example app using Apache Cassandra with Bigrecord and Bigindex
- ruby 1.8.7 >= 0
- rubygems 1.3.7
- rails 2.3.5
- bundler
- Apache Cassandra
- copy bigrecord.yml.example to bigrecord.yml
- copy bigindex.yml.example to bigindex.yml
bundle install
- run Cassandra by
apache-cassandra-dir/bin/cassandra -f
- to use Bigindex run
rake bigindex:solr:start
bundle exec script/server
- if you add new/modify indexes run
rake bigindex:rebuild_index
- blog is simple and finds only by id but there are specified indexes for post's title and username
- if you want to search by title type:
Post.find(:first, :conditions => { :title => 'some_title' })