provides a mnesia-like query layer over FoundationDB.
This project supersedes
It supports:
- optional basic type checking on record fields
- secondary indexes (caveat, 9Kb field size limit for indexed fields)
- table size (bytes)
mfdb:table_info(Tab, size)
- table count
mfdb:table_info(Tab, count)
- per table TTL or per record TTLs
WARNING Unlike mnesia, keypos cannot be specified and the key is always the first field of the record.
- FoundationDB 6.3.x Server and Client:
: This is forked from with changes to support rebar3, alternate build, dialyzer fixes, and custom native types.{erlfdb, [{init, manual},{api_version, 630}]}
must be in your application's sys.config. This allows mfdb to control the erlfdb NIF loading and network settings.
###record :: {RecordName :: atom, Fields :: list({atom(), atom() list(atom())})}.
Fields which are typed are checked for validity on insert. EG:
{record, {test, [{id, integer}, {value, [undefined | binary]}, {expires, datetime}]}}
Supported types for fields:
-type field_type() :: binary | integer | float | list | tuple | date | datetime | time | inet | inet4 | inet6 | atom | any | term | undefined | null.
When a field is configured as the TTL field, the field type must be 'datetime'. This field automatically supports the atom 'never'.
###indexes :: list(integer()) This is like mnesia's
option.Indexed fields have an enforced size limitation of 9kb due to FoundationDB key size constraints.
Secondary indexes are used automatically in
(if they exist) and can be used explicitly throughmfdb:index_read/3
-type field_ttl() :: {field, pos_integer()}. %% where the post_integer is the field position in the record -type ttl_period() :: {minutes | hours | days | unix, pos_integer()}. -type table_ttl() :: {table, ttl_period()}. -type ttl() :: field_ttl() | table_ttl().
####table_ttl :: {table_ttl, table_ttl()} or
####field_ttl :: {field_ttl, field_ttl()} where the integer is the index of the field to use for TTLs.
This field must be of type 'datetime' and expects a UTC calendar:datetime() or the atom 'never'.
When TTL is configured for a table older records will be reaped automatically.
Any insert operation will reset the TTL for a record.
Atomic integer counters are supported as a special type on tables.
Counters can be 'set' to a value, and incremented/decremented
ok = mfdb:set_counter(test, mycounter, -100).
0 = mfdb:update_counter(test, my_counter, 100).
1 = mfdb:update_counter(test, my_counter, 1).
5 = mfdb:update_counter(test, my_counter, 4).
-5 = mfdb:update_counter(test, my_counter, -10).
mfdb supports both a full table fold and folding using a match-spec.
-type dbrec() :: tuple(). %% erlang record
-type table_name() :: atom().
-type foldfun() :: fun((tx(), dbrec(), any()) -> any()) | fun((dbrec(), any()) -> any()).
-spec fold(Table :: table_name(), InnerFun :: foldfun(), OuterAcc :: any()) -> any().
-spec fold(Table :: table_name(), InnerFun :: foldfun(), OuterAcc :: any(), MatchSpec :: ets:match_spec()) -> any().
When called with a two-arity InnerFun
, the fold operation is read-only.
InnerFun = fun(#test{id = Id} = Rec, Acc) ->
case (Id rem 2) =:= 0 of
true ->
[Rec | Acc];
false ->
When called with a three-arity InnerFun
the fold takes and explicit read and write lock on each matching record before passing it into InnerFun
The following operations are then available within the context of the transaction:
mfdb:delete(Tx, PrimaryKey)
mfdb:insert(Tx, Record)
mfdb:update(Tx, PrimaryKey, Changes)
Each step is committed individually and failed commits are silently rolled back/discarded.
This allows for multiple processes to be folding over the same data allowing changes to be applied.
There is an example of a parallel fold/delete process in the tests.
InnerFun = fun(Tx, #test{id = Id} = Rec, Acc) ->
case (Id rem 2) =:= 0 of
true ->
ok = mfdb:delete(Tx, Id),
[Rec | Acc];
false ->
- Using
you can configure the window in which records will be reaped. These are time tuple values {Hour, Minute, Sec}