My personal vim configuration settings.
For the plugin setup script to work, git
needs to be
installed on your machine.
- vim-airline (better statusbar)
- vimwiki (for notetaking)
- typescript-vim (.ts support)
On your home directory:
$ git clone
$ cd .vim
$ chmod u+x
$ ./
The setup script for helptags fail on OSX because it has different binaries than of GNU and that OSX bash is weird and stupid.
Edit the following lines to get the script working:
- PLUGINS=$(find * -maxdepth 0 -type d -printf '%p,')
+ PLUGINS=$(find * -maxdepth 0 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 printf '%s,')
- vim -u NONE -c "set runtimepath=${PLUGINS::-1}" -c "helptags ALL" -c q # setup helptags
+ vim -u NONE -c "set runtimepath=${PLUGINS::${#PLUGINS}-1}" -c "helptags ALL" -c q # setup helptags
To install additional plugins, place the plugin's directory inside
Then enter the following to generate help tags:
: helptags ~/.vim/pack/plugin/start/[plugin-directory]
To delete a plugin, just delete its directory
To start vimwiki directly from shell:
$ vim -c VimwikiIndex