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Lexon Compiler 0.3

0.3 alpha 95 U, grammar 0.2.20 / subset 0.3.8 alpha 79 - English / Reyes

This is about developing the Lexon grammar and compiler, not about writing or reading Lexon texts.

Quick Start

git clone
cd lexon ; make && sudo make install
lexon --solidity examples/escrow.lex


Lexon is a human-readable programming language that can be read without any prior knowledge about programming. It has been used to express statute, contracts, smart contracts and workflows to make them at the same time human-readable and executable by a computer.

This compiler can translate such texts written in controlled natural-language into other programming languages: Solidity, Javascript, Sophia and a Lexon-specific Core syntax. It can render a visual representation of the internal abstract syntax tree (AST) that expresses the meaning of a text.

There is a hosted version of the compiler available, a manual and a tutorial that focus on writing Lexon texts.

This compiler version 0.3 demonstrates Lexon's fundamental functionality, implementing a relevant part of natural language grammar so that it can be executed like a program. The parsing approach (GLR) was pioneered by Bernard Lang and Masaru Tomitai. Lexon adds the execution to realize the vision of 'programming with words' as envisioned, i.a., by Marin Mersenne, Gottfried Leibniz, or Betrand Russel. For more on the origin and philosophy of Lexon, see Characteristica Universalis. Other languages with similar aims are discussed in the Lexon books (see below).

The Lexon grammar defines a 'controlled English,' a subset of English grammar that is sufficient for expressing programs in a most accessible way. It establishes one possibility to articulate grammatically unambiguous texts, which turns out to be relevant to achieve computability, instead of the creation of an unambiguous lexicon (cf. Characteristica).

This grammar release is nicknamed 'Reyes' in honor of asst. prof. of law Carla L. Reyes' contribution and support. The file CREDITS lists more contributors and supporters. Input that shaped the grammar came from about one hundred developers, lawyers, scholars, finance, governance, and business people.

For more on Lexon see this introduction, and its misson statement. The Lexon site has articles, books and papers about Lexon, its application and background.

A comprehensive intro is the Lexon book. A more playful and in-depth version of the book is the Lexon BIBLE.

In her paper Creating Cryptolaw for the Uniform Commercial Code, prof. Reyes, as a director of the U.S. trade law reform commission and leading scholar in crypto, describes how and why to use Lexon to write trade law. Prof. Clack of the University College London compares Lexon to other approaches in Computational Law.

Examples of Lexon texts are in the examples/ folder. They can also be explored crosslinked, word for word, at the online vocabulary. Note that it is not required——neither for reading nor writing Lexon——to memorize this word list. Just like programmers do not memorize references, nor lawyers memorize the lexicon of legalese. All the while, by necessity, Lexon is more accessible than legalese or programming languages.

The compiler is licensed to you under the conditions and terms explained in the file LICENSE.

Writing Lexon

Lexon texts are readable without any preparation or familiarity with programming. Lexon thus includes non-programmers into the discussion of programs——notably also lawyers and judges——to understand the meaning of a smart contract, for example a fintech instrument.

There are no requirements for reading Lexon, which is its primary use case.

To write Lexon, you also don't need to install this program but can use the online compiler instead.

To learn to write, read the examples provided by the online compiler (click the example button repeatedly), then briefly explore the online vocabulary, before using the manual or the tutorial for a structured introduction. They are all linked from the online compiler.

However, note that most anything in this repository, including the downloaded binaries, is to be used from the command-line of a terminal. (The online compiler does not require any installation or knowledge of the terminal.)

The following, accordingly, is not about writing nor reading Lexon but for developers who would like to take part in developing the Lexon language and the Lexon compiler.

The Compiler

Online Documentation

Files and Folders

README          this file
LICENSE         License conditions and agreement
grammar         Natural language grammar
examples        Lexon example contracts
bin             pre-built binaries and built binaries
src             C and Flex compiler sources / cycle 1
build           intermediary C sources / cycle 2
Makefile        build scripts
tests           compiler self-tests (*)
CREDITS         contributors and supporters

(*) Note that github will omit relevant files and sub folders of the tests/ directory.


The Lexon compiler 0.3 is written in C using GNU Flex and Bison. It leverages Bison's GLR (generalized left-to-right rightmost derivation) parser to process the temporary ambiguities of natural languge.

The compiler uses no libraries beyond the C standard library and Bison's skeleton and has a small footprint that makes it well-suited to run in the web browser and blockchain VMs in a WASM build.

To express its human-readable grammar, Lexon introduces a variation of the Bachus-Naur Form (BNF) called the Lexon Grammar Form (LGF) as demonstrated in grammar/english.lgf. LGF is compiled to BNF for use with Bison as part of the build process (see use of lexccc -Y in the Makefile, in essence, bin/lexccc -Y grammar/english.lgf). The result can be seen in file build/parser.y from tag %%.

