- this is a simple interface that imitates real-life scenarios of handling blockchain transaction on the Ethereum network.
- creating item (only by owner of the contract)
- accepting payments for the particular item requested from the user
- deliver items to users.
- Generate an item, with user's choice of an identifier name, also the price of the item in Wei.
- Metamask pop-up, to confirm the transaction cost, with the gas fee included.
- Pop-up Alert, notifing item has been created, with an address of the item.
- Make transaction from your wallet account in Metamask, to the address of the item, with the price in Wei.
- Once transaction payment is completed, a pop-up alert should notify you that the item is ready to be delivered.
- Created Item Manager smart contracts on Remix with pragma solidity ^0.6.0
- Do unit testing for transaction handling
- Once test completed, begin shifting smart contracts to truffle development
- Used "truffle unbox react" for generating UI interface
- Migrate smart contracts onto truffle develop
- Imported first account from truffle dev into Metamask for transaction handling
- Conducted hands-on testing on the Truffle development testnet (, with unit testing with "truffle test"