bundle install
It respects the LEIHS_MAIL_SMTP_PORT
(default 25) and LEIHS_MAIL_POP3_PORT
(default 110) environmental variables.
./bin/dev-run-backend --help
# export run options in each terminal if necessary
# terminal 1
# terminal 2
boot focus
# terminal 3
./bin/rspec spec/successful_emails_spec.rb spec/failed_emails_spec.rb
# export run stuff in each terminal if necessary
# terminal 1
boot focus
# terminal 2
./bin/rspec spec/smtp_server_unreachable_spec.rb
Use ./bin/cljfmt check
and ./bin/cljfmt fix
From vim you can use :! ./bin/cljfmt fix %
to format the current file.
Use ./bin/rblint
and ./bin/rblint --fix