BNF and Bison are preferred over RE-based compiler building suits because BNF is more versatile and Bison's GLR is more powerful for human language parsing than PEG or ALL(*), as it can deal with the temporary ambiguities found in natural language. Compiler tools have for obvious reasons prioritized simplicity and compilation speed based on what emerged as common denominators of modern programming languages; but in the process they confined the path of language development to the status quo, basically, the 3rd generation language syntax. It is considered obvious currently that a programming language should not require the parser to look ahead to figure out the meaning of a token. Lexon breaks with the de facto standards in multiple ways. Its philosphy is based on the idea to use BNF to describe natural language, which connects with BNF's purported origin, the 1950s linguistics department at MIT. In this, Lexon merely acknowledges that the era of optimization for the needs of the machine is over and programmer productivity has been firmly established as priority in programming; for which the unintended consequenes of path dependency in compiler building have to be addressed, and overcome.

Compile Cycles

The Lexon compiler is created in two cycles: first, a lexon compiler compiler, lexccc is built that in the second cycle creates BNF from the Lexon grammar description grammar/english.lgf and produces all files that Flex and Bison need as input to create the Lexon compiler. See files in build/.

The Lexon compiler is built and ready to go after the end of the 2nd cycle. Any translation of a Lexon text——into other languages or to create a tree——comes after this, aguably as the 3rd cycle.

The use of the code that the compiler created——the application——is yet another separate program invocation, after the 3rd build cycle.

This depth is sometimes visible in the code where generated code is spliced into code of the 1st cycle for the 2nd, or code is being created in the 1st that will generate code that will generate code in the 3rd cycle, as part of the actual compiler, e.g. the abstract syntax tree graphic.

This degree of nested generation is not unusual for compilers. Lexon has a focus on supporting work on an incrementally evolving grammar that comes as a stand-alone, human-readable file, not mixed with target code. It also creates type-safe abstract syntax trees and template walk code for it (option -T). This makes the 2nd cycle the language development work phase, where the actual work happens, both in terms of iterating the grammar and adapting the code generation to it; with changes to lexccc and its code base being rare in comparison.


Because of its low number of dependencies, the content of this repository should remain usable for an extended amount of time, on a wide array of current and future platforms. It should be immediately portable to all 60 hardware platforms that GCC supports, and with slight formal adaptions, beyond. In essence it needs but a C99 compiler.

Because of its small footprint and fast pace, the compiler can be embedded in web sites and run on smart phones. Compilation of medium size texts takes milliseconds on a normal machine, with virtually no overhead for start up and wind down. The size of the compiler executable is roughly 1MB. Building the compiler itself from source takes seconds. This makes all kinds of nimble edge devices possible hosts.

To use Lexon on your own machine——to create your own workflows and be protected from bitrot——you don't have to build it yourself but can use the binaries for Mac or Linux that are located in the bin/ folder of this repository's master branch. You can also download the binaries from the Lexon site. That page also has step-by-step installation instructions.


This repository's master branch is primed for ease of use and code browsing. Besides the pre-built binaries in the bin/ folder (lexon_mac and lexon_linux) there are pre-generated sources in build/.

The standard build starting with these sources present is the second half of Lexon's build cycle 2. Starting with C sources pre-generated, it needs only a C compiler (gcc / clang) to build the Lexon compiler. Builds from cycle 1 can be made after make clean. This full building requires Flex and Bison. It is tested on Linux and Mac. The dev branch starts from this stage.

Prerequisites for Standard Build

  • C
  • make

Tested With

gcc 7.5.0 / c99
clang 12.0.5 / c99
make 3.81 and 4.1

Alternatives to Building

You can use the binaries lexon_mac or lexon_linux in bin/ to skip building. Rename one of them to lexon and run make install.

You can also download the binaries, or use the online compiler.

Alternative to make

If you want or need to avoid make, you can just compile:

    cd build ; gcc -o ../bin/lexon scanner.c parser.c core.c javascript.c solidity.c sophia.c ; cd ..

If you deleted the C sources in build/, e.g., using make clean, and don't have Flex and Bison availabe, get the sources needed for cycle 2 back by git reset --hard to be able to build again.

Prerequisites for Complete Build

To build from cycle 1, i.e., generating all sources and using the compiler compilers:

  • Linux or Darwin (Mac)
  • C
  • Flex
  • Bison
  • make

Tested With

gcc 7.5.0 / c99
clang 12.0.5 / c99
bison 3.8
flex 2.5.35 and 2.6.4
make 3.81 and 4.1


Building skips the following automatically when not installed:

To check for memory leaks:

  • valgrind

There is a thorrough internal check for memory leaks, without valgrind, that does not cover the interfacing to Bison and Flex. Valgrind does but may not be availaible on all platforms.

