csi-volume-operator aims to provide external features for volume manipulation based on standard csi controller plane sidecars.
the feature is composed of two parts: controller plane and the dataplane
this sidecar is a controller plane which controllers the crds and make call to dataplane. the dataplane is your csi-driver in which you can define the way manipulating pvcs&&pv on your own.
currently we just realise simple features:
- rollback pvc by snapshot without creating new pv.
- concurrently rollback different pvc but serial rollback for same pvc.
It is flexible for developers by creating more CRs to do volume adaption!
support Arch: amd64 and arm64
make container-build ARCH=<arch> IMAGE_TAG=<image>
make container-buildx ARCH=<arch> IMAGE_TAG=<image>
add csi-volume-operator sidecar to spec.template.spec.container[] of csi-controller pod
- args:
- --csi-address=$(ADDRESS)
- name: ADDRESS
value: unix:///csi/csi.sock
image: csi-volume-operator:v1
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: csi-volume-operator
resources: {}
terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
terminationMessagePolicy: File
- mountPath: /csi
name: socket-dir
use serviceaccount system:serviceaccount:kube-system:csi-plugin
binded to the role which has related rights for volumesnapshotrollbacks and volumesnapshotrollbacks/status in snapshotrollback.storage.k8s.io API Group
kubectl apply -f config/rbac/role_binding.yaml
kubectl apply -f config/rbac/service_account.yaml
kubectl apply -f config/rbac/volumesnapshotrollback_editor_role.yaml
kubectl apply -f config/rbac/volumesnapshotrollback_viewer_role.yaml
#kubectl apply -f config/samples/snapshotrollback_v1beta1_volumesnapshotrollback.yaml
$ k get volumesnapshotrollbacks -o wide
volumesnapshotrollback-sample Complete 36m