Implementation & speed test of some LCA (Lowest Common Ancestor) algorithms.
Implemented alogrithm list:
- Simple sparse table.
- Covert to RMQ for constant query time
- Farach-Colton and Bender Algorithm, O(n) initiation time
- g++ (--std=c++17)
- python3 (if you want to do the speed test yourself)
If you just want to use the code for competitive programming or stuff, download the header file you need in LCA and the edge.h file.
See Example for example cpp files.
For doing the speed test:
- Clone this repo
- Just simply run by
) and wait, check the result inresuilt.csv
file (you can open it with Excel) - If you wanna add your own test set, please see the Test format section below. I also code a test generator here, see guide in Test generator
I run a speed test with my random test set. Check the result in result.csv
If you want to use you onw test set, please format those test as follow:
- First line: n (number node of the tree), r (index of root node)
- Next n-1 lines: each line containts 2 number (u, v) present an edge between not u and v (it can be directed or not)
- Next line: q (number of query)
- Next q lines: each line containts 3 number (u, v, lca) which are node u, v and LCA of (u, v)
Save it as a txt
file and move it to tests
First, compile the generator.cpp to an executable file with g++ (emxample: g++ -O2 -std=c++17 -o generator/generator.cpp generator.exe
Then run the excutable file in command line with these paramaters: generator.exe t n q
- "t" is type of tree you wanna generate, currently it only accept "line" and "random" tree.
- "n" is number nodes of tree
- "q" is number of LCA queries
Example: generator.exe random 10 10
will generate a random tree with 10 nodes and have 10 LCA queries
To add test(s) by the generator to the speed test, add its parameters to test_parrams file
It could cause stack-overflow if tree is deep, please inscrease stacksize if you are testing with large tests. With degenerate tree (line) has 10^6 node, consider to inscrease stacksize upto 128 MB.