Analytic code for "Authorship concentration in health sciences journals from Latin America and the Caribbean"
Analysis code for Fontenelle (2022); written with the R language and environment for statistical computing.
- LILACS.Rproj, .Rprofile, renv.lock and renv/activate.R - used by {renv} to assure the appropriate versions of the necessary packages are installed.
- tests/test_functions.R - provides unit testing for 0_functions.R.
- 0_functions.R - provides auxiliary functions for the next two scripts.
- 1_summarize.R - uses data available from the LILACS (Latin American and the Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences) bibliographic database and data deposited in Zenodo to create a derived dataset, which was also deposited in Zenodo.
- 2_describe.R - uses data deposited in Zenodo and also other authors' data deposited in OSF to produce the tables and figures in Fontenelle (2022).