Plugin to create a cartoon style.
The plugin is nativaly developed in rust programming language.
Build the plugin.
cargo build --release
The file target/release/ can be copied to the plugins folder of
lenna-cli and used in the pipeline.
The plugin can be compiled to wasm and used on
Build the wasm package.
wasm-pack build
The node module can be build then.
npm run build
The plugin can be hosted using
npm run start
A server runs on localhost:3002 now.
On on the left side the url http://localhost:3002 can be loaded to use the plugin.
The rust version can be linked into a c++ wrapper which can then be used as plugin for the desktop app lenna
Create the folder build and change into it. Run cmake and configure the path to lenna.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -Dlenna_DIR=../lenna ..
The file build/plugins/ can be copied to the lenna plugins folder.
The plugin can build python bindings.
Create a virtual environment for python.
virtualenv -p python3 .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install .
Import lenna_cartoonify_plugin in a python environment.
from PIL import Image
from numpy import asarray
import lenna_cartoonify_plugin
image ='assets/cartoonify.png')
data = asarray(image)
config = lenna_cartoonify_plugin.default_config()
processed = lenna_cartoonify_plugin.process(config, data)
Run the python test file which loads the cartoonify.png and converts it.
pip install pillow
python src/