This repository provides a collection of tools that enable automated testing of OpenPower systems. The directories are as follows:
- ci: Tools to incorporate your OpenPower system into a continuous integration environment
- bvt: XML based build verification tool test suite that can be used to run existing (and create new) build verification tests
- common: Common python library used by all other tools
Please note that this is very basic now. Our example below will reboot the BMC and then validate a boot of the system.
The ability to update the image is broken due to the BMC removing the rsync tool. This issue is being worked, for now the pnor udpate has to be manually done.
This framework runs on most Linux based systems. You need python 2.7 or greater. You also need expect and pexpect available.
Run the op-ci-basic-bvt.xml which will update (TBD) the PNOR image on the BMC and validate a boot of the system.
./run-op-bvt --bmcip <bmc ip> --bmcuser <bmc userid> --bmcpwd <bmc passwd> --usernameipmi <ipmi login> --passwordipmi <ipmi passwd> --cfgfiledir "../ci/source/" --imagedir <dir of pnor image> --imagename palmetto.pnor --fverbose <dir/file for debug> ./op-ci-basic-bvt.xml
- Code Update does not work currently, you need to flash the HPM you want to test.
- You need to have the bvt directory in your PATH
- Should have the BVT tool call the common library directly (instead of going through CI)
- Should make the common code more generic to support alternative BMC's
- Should have bvt call the python code more directly (remove op-ci-bmc-run)
- Should use perl built-in's where available instead of using system() call
- Standardize on just expect or pexepect