$config = new Config($token, Config::USER_MEDIA);
$client = new Client($config);
$title = 'Hello World.';
$content = 'DearMadMan.';
$article = new Article($title, $content);
$license = new License(License::LICENSE_CC);
$response = $client->post($article);
var_dump($response instanceof Article);
// multiple data
$collect = new Collection();
$article2 = new Article('The Title Of Article 2.', 'The Body.');
$response = $client->post($collect);
var_dump($response instanceof Colletion);
$config = new Config($token, Config::USER_PLATFORM);
$client = new Client($config);
$title = 'Hello World.';
$content = 'DearMadMan.';
$article = new Article($title, $content);
$license = new License(License::LICENSE_CC);
$author = new Author('[email protected]', 'DearMadMan.');
$response = $client->post($article);
// multiple data
$collect = new Collection();
$article2 = new Article('The Title Of Article 2.', 'The Body.');
$response = $client->post($collect);
$license = License::fromJson($json);
try {
$response = $client->post($collect);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();