World of Halal is an interactive 3D website that unfolds the compelling story behind King Halal Food, a prominent halal cart owned by Ayman Zeedan, nestled in the heart of downtown Brooklyn. This project is a unique blend of data journalism and interactive storytelling, offering users a virtual tour to explore the intricacies of Ayman's halal cart business. Explore live or watch demo
3D Scrollytelling Website: Using GSAP and React-Three-Fiber to provide users with an scroll-based interactive website, allowing them to explore various elements of Ayman's halal cart, such as the generator, LED signs, storage, and more.
Interviews with Ayman Zeedan: An interview with Ayman Zeedan, the owner of King Halal Food, and insights into Ayman's immigration journey, daily experiences managing the halal cart
3D Virtual Tour: A immersive 3D environment where users can explore the inside of the cart by dragging.
- React-Three-Fiber: create 3D web-based experience.
- GSAP: create the layout of scrollytelling elements.