Lexicons are how custom data types are described in AT Protocol. This list is a user friendly overview of the defined types and apps.
- There is an ongoing discussion on moving Lexicons directly into the protocol RFC: Lexicon Resolution #3074
- Join the Lexicon Community Discussions
- atproto-browser - browse your atproto data
- pdsls - browse the data in your PDS, and if you login, edit existing records or create new ones
- App https://whtwnd.com
- Bluesky Account @whtwnd.com
- Github https://github.com/whtwnd/whitewind-blog/tree/main/lexicons/com/whtwnd/blog
- Devs K-NKSM @knksm5.final-techblog.com
- App https://smokesignal.events
- Bluesky Account @smokesignal.events
- GitHub https://github.com/SmokeSignal-Events/lexicon
- Devs Nick @ngerakines.me
- App https://frontpage.fyi
- Bluesky Account @frontpage.fyi
- Github https://github.com/likeandscribe/frontpage/tree/main/lexicons/fyi/unravel/frontpage
- Devs Tom @tom.frontpage.team, Will @will.frontpage.team
- App https://linkat.blue
- Github https://github.com/mkizka/linkat/tree/main/lexicons/blue/linkat
- Bluesky Account @linkat.blue
- Devs きずか Kizuka @mkizka.dev
- App https://skylights.my
- Github https://github.com/Gregoor/skylights/tree/main/web/lexicons
- Devs Gregor @watwa.re
- App https://psky.social/
- Github https://github.com/psky-atp
- Devs Juliet
- App https://pinksea.art/
- Github https://github.com/shinolabs/PinkSea/
- Devs Prefetcher
- Github https://github.com/ziodotsh/atfile
- Devs zio @zio.sh, Ducky @ducky.ws
- Namespace
- App https://recipe.exchange/
- Bluesky Account @recipe.exchange
- Lexicon https://recipe.exchange/lexicons/
- Devs @joshhuckabee.com
The Bluesky team create and manage the Bluesky Lexicon plus steward the atproto core Lexicons and a few related ones like chat and ozone moderation tools.
- https://bsky.app
- Bluesky Account @bsky.app
- Github https://github.com/bluesky-social/atproto/tree/main/lexicons
- Discussion Bluesky Lexicons on Github
- App http://localhost (seriously, it's easy to get running locally!)
- Github https://github.com/bluesky-social/statusphere-example-app
- Devs Paul @pfrazee.com