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Node.js CLI tool to generate JSON schema from Swagger YAML file


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swagger-yaml-to-json-schema (ytoj)

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This tool can be used to generate the JSON schema from a Swagger version 2 or 3 (OpenAPI) or AsyncAPI 2 YAML file.


Node.js version 7.0 (in theory) or newer. Tested with 8.12.0, 10.13.0, 10.14.1, 13.11.0, and 14.15.1

npm version 6.1.0 or newer. Tested with 6.1.0, 6.4.1, 6.14.7, 6.14.8, 6.14.10, and 7.21.0


If you want the tool to be available globally:

    npm install ytoj -g

or install it locally in your project:

    npm install ytoj --save-dev


Interactive mode

The first time you run the tool:


or (if not installed globally)

    npx ytoj

the tool will run interactively collecting some information:

Generate JSON schema from Swagger, OpenAPI, or AsyncAPI YAML document.

Version 4.0.4

Swagger YAML file:  sample/petstore-simple.yaml
Output JSON schema:  schema/petstore-simple.json
$schema: (
$id: ()
Resolve $refs? (n) n
Allow additionalProperties? (n) n
Indent size in the output JSON file (2): 3

        Input:                sample/petstore-simple.yaml
        Output:               schema/petstore-simple.json
        Resolve $refs:        false
        additionalProperties: false
        Indent size:          3

Does everything look good (y)?  y
Save these settings in ytoj.json (y)? y

If you answer yes to the last question this information will be saved in the configuration file called ytoj.json, so the next time the tool is run it can read it from there and will not ask for it again. This way you can incorporate it in a build process.

If you want to go back to the interactive mode, just delete ytoj.json

Configuration parameters

  • Input: the path to the YAML file containing Swagger specification.
  • Output: file containing JSON schema based on Swagger specification.
  • $schema (required): The URI defining the (meta-)schema for the generated JSON schema. Defaults to draft-07 of JSON schema
  • $id (optional): The URI defining the instance of the generated schema. If specified, it is expected to be something that identifies your application/project/organization.
  • Resolve $refs: Specifies whether to resolve $refs in the schema. Defaults to "no".
  • additionalProperties: Specifies whether the genereated schema allows additionalProperties in JSON instances. Defaults to "no".
  • Indent size: Formatting indent for the output JSON file. Default is 2 (spaces).


Command line parameters

The tool can also be run by specifying all parameters on the command line instead of interactively or from the configuration file. Run

    ytoj --help

or (if not installed globally)

    npx ytoj --help

To see all avaialble parameters:

  -i, --input <file path>      YAML input file (required)
  -o, --output <file path>     JSON schema output file (required)
  -s, --schema <url>           $schema (default
  -d, --id <url>               $id
  -r, --resolve-refs           resolve $refs in the schema
  -a, --additional-properties  allow additionalProperties in the schema
  -t, --indent <number>        indent size in the output JSON file (default 2)
  -c, --config <file path>     use settings from this file
  --save-settings              save parameters to the configuration file and exit
  -h, --help                   display help for command

Note that the -c, --config parameter can be used three ways:

  • If it is the only parameter given, and the specified configuration file exists, the tool will use that configuration.
  • If it is the only parameter, and the specfied file does not exist, the tool will proceed to the interactive mode (see below) and use the specfied file to save the configuration entered by the user.
  • If it is used with the --save-settings parameter, all parameters given on the command line will be saved in this configuration file, and the tool will exit.


The functionality is also available as an API. To use it, import or require this package, and then just call the ytoj function. Here is an example:

const { ytoj } = require('ytoj');

async function convertSwagger(input) {
  try {
    const schema = await ytoj(input, { id: '', resolveRefs: true });

    console.log(JSON.stringify(schema, null, 2));
  } catch (e) {


const schemaObj = await ytoj(yamlString, options);


A String that contains some Swagger/OpenAPI/AsyncAPI YAML specification.


An optional Object that may supply configuration parameters (all optional):

  • schema - The URI defining the (meta-)schema for the generated JSON schema. Defaults to draft-07 of JSON schema: ''.
  • id - The URI defining the instance of the generated schema. If specified, it is expected to be something that identifies your application/project/organization.
  • resolveRefs - Specifies whether to resolve $refs in the schema. Defaults to false.
  • additionalProperties - Specifies whether the genereated schema allows additionalProperties in JSON instances. Defaults to false.

The function returns a Promise<Object>, where the Object represents the JSON schema corresponding to the input Swagger/OpenAPI specification. Note that the function is async, and so it must be called with await within a try block or with .then().catch(). It throws in case of invalid input or options.


Node.js CLI tool to generate JSON schema from Swagger YAML file







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