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Releases: lewdev/hw-gen

Long division & number spacing

24 May 10:44
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📝 Math Homework Generator 0.7 📝

  • ➗ Long division equations. Also equations with remainders
  • 1️⃣ The spacing between the numbers are now even.

I broke out a spell of non-development on side projects and as a user of my own product, I had to make this update. My daughters already mastered the worksheets I've been giving them and long division was something my oldest daughter should really get into. Also, school (in Hawaii) is just about to end and I want to keep them busy with something new.

One problem with my worksheets previously was the numbers were too close to each other, so my daughters' struggled with aligning the numbers vertically. So while, the fix was simple, it will make a huge difference.

I think my next step is to create worksheets that help my younger daughter ease into multiplication. My son, the youngest at almost 5 years old, also could use some counting worksheets. It's harder to create something for him mostly because doing the worksheets requires my presence. He really just needs to work on using a pencil.

I had him do the visual addition problems and I realized that he doesn't even know how to write. So I have to hold his hand with the pencil in his and help him write the numbers out. He's definitely a good counter, so I should have geared the worksheets towards counting and writing.

I think the next big challenge is reading and writing worksheets. I honestly believe that with the help of repetition in doing these worksheets, my daughters have been able to breeze through their math studies in class. So I'm hoping I can provide them with some sort of repetition type of studying for their reading and writing skills.

Long Division

UI Revamp. Wizard UI and landing page.

26 Feb 03:04
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📝 Math Homework Generator 0.6 📝

  • 🖼 Attractive landing page. Less info is displayed at any one time.
  • 🎨 Wizard UI with breadcrumb navigation.
  • ℹ Tips are rotated one at a time.

I suppose the initial release of this app was just the MVP bare minimum version of what I, the developer, needed at the time. However, a comment from a Product Hunt user lead me to respond with making this update happen.

I wanted to respond quicker but I had to spend more time with my family and it just couldn't be a priority until I had several spurts of motivation to get it done. A few late nights later, I got it done and I feel like I will be doing more landing pages and wizard UIs from now.

I restarted my efforts in assigning homework to my kids again and I believe the key is sitting down with them 1-on-1 for as long as it takes to get them to understand. And then giving them a lot of compliments and praise. I'm pretty sure I can teach my 1st grader multiplication. My kids are distance-learning and I work from home most of the week, so it's working out fairly well. I'm glad I'm able to keep their math skills sharp.

Easy Visual Addition and spacing for big multiplication

24 Aug 19:03
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📝 Math Homework Generator 📝

  • 📝 New Worksheet types: Easy Visual Addition equations
  • 😀 Added more spacing for big multiplication worksheets.

More Worksheets and Emojis

30 Jul 11:51
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📝 Math Homework Generator 📝

  • 📝 New Worksheet types: 3, 4, 5-digit Addition and Subtraction equations.
  • 😀 Added Emoji's to more places.

Big Update

27 Jul 10:50
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Math Homework Generator (current version)

  • Add subtraction & division worksheets
  • Add Twemoji icons for each worksheet. It also helps match worksheets with answer keys.
  • Categorize worksheets.
  • Add ability to generate multiple worksheets at once and have answer key on last page.
  • Make app into a single-page application.
  • favicons for all applications
  • Added image for social media.

Answer Key and New Worksheet Types

20 Jul 20:50
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Random Math Homework Generator (current version)

New Features

  • Added option to display Answer Key
  • Front page shows a randomized example.

New Worksheets

  • Addition 1-digit Equations
  • Addition Find Addends 1-digit Equations
  • Addition 2-1-digit Equations
  • Addition 2-2-digit Equations
  • Multiplication Find Multiple 1-1-digit Equations

v0.1 Release Worksheets

  • Multiplication 1-digit Equations
  • Multiplication 2 to 1-digit Equations