To indent generated intermediary C code during build from cycle 1:

  • gindent

To color diffs of failing tests during check:

  • colordiff

Prerequisites for Running Created Javascript Contracts

Lexon can create Solidity, Javascript or Sophia code. To run the Javascript you will want to use:

  • node

For Persistence and Emailing from Created Javascript Contracts

Depending on the options given to the compiler, Javascript code will be generated with different additional features. For emailing a contract to someone else, and for persisting its state on your computer, you will need:

  • npm
  • serialize-javascript

Install this library with:

npm install serialize-javascript

Note that no Javascript elements are needed when compiling a Lexon text, no matter to what language, even to Javascript. The above applies solely for executing the produced Javascript at a later time.


$ make

As the repo comes, on the master branch, it is ready for build cycle 2: make will compile the pre-built C sources in build/, calling gcc to build the compiler executable lexon. This is the most portable state of the repository.

The full build from cycle 1 first builds the compiler compiler lexccc, which then builds the sources required to build the compiler lexon in cycle 2. The dev branch is set up for this full build and make clean prepares the index for it on any branch. (The master branch is prepared with make distclean.)


$ sudo make install

If you can't sudo, copy the file bin/lexon into your path or call it directly, like in bin/lexon --solidity examples/escrow.lex while in the lexon folder.

To install to a different path than /usr/local/bin set PREFIX, or copy bin/lexon to the path manually.


$ make check

This runs tests located in sub directories of tests/.

Note that github will not list all files and sub folders in tests/. Relevant sub folders are tests/english, tests/lexon, and tests/focus. But there are also test files in tests/ itself that github will not show.

The tests of make check verify that the compiler works as expected. Other tests, like make envtest check the environment and internal memory handling mechanisms. make devcheck runs all tests. See immediately below for all options.

Build Rules

$ make <rules>

all             build compiler and run an example (default)
build           build compiler
install         install compiler (run with sudo)
sample          build escrow example to solidity
check           compiler tests: deeptest, focustest, sample
devcheck        all tests: envtest, deeptest, grammarcheck, focustest, sample
testlog         dump the 100 last lines of the test log
clean           delete all built files, except pre-built binaries
ls              show the source and build directories
license         show the license agreement
help            this list

dev support

lexcc           a build part: build lexccc compiler compiler
lexon           a build part: build lexon compiler
distclean       clean and pre-build cycle 2 sources for master branch
diffclean       clean and pre-build backend modules (targets branch)
devclean        clean and delete pre-build binaries (dev branch)
srcclean        devclean and delete test expectations (sources branch)
rulecheck       test of different repository clean state transitions

3rd level of tests: grammar

grammarcheck    grammar checks with extended yacc grammar checks
conflicts       grammar check that lists ambiguously used tokens
counter         grammar check that lists examples for ambiguous code
focustest       grammar check compiling release-defining examples
focusprep       build result references for future focustest runs

2nd level of tests: components

deeptest        memory handling, includes, language parser, compiler
memtest         valgrind & internal memory leak tests
update          interactive, selective update of deeptest result references
recheck         faster update, skipping successful tests of earlier deeptest
expectations    full non-interactive update of deeptest result references
new             creation only of missing deeptest result references

1st level of tests: build environment

envtest         test of build environment, gcc, flex, mtrac memory checks


lexon [<options>] [<source>]

Options are described below. If the file is not given, stdin is used.

$ bin/lexon --solidity examples/escrow.lex

This, as an example, compiles the Lexon text in file escrow.lex to solidity.


Compile the U.C.C. Finance Statement example to Javascript

    bin/lexon --javascript --feedback --log --chaining --signatures --persistence --comment examples/statement.lex

Compile the Evaluation License example to Solidity

    bin/lexon --solidity --comment examples/evaluation.lex

Compile the escrow example to Lexon Core

    bin/lexon --core examples/escrow.lex

Draw a tree representation (AST) of the escrow example

    bin/lexon --flat --tree examples/escrow.lex

Compiler Options

usage: lexon [<options>] [<source file>]

-V --version                    print version slug and exit
-h --help                       print this text and exit
-m --manual                     print the readme text and exit
-o --output <file name>         write result of source translation to <file name>, not stdout
-j --echo-source                list the source code that will be processed
-Q --no-result                  no output of resulting code to screen even absent <out file>

