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let-def committed Dec 15, 2021
1 parent fb55b89 commit 806c438
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Showing 5 changed files with 216 additions and 79 deletions.
45 changes: 27 additions & 18 deletions valmari/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ type 'a loc_array = 'a array
type 'a t = {
mutable set_count: set;
element : 'a Finite.elt loc_array;
location : loc array;
set_of : set array;
first : loc set_array;
past : loc set_array;
marked : int set_array;
location : loc array; (* L *)
set_of : set array; (* S *)
first : loc set_array; (* F *)
past : loc set_array; (* P *)
marked : int set_array; (* M *)
mutable worklist: set list;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,20 +106,17 @@ let split t =
) worklist

let discard_unmarked t =
let worklist = t.worklist in
t.worklist <- [];
List.iter (fun set ->
let first_unmarked = t.first.(set) + t.marked.(set) in
if first_unmarked < t.past.(set) then (
for i = first_unmarked to t.past.(set) - 1 do
let elt = (t.element.(i) : _ Finite.elt :> int) in
(*prerr_endline ("discarding " ^ string_of_int elt);*)
t.set_of.(elt) <- -1
t.past.(set) <- first_unmarked;
t.marked.(set) <- 0
) worklist
for set = 0 to t.set_count - 1 do
let first_unmarked = t.first.(set) + t.marked.(set) in
for i = first_unmarked to t.past.(set) - 1 do
let elt = (t.element.(i) : _ Finite.elt :> int) in
(*prerr_endline ("discarding " ^ string_of_int elt);*)
t.set_of.(elt) <- -1
t.past.(set) <- first_unmarked;
t.marked.(set) <- 0

let discard t f =
for set = 0 to t.set_count - 1 do
Expand All @@ -136,8 +133,15 @@ let set_count t = t.set_count
let set_of (t : 'a t) elt = t.set_of.((elt : 'a Finite.elt :> int))

let choose t set =
assert (t.first.(set) < t.past.(set));

let choose_opt t set =
if t.first.(set) < t.past.(set) then
Some t.element.(t.first.(set))

let iter_elements t set f =
for i = t.first.(set) to t.past.(set) - 1 do
f t.element.(i)
Expand All @@ -160,3 +164,8 @@ let clear_marks t =
t.worklist <- [];
List.iter (fun set -> t.marked.(set) <- 0) worklist

let is_first t n =
let n = (n : 'n Finite.elt :> int) in
let s = t.set_of.(n) in
let loc = t.location.(n) in
(s > -1 && loc = t.first.(s) && loc < t.past.(s))
100 changes: 83 additions & 17 deletions valmari/partition.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,87 @@
open Strong

(* An intermediate datastructure used by Valmari automata minimization
algorithm for efficiently representing incremental refinements of a set
partition. *)

type set = int
(** Each set is identified by an integer *)

type 'n t
(** A partitioning structure for a set of cardinal 'n \
(encoded as a Strong.Natural) *)

type 'a t
val create :
?partition:('a Finite.elt -> 'a Finite.elt -> int) ->
'a Finite.set -> 'a t

val mark : 'a t -> 'a Finite.elt -> unit
val split : 'a t -> unit
val discard_unmarked : 'a t -> unit
val discard : 'a t -> ('a Finite.elt -> bool) -> unit

val set_count : 'a t -> int
val set_of : 'a t -> 'a Finite.elt -> set
val choose : 'a t -> set -> 'a Finite.elt
val iter_elements : 'a t -> set -> ('a Finite.elt -> unit) -> unit
val iter_marked_elements : 'a t -> set -> ('a Finite.elt -> unit) -> unit

val clear_marks : 'a t -> unit
val marked_sets : 'a t -> set list
?partition:('n Finite.elt -> 'n Finite.elt -> int) ->
'n Finite.set -> 'n t
(** [create ?partition n] create a fresh partitioning data structure for a set
of cardinal [n].
If [partition] is not provided, the datastructure is initialized with a
single subset that contains all elements.
Otherwise, [partition] must be a total ordering function and elements that
can be distinguished are put in different subsets.

