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impl settings menu for doc, give tabs doc-level memory
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lgessler committed Jan 3, 2022
1 parent c6557fe commit 9789168
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Showing 6 changed files with 291 additions and 143 deletions.
62 changes: 47 additions & 15 deletions src/main/glam/client/ui/document/document.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,11 +9,15 @@
[glam.client.ui.document.text-editor :refer [TextEditor ui-text-editor]]
[glam.client.ui.document.token-editor :refer [TokenEditor ui-token-editor]]
[glam.client.ui.document.interlinear-editor :as ied :refer [InterlinearEditor ui-interlinear-editor]]
[glam.client.ui.document.settings :as settings :refer [Settings ui-settings]]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom :as dom]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.mutations :as m]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.application :as app]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.normalize :as fnorm]))
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.normalize :as fnorm]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.ui-state-machines :as uism]
[glam.client.ui.common.forms :as forms]
[glam.models.session :as sn]))

(defsc ProjectNameQuery
[this props]
Expand All @@ -26,7 +30,10 @@
"interlinear" {:slug "interlinear"
:name "Interlinear"
:join-key :>/interlinear-editor
:schema-mutation ied/apply-schema}})
:schema-mutation ied/apply-schema}
"settings" {:slug "settings"
:name "Settings"
:join-key :>/settings}})
(def editor-joins (set (map (comp :join-key second) editors)))

(declare Document)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,29 +67,51 @@
(when-let [f (:post-action load-opts)]

(m/defmutation change-tab [{:keys [tab]}]
(action [{:keys [state ref component]}]
(swap! state (fn [s]
(-> s
(assoc-in (conj ref :ui/busy?) true)
(assoc-in (conj ref :ui/active-tab) tab)
(assoc-in sn/session-ident (sn/session-assoc (get-in s sn/session-ident) (conj ref ::tab) tab)))))
(do-load! component (last ref) tab {:post-action #(m/set-value! component :ui/busy? false)})))

(defsc Document
[this {:document/keys [id name project] :ui/keys [active-tab busy?]
:>/keys [text-editor token-editor interlinear-editor] :as props}]
:>/keys [text-editor token-editor interlinear-editor settings] :as props}]
{:query [:document/id :document/name
{:document/project (c/get-query ProjectNameQuery)}
{:>/text-editor (c/get-query TextEditor)}
{:>/token-editor (c/get-query TokenEditor)}
{:>/interlinear-editor (c/get-query InterlinearEditor)}
{:>/settings (c/get-query Settings)}
:ident :document/id
:pre-merge (fn [{:keys [data-tree]}]
:pre-merge (fn [{:keys [data-tree state-map]}]
(let [q-params (r/get-query-params)
tab (or (:tab q-params) "interlinear")]
session (get-in state-map sn/session-ident)
ident [:document/id (:document/id data-tree)]
tab-session-key (conj ident ::tab)
tab (or (sn/session-get session tab-session-key)
(:tab q-params)
(when (not= tab (:tab q-params))
(r/assoc-query-param! :tab "interlinear"))
(r/assoc-query-param! :tab tab))
(merge {:ui/active-tab tab
:ui/busy? false}
{sn/session-ident (sn/session-assoc session tab-session-key tab)})))
:route-segment (r/last-route-segment :document)
:will-enter (fn [app {:keys [id] :as route-params}]
(let [parsed-id (gcu/parse-id id)
tab (or (:tab (r/get-query-params)) "interlinear")]
session (get-in (app/current-state app) sn/session-ident)
ident [:document/id parsed-id]
tab-session-key (conj ident ::tab)
tab (or (sn/session-get session tab-session-key)
(:tab (r/get-query-params))
(when parsed-id
[:document/id parsed-id]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,18 +149,21 @@
(mui/tab-context {:value active-tab}
(mui/tabs {:value active-tab
:onChange (fn [_ val]
(m/set-value! this :ui/busy? true)
(m/set-value! this :ui/active-tab val)
(r/assoc-query-param! :tab val)
(do-load! this id val {:post-action #(m/set-value! this :ui/busy? false)}))}
(c/transact! this [(change-tab {:tab val})])
(when (= val "settings")
(uism/begin! this forms/edit-form-machine ::settings/settings
{:actor/form (uism/with-actor-class [:document/id id] Settings)})))}
(mui/tab {:label (get-in editors ["text" :name]) :value "text"})
(mui/tab {:label (get-in editors ["token" :name]) :value "token"})
(mui/tab {:label (get-in editors ["interlinear" :name]) :value "interlinear"}))
(mui/tab {:label (get-in editors ["interlinear" :name]) :value "interlinear"})
(mui/tab {:label (get-in editors ["settings" :name]) :value "settings"}))

(mui/tab-panel {:value "text"}
(ui-text-editor text-editor))
(mui/tab-panel {:value "token"}
(ui-token-editor token-editor))
(mui/tab-panel {:value "interlinear"}
(ui-interlinear-editor interlinear-editor))))))))
(ui-interlinear-editor interlinear-editor))
(mui/tab-panel {:value "settings"}
(ui-settings settings))))))))

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