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🥒 leihs Integration-Tests

Executable Specifications for the leihs software system.

technology stack

run locally


Everything must be started manually, which is the most efficient way to run then specs when actively developing a service or other part.

export LEIHS_HTTP_PORT='3200' # must match reverse proxy!
export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://localhost:5432/leihs_test?max-pool-size=5"
export LEIHS_MAIL_SMTP_PORT='32025'
export LEIHS_MAIL_POP3_PORT='32110'
export LEIHS_SECRET="secret"

# make sure to set correct Firefox Path
export FIREFOX_ESR_60_PATH="/Applications/Firefox ESR"


# start other needed services (look up Cider-CI config)

bundle exec rspec ./spec

using Vagrant

Takes the most (compute) time, but the least manual work. Does a full production-like deploy into a local VM, then run tests against it.

expose ports from inside VM/container on host machine:

# those are the default values:
export LEIHS_HTTP_PORT='10080'
export LEIHS_HTTP_PORTS='10443'
export LEIHS_HOST_PORT_POSTGRES='10054' # DB backdoor for automated testing only
export LEIHS_HOST_PORT_SSH='2200' # for vagrant ssh into guest
export LEIHS_DATABASE_URL="postgresql://root:root@localhost:${LEIHS_HOST_PORT_POSTGRES}/leihs?pool=5"
export LEIHS_HTTP_BASE_URL="http://localhost:${LEIHS_HTTP_PORT}"
# make sure to set correct Firefox Path
export FIREFOX_ESR_60_PATH="/Applications/Firefox ESR"

NOTE: only works if checked out as part of superproject!

bundle install
vagrant up
./scripts/ stop_play.yml
# `vagrant reload` if the following command does not work
vagrant ssh -- 'sudo sh /vagrant/scripts/'
./scripts/ start_play.yml
until curl -k --fail -s https://localhost:${LEIHS_HTTP_PORTS}; do sleep 3; done
bundle exec rspec ./spec

Status Integration Testing on Cider-CI

as of 2019-04-02:

  • all services are integrated and used very much like in the deployment case
  • main reverse proxy configuration uses the template from deployment!
  • 11 out of 17 tests are green
  • we use S3 storage for uberjars, and checked in assets for my


  • get all running

  • my and very much procurement have been alinged with general strategy: one independent uberjar

  • in git check-ed builds vs S3 storage evaluated; both work;

    • in git checked in builds

      • are a bit anyoing for the developer

      • the uberjars would be too big;

    • S3 works

      • well from the CI scripting and usage point

      • the "ad hoc" used S3 technology Minio is neither flexible enaugh nor reliable, would need to try Ceph


  • Assets handling in my service needs to be finished

  • deploy needs to be adjusted: changed building and service handling; but generally be simpler and more similar among services

  • get tests green

  • continue with S3 (?, depends on Ceph), or check in builds (how and where?)

Reverse Proxy


Prototyping and testing caching:

  • must retrieve the whole file, i.e. use tee

  • retrieve at least two times

  • headers should correspond to the browner headers, e.g. "copy as curl"

  • we announce caching via header for easier debugging rep verification

    curl -i 'http://localhost:3200/my/css/fontawesome-free-5.0.13/css/fontawesome-all.css' -H 'Referer: http://localhost:3200/' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.121 Safari/537.36' -H 'DNT: 1' --compressed | tee tmp/fontawesome-all.css | head -n 20

    ... X-Cache: HIT from localhost ...


  • disk cache seems only to work with absolute paths

  • disk cache doesn't work if the "subdirectory" does not exists, e.g. /tmp/apche-cache will not work .i.g.;

  • memory cache shmcb seems to work just by file size; don't know if there is any management at all

Whenever something is no right, you will get a "cache miss" and possibly some "unwilling" note in the logs.

dev: debug selenium/webdriver/geckodriver/firefox setup

# start ruby repl
xvfb-run -a -e log/xvfb.log bundle exec irb -W --verbose
require 'selenium-webdriver'

opts =
  log_level: :trace, binary: ENV['FIREFOX_ESR_60_PATH'])

driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox, options: opts

# should now accept commands:

dev: Cider-CI traits install (ubuntu)

# vagrant
apt update
apt install vagrant

# virtualbox
sudo sh -c "echo 'deb '$(lsb_release -cs)' contrib non-free' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list"
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
apt update
apt install -y virtualbox-5.1 virtualbox-dkms
usermod -a -G vboxusers ci-exec-user

# virtualbox kernel modules
apt install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` -y
apt install dkms -y
#  check it
lsmod | grep vboxdrv
#  => vboxdrv 446464 3 vboxnetadp,vboxnetflt,vboxpci

Formatting Code


Use ./bin/rblint and ./bin/rblint --fix.


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