val mark : 'n t -> 'n Finite.elt -> unit
(** [mark part elt] marks the element [elt] as active.
The datastructure manages an active set by marking a certain number of
elements, and then applying an operation to all of them at once.

val split : 'n t -> unit
(** Put marked elements in different sets.
That is, each input set is split in two subsets one with the marked and one
with the unmarked elements.
Active set is reset after (no elements are marked).

val discard_unmarked : 'n t -> unit
(** Elements that are not marked are removed from the partition (they will be
ignored by future operations).
In practice, they are considered as belonging to set [-1] (which can be
observed by [set_of] function), and this [-1] set is not counted by the
[set_count] function.
Active set is reset after (no elements are marked).

val discard : 'n t -> ('n Finite.elt -> bool) -> unit
(** [discard part f] calls the function [f] for each element in the set
and discard it if the function returns [true].
Active set must be empty before and is reset after (no elements are marked).

val set_count : 'n t -> int
(** Number of sets in the current partition *)

val set_of : 'n t -> 'n Finite.elt -> set
(** [set_of part elt] returns the index of the set that contains element [elt].
Result is between [0] and [set_of part - 1] unless the element has been
discarded, in which case it is [-1]. *)

val choose : 'n t -> set -> 'n Finite.elt
(** [choose part set] returns an arbitrary element that belongs to set [set].
[set] must be between [0] and [set_of part - 1].

val choose_opt : 'n t -> set -> 'n Finite.elt option
(** [choose part set] returns an arbitrary element that belongs to set [set].
[set] must be between [0] and [set_of part - 1].

val iter_elements : 'n t -> set -> ('n Finite.elt -> unit) -> unit
(** [iter_elements part set f] applies function [f] to each element that
currently belongs to set [set].

val iter_marked_elements : 'n t -> set -> ('n Finite.elt -> unit) -> unit
(** [iter_marked_elements part set f] applies function [f] to each element that
currently belongs to set [set] and is marked.

val clear_marks : 'n t -> unit
(** Remove all marks (reset the active set) *)

val marked_sets : 'n t -> set list
(** Returns all sets that have marked elements. *)

val is_first : 'n t -> 'n Finite.elt -> bool
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions valmari/test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,12 +43,15 @@ let () =
let (_, _, d) = trans_table.((t : Transitions.n Finite.elt :> int)) in

let initials =
[|Finite.Elt.of_int States.n initial_state|]
let initials f = f (Finite.Elt.of_int States.n initial_state)

let finals = Array.init final_state_count
(fun _i -> Scanf.bscanf ic "%d\n"
(Finite.Elt.of_int States.n))
let finals =
let finals =
Array.init final_state_count
(fun _i -> Scanf.bscanf ic "%d\n"
(Finite.Elt.of_int States.n));
fun f -> Array.iter f finals

let refinements ~refine:_ = ()
end in
Expand Down
93 changes: 57 additions & 36 deletions valmari/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,13 +11,14 @@ module type DFA = sig
val source : transitions Fin.elt -> states Fin.elt
val target : transitions Fin.elt -> states Fin.elt

val initials : states Fin.elt array
val finals : states Fin.elt array

module type INPUT = sig
include DFA

val initials : (states Fin.elt -> unit) -> unit
val finals : (states Fin.elt -> unit) -> unit

val refinements :
refine:(iter:((states Fin.elt -> unit) -> unit) -> unit) -> unit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,6 +69,9 @@ module Minimize
include DFA with type label = Label.t

val initials : states Fin.elt array
val finals : states Fin.elt array

val transport_state :
In.states Fin.elt -> states Fin.elt option
val transport_transition :
Expand All @@ -84,7 +88,7 @@ end = struct

