This is a collection of PowerShell functions I made. Feel free to use and make any adjustments you want to fit whatever your needs are.
- Add-ADNewContact.ps1 (Add new contacts one by one to active directory)
- Add-DNS-A-Record-and-PTR.ps1 (Create a new A DNS record and PTR record for existing and non-existing reverse lookup zones)
- Add-RdpPermission.ps1 (Add RDP permissions to a user account)
- Add-SharedEmailPermission.psm1 (Add permissions to a shared mailbox for a user)
- AutoPostToYammer.ps1 (Use with task scheduler to schedule Yammer posts)
- BackupL2CiscoSwitchConfigTFTP.ps1 (Backup cisco switch configs to FTP server)
- BackupL3CiscoSwitchConfigFTP.ps1 (Backups cisco router and firewall configs to FTP server)
- Clear-AllPsHistory.psm1 (Clear PowerShell Command history)
- Clear-ChromePolicySettings.ps1 (Clear chromes policy settings)
- Create-Action1DataSource.ps1 (Create a new data source in Action1 RMM Tool)
- Disable-HiddenGroups.ps1 (Disable hidden groups for hidden Microsoft Teams)
- Disable-MovedDesktops.ps1 (Disable desktops that obtain an IP in an unexpected subnet)
- Enable-Dhcp.ps1 (Enable DHCP for a device)
- EnabledTLS1.2-Windows7.ps1 (Enable TLSv1.2 on Windows 7 device)
- Export-RegistryItem.ps1 (Export registry values)
- Find-ExpiringAccounts.ps1 (Find accounts in Active Directory that are expiring)
- Find-File.ps1 (Find a file)
- Find-Kovter.ps1 (Find evidence of the Kovter virus)
- FixStuckWindowsUpdate.ps1 (Performs actions that fix a stuck windows update)
- Get-BatteryReport.ps1 (Export a report on a laptops battery)
- Get-CiscoMAC.ps1 (Convert a standard formatted MAC address to a MAC address according to Cisco devices)
- Get-DayOfTheWeeksNumber.ps1 (Get which day of the month a day of the week occurs on)
- Get-HelpDesk.ps1 (Collection of common Helpdesk script tasks)
- Get-IpAddress.psm1 (Get the current machines IP address)
- Get-LAPSPassword.ps1 (Get the LAPS password of a device)
- Get-LastRebootInfo.ps1 (Get info on a devices last reboot times)
- Get-LyncArchive.ps1 (Return conversations in Lync messaging archives)
- Get-PublicIP.ps1 (Get a devices public IP address)
- Get-UserSid.psm1 (Translate User SID values)
- Get-ValidIPAddressFromString.ps1 (Extract IP address from a file or string)
- Hide-PowerShellScriptPassword.ps1 (Used to prevent clear text passwords in PowerShell scripts)
- Import-RegistryItem.ps1 (Import registry items)
- Import-ScheduledTask.ps1 (Import a schedueld task into task scheduler)
- Invoke-DCReplication.ps1 (Force a DC Replication)
- Invoke-WakeOnLan.ps1 (Enable Wake On LAN for a device)
- MissingDrives.ps1 (Map network shares based on group membership)
- PasswordExpiryAlert.ps1 (Get alerts for expiring passwords)
- QueryFormsiteData.ps1 (Query data from form submissions)
- QuotaAlert.ps1 (Send email alert when disk quota limit is reached)
- Recreate-CorruptOutlookProfile.ps1 (Recreate corrupt outlook profiles)
- Remove-CorruptUserProfile.psm1 (Delete corrupt Windows User profile)
- Remove-DirectAccessProfile.ps1 (Delete direct access profile)
- Remove-OldCaCerts.psm1 (Remove old Certificate Authorities from cert store)
- Remove-WindowsUpdate.ps1 (Remove a windows update)
- Rename-TEaMAIL.ps1 (Rename the email value for a Microsoft Team)
- RenewRDPcert.ps1 (Renew an expiring RDP Certificate)
- Reset-BOFApplication.ps1 (Reset buffer overflow application to carry out tasks quickly that refresh your enviornment for testing)
- Reset-KerberosKeys.ps1 (Refresh your Kerberos keys in Office365)
- Resolve-DirectAccessCollectLogs.ps1 (Allow the Collect Logs button with DirectAccess to work)
- Restart-PrintSpooler.ps1 (Restart the print spooler automatically when errors occur)
- Search-ForCompromise.ps1 (Search a device for common indicators of compromise)
- SearchUserLoginByTimeRange.ps1 (Search user logon by time range)
- Set-GroupMembershipMirror.ps1 (Add members of one group to another group in Active Directory)
- Set-LockScreenImage.psm1 (Set the lock screen image of a device)
- Set-NTPServerUp.ps1 (Setup an NTP server)
- Set-NewLDAPSCertificate.ps1 (Set the LDAP over SSL Certificate)
- Set-RdpSslCertificate.ps1 (Set an RDP certifciate to use with RDP for a machine)
- Set-StaticIPv4.ps1 (Auto set an IPv4 address for a device using ping to determine availability)
- Set-WiFiBand.ps1 (Set the WiFi band to use on your wireless NIC)
- SetupRADIUSserver.ps1 (Add RADIUS server authenticators and other simple setup actions)
- Test-LDAPS.ps1 (Test for LDAP over SSL protocol on a Domain Controller)
- Trace-PowerShellAttack.ps1 (Find evidence of a PowerShell attack ABANDONED)
- Update-Drivers.ps1 (Update Windows Drives using Windows Update Catalogue)
- Update-SSLCertificate.ps1 (Update HTTPS certificate on IIS server or by using File based SSL certificates)
- WannaPlayaGame.ps1 (Joke script to play on someone that undoes itself for safety)