Developing Lexon Code

-2 --javascript                 produce javascript output
-3 --solidity                   produce solidity output
-4 --sophia                     produce sophia output
-v --verbose                    trace detailed compilation steps to find code errors
-N --names                      list found names - ie. symbols - and exit
-W --echo-precompile            show sanitized source code, with included files
-P --precompile                 show sanitized source code, with included files, and exit
-J --jurisdictions              list known jurisdictions and exit
-b --bare                       generated code is barebones happy path demonstration
-y --comment                    generated code has explanatory comments
-u --instructions               generated code leads in with user instructions
-f --feedback                   generated code confirms calls on-screen
-z --harden                     generated code checks for unset arguments and variables
-l --log [<file>]               generated code logs state changes to <file> (default: log)
-s --signatures [<pem file>]    generated code signs log using <pem file> (default: key.pem)
-c --chaining [<hash length>]   generated code hash-chains log-entries (default length 12)
-p --persistence [<file>]       generated code stores state in <file> (default: state)
-t --bundle [<file>]            generated code can tar code, log and state (default: contract.tgz)
-x --all-auxiliaries            generated code features all extras (equals -y -u -f -z -l -s -c -p -t)
-i --include-path <path>        set a default path to look for include files
-I --included-files             print cascade of included and sub-included files and exit
-R --ignore-repeat-includes     ignore include files that are given repeatedly
-C --ignore-circular-includes   ignore include files that effectively call themselves

Inspecting Lexon Code

-G --grammar                    list the implemented grammar (LGF), and exit
-1 --core                       produce lexon core code output
-0 --tree                       produce abstract syntax tree output
   --flat                       produce a tree with flattened binary lists
   --color [<sgr,sgr..>]        ansi sgr codes for highlighting (default: 1), adds following four
   --symbols [<sgr,sgr..>]      highlight the symbols in tree, core, or output code (default: 36)
   --highlight [<word,word..>]  highlight specific nodes (default: clause,subject,object,if)
   --leaves [<word,word..>]     highlight specific node leaves (default: type,combinator,illocutor)
   --subleaves [<word,word..>]  highlight specific node sub leaves (default: predicate)

Developing Lexon Grammars

-S --scanner [<out file>]       produce scanner code from an LGF grammar
-F --source base [<file name>]  source file to be included into scanner code (-S)
-H --header [<file name>]       prepend #include "<file name>" to scanner code (-S)
-Y --parser [<out file>]        produce parser code, incl. BNF, from an LGF grammar
-K --keywords                   list the keywords produced from an LGF grammar, and exit
-B --bnf                        produce BNF from an LGF grammar (subset of -Y), and exit
-y --comment                    include comments in grammar output (-S, -Y)
-k --check                      check consistency and completeness of LGF grammar (equals -QE)
-E --examples [<path stub>]     produce examples from <path stub>-nn.lex for an LGF grammar
-n --max-examples [<cap>]       produce ca. <cap> number of examples (default: 1000)
-w --wipe                       delete pre-existing example files <path stub>-*.lex for -E

Developing Lexon Targets

-T --template [<out file>]      produce skeleton AST walk functions for an LGF grammar
-L --language-prefix [<prefix>] prepend <prefix> to the functions of -T (default: 'core')

Debugging Lexon

-d --debug                      detailed trace of processing steps to debug lexon itself
-D --debug-modules [<modules>]  detailed trace of specific modules. Use -Dh to list modules
-M --memory-check               run-time check and post-mortem of memory allocation and errors

Further Examples

lexon sample.lex
lexon --javascript sample.lex
lexon -vQ sample.lex
lexon -P sample.lex
lexon --flat --color --tree sample.lex
lexon -B english.lgf
lexon -Yparser.y -Hparser.h -Sscanner.l -Flexon.l -Lcore english.lgf

Syntax Highlighting

The file src/target.c combines code for three targets (Solidity, Sophia, and Javascript) to allow for a more productive implementation of grammar enhancements.

To help visually telling apart the targets in the source of src/target.c, use this additional syntax highlighting in your ~/.vimrc:

:syntax on

autocmd ColorScheme *
	\ syn match lexfrontT "\/\*T.*" contains=cFunction |
	\ syn match lexfrontJS "\/\*JS .*" contains=cString |
	\ syn match lexfrontSol "\/\*Sol.*" contains=cString |
	\ syn match lexfrontSop "\/\*Sop.*" contains=cString |
	\ syn match lexfrontSaS "\/\*S+S.*" contains=cString |
	\ syn match lexfrontJaS "\/\*J+S.*" contains=cString |
	\ hi lexfrontT ctermfg=110 guifg=#84a0c6 |
	\ hi lexfrontJS ctermfg=76 guifg=#5fd700 |
	\ hi lexfrontSol ctermfg=51 guifg=#00ffff |
	\ hi lexfrontSaS ctermfg=21 guifg=#0000ff |
	\ hi lexfrontJaS ctermfg=28 guifg=#008700 |
	\ hi lexfrontJxS ctermfg=94 guifg=#875f00 |
	\ hi lexfrontSop ctermfg=127 guifg=#af00afv

See src/target.c for more details.


Copyright (C) 2016-24 Henning Diedrich.

Licensed under AGPL3 subject to the conditions described in the file LICENSE.

[email protected]
