open StandardDiffeology
instance (X : Type*) [NormedAddCommGroup X] [NormedSpace ℝ X] [Diffeology X] [StandardDiffeology X] : VecDiffeology X where
add_plot := by
intro n p q hp hq
apply plots_smooth.2
have := plots_smooth.1 hp
have := plots_smooth.1 hq
smul_plot := by
intro n p q hp hq
apply plots_smooth.2
have := plots_smooth.1 hp
have := plots_smooth.1 hq

open StandardDiffeology
instance (X : Type*) [NormedAddCommGroup X] [NormedSpace ℝ X] [Diffeology X] [StandardDiffeology X] :
TangentSpace X (fun _ => X) where
tangentMap p _ u du := fderiv ℝ p u du
tangentMap_comp := by
intro n m p f hp hf u du
have := plots_smooth.1 hp
tangentMap_const := by
tangentMap_linear := by
intros; dsimp; fun_prop
exp x dx t := x + t 0 • dx
exp_at_zero := by simp
exp_is_plot := by intro x dx; apply plots_smooth.2; fun_prop
tangentMap_exp_at_zero := by intros; fun_trans

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