Qt 5.10.0+ - Qt Quick Controls 2 - Windows / Linux / MacOS / Android / iOS
This app needs Qt 5.10.0 Release or greater
If not otherwise mentioned inside source files (*.cpp, *.h, *.qml):
QtLogistics3D is a product of Eric Lee, was developed by Eric Lee
Address: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Copyright (c) 2019 Eric Lee. All right reserved.
QtLogistics3D is developed by a team of developer who contribute their work to the project, with the support and consent of the companies that employ them.
1. Eric Lee (Hong Le), Senior Developer (Vietnam): creator of QtLogistics3D interface and its architect, active maintainer of QtLogistics3D who manages issues.
“Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent.” – Joe Sparano
“Where do new ideas come from? The answer is simple: differences. Creativity comes from unlikely juxtapositions.” – Nicholas Negroponte
“First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.” – John Johnson
“Computers do not solve problems, they execute solutions.” - Eric Lee
[see LICENSE ( The GNU General Public License v3.0)] (https://github.com/levanhong05/QtLogistics3D/blob/master/LICENSE)
Images downloaded from https://www.flaticon.com/ - then renamed to match Qt High DPI images- and project-specific
[see /images/LICENSE ( cc-by )] (https://github.com/levanhong05/QtLogistics3D/blob/master/images/LICENSE)