Hi all! 👋
In this repository, I collect drafts and published Jupyter Notebooks for blog posts on my website and Medium. I write to learn and help others.
If you find mistakes or you have suggestions for new posts, let me know! Hug 🤗
How to use machine learning to estimate heterogeneous treatment effects
Matching, Weighting, or Regression?
Understanding and comparing different methods for conditional causal inference analysis
An in-depth guide to the state-of-the-art variance reduction technique for A/B tests
How to Compare Two or More Distributions
A complete guide to comparing distributions, from visualization to statistical tests
Understanding Contamination Bias
Problems and solutions of linear regression with multiple mutually exclusive treatments
Double Debiased Machine Learning (part 2)
How to remove regularization bias using post-double selection
Double Debiased Machine Learning (part 1)
Causal inference, machine learning, and regularization bias
Understanding Omitted Variable Bias
A step-by-step guide to the most pervasive type of bias
Understanding The Frisch-Waugh-Lovell Theorem
A step-by-step guide to one of the most powerful theorems in causal inference
Goodbye Scatterplot, Welcome Binned Scatterplot
How to visualize and do inference on conditional means
Experiments, Peeking, and Optimal Stopping
How to run valid experiments with smaller sample sizes with the Sequential Probability Ratio Test
How to select control variables for causal inference using Directed Acyclic Graphs