(* Remove states unreachable from initial state *)
let () =
Array.iter (Partition.mark blocks) In.initials;
In.initials (Partition.mark blocks);
let transitions_source =
index_transitions In.states In.transitions In.source in
discard_unreachable blocks transitions_source
Expand All @@ -93,14 +97,14 @@ end = struct
let transitions_targeting =
index_transitions In.states In.transitions

(* Remove states unreachable from final states *)
(* Remove states which cannot reach any final state *)
let () =
Array.iter (Partition.mark blocks) In.finals;
In.finals (Partition.mark blocks);
discard_unreachable blocks transitions_targeting In.source

(* Split final states *)
let () =
Array.iter (Partition.mark blocks) In.finals;
In.finals (Partition.mark blocks);
Partition.split blocks

(* Split explicitely refined states *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,36 +152,45 @@ end = struct
module Transitions = Fin.Array.Of_array(struct
type a = In.transitions Fin.elt
let table =
match Partition.set_count cords with
let count = ref 0 in
Fin.Set.iter In.transitions (fun tr ->
if Partition.is_first blocks (In.source tr) &&
Partition.set_of blocks ( tr) > -1
then incr count
match !count with
| 0 -> [||]
| count ->
let count' = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to count - 1 do
let elt = Partition.choose cords i in
if Partition.set_of blocks ( elt) > -1 then
incr count';
let table = Array.make !count' (Partition.choose cords 0) in
let count' = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to count - 1 do
let elt = Partition.choose cords i in
if Partition.set_of blocks ( elt) > -1 then (
table.(!count') <- elt;
incr count';
| n -> Array.make n (Fin.Elt.of_int In.transitions 0)

let () =
let count = ref 0 in
Fin.Set.iter In.transitions (fun tr ->
if Partition.is_first blocks (In.source tr) &&
Partition.set_of blocks ( tr) > -1
then (
let index = !count in
incr count;
table.(index) <- tr
type transitions = Transitions.n
let transitions = Transitions.n

type label = Label.t

let transport_state_unsafe state =
Fin.Elt.of_int states (Partition.set_of blocks state)
let transport_state_unsafe =
let table =
Fin.Array.init In.states (Partition.set_of blocks)
Fin.Array.get table

let represent_state state =
Partition.choose blocks (state : states Fin.elt :> int)
let represent_state =
let table =
Fin.Array.init states
(fun st -> Partition.choose blocks (st : states Fin.elt :> int))
Fin.Array.get table

let represent_transition transition =
Expand All @@ -186,28 +199,36 @@ end = struct
In.label (represent_transition transition)

let source transition =
transport_state_unsafe (In.source (represent_transition transition))
Fin.Elt.of_int states
(transport_state_unsafe (In.source (represent_transition transition)))

let target transition =
transport_state_unsafe ( (represent_transition transition))
Fin.Elt.of_int states
(transport_state_unsafe ( (represent_transition transition)))

let initials = transport_state_unsafe In.initials
In.initials (Partition.mark blocks);
let sets = Partition.marked_sets blocks in
Partition.clear_marks blocks; (Fin.Elt.of_int states) (Array.of_list sets)

let finals =
Array.iter (Partition.mark blocks) In.finals;
In.finals (Partition.mark blocks);
let sets = Partition.marked_sets blocks in
Partition.clear_marks blocks; (Fin.Elt.of_int states) (Array.of_list sets)

let transport_state state =
match Partition.set_of blocks state with
match transport_state_unsafe state with
| -1 -> None
| n -> Some (Fin.Elt.of_int states n)

let transport_transition transition =
match Partition.set_of cords transition with
| -1 -> None
| n -> Some (Fin.Elt.of_int transitions n)
let transport_transition =
let table = Fin.Array.make In.transitions None in
Fin.Array.iteri (fun tr trin ->
assert (Fin.Array.get table trin = None);
Fin.Array.set table trin (Some tr);
) Transitions.table;
Fin.Array.get table


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