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File metadata and controls

202 lines (142 loc) · 5.52 KB

Controllable - TrafficCone

This repository contains the code and assets for a custom Controllable Plugin - TrafficCone.

To use this Controllable Plugin:

  1. Clone the repo into Assets/External/Controllables/TrafficCone inside of your Simulator Unity Project

  2. Build the Controllable Plugin for use with the Simulator, navigate to the Simulator -> Build... Unity Editor menu item. Select TrafficCone controllable and build. Output bundle will be in AssetBundles/Controllables folder in root of Simulator Unity Project

  3. Simulator will load, at runtime, all custom Controllable Plugin bundles in AssetBundles/Controllables directory

Custom Logic

To implement custom logic, contained in a given Controllable Plugin project there must be an IControllable implementation. An example of this is in TrafficCone.cs

The interface requires the following to be implemented:

public bool Spawned { get; set; }        
public string UID { get; set; }
public string ControlType { get; set; } = "type"
public string CurrentState { get; set; }
public string[] ValidStates { get; } = new string[]{};
public string[] ValidActions { get; } = new string[]{};

// Control policy defines rules for control actions
public string DefaultControlPolicy { get; set; }
public string CurrentControlPolicy { get; set; }

public Control(List<ControlAction> controlActions)

On Awake() CurrentControlPolicy and CurrentState must be set, e.g.

private void Awake()
    CurrentControlPolicy = DefaultControlPolicy;
    CurrentState = "";

Control checks the parsed ControlActions and sets the CurrentState

public void Control(List<ControlAction> controlActions)
    for (int i = 0; i < controlActions.Count; i++)
        var action = controlActions[i].Action;
        var value = controlActions[i].Value;

        switch (action)
            case = "exampleAction"
            	CurrentState = value; // not used for traffic cone
            Debug.LogError($"'{action}' is an invalid action for '{ControlType}'");

Python API example

Each controllable object has its own valid actions (e.g., green, yellow, red, trigger, wait, loop, on, off, "") that it can take and is controlled based on control policy, which defines rules for control actions.

To get a list of controllable objects in a scene:

controllables = sim.get_controllables()

For a controllable object of interest, you can get following information:

cone = controllables[0]
print("Type:", cone.type)
print("Transform:", cone.transform)
print("Current state:", cone.current_state)
print("Valid actions:", cone.valid_actions)

For control policy, each controllable object always has default control policy (read-only). When you load a scene for the first time or reset a scene to the initial state, a controllable object resets current control policy to default one follows it.

You can get default control policy and current control policy as follows:

print("Default control policy:", cone.default_control_policy)
print("Current control policy:", cone.control_policy)

To change a current control policy, you can create a new control policy and call control function as below:

control_policy = "on"

To add a plugin controllable and set object state

state = lgsvl.ObjectState()
state.transform.position = lgsvl.Vector(0,0,0)
state.transform.rotation = lgsvl.Vector(0,0,0)
state.velocity = lgsvl.Vector(0,10,0)
state.angular_velocity = lgsvl.Vector(6.5,0,0)

cone = sim.controllable_add("TrafficCone", state)

To get plugin controllable object state


To set plugin controllable object state

state = lgsvl.ObjectState()
state.transform.position = lgsvl.Vector(0, 0, -10)
cone.object_state = state

Controllables can also have a Unity RigidBody component at the root and apply velocity from the API.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2020 LG Electronics, Inc.
# This software contains code licensed as described in LICENSE.

import os
import lgsvl

sim = lgsvl.Simulator(os.environ.get("SIMULATOR_HOST", ""), 8181)

scene_name = "CubeTown"

if sim.current_scene == scene_name:
  sim.load(scene_name, 42)

spawns = sim.get_spawn()

state = lgsvl.AgentState()
forward = lgsvl.utils.transform_to_forward(spawns[0])
right = lgsvl.utils.transform_to_right(spawns[0])
up = lgsvl.utils.transform_to_up(spawns[0])
state.transform = spawns[0]

ego = sim.add_agent("Lincoln2017MKZ (Apollo 5.0)", lgsvl.AgentType.EGO, state)

print("Python API Quickstart #28: How to Add/Control Traffic Cone")

for i in range(10*3):
  # Create controllables in a block
  start = spawns[0].position + (5 + (1.0 * (i//6))) * forward - (2 + (1.0 * (i % 6))) * right
  end = start + 10 * forward

  state = lgsvl.ObjectState()
  state.transform.position = start
  state.transform.rotation = spawns[0].rotation
  # Set velocity and angular_velocity
  state.velocity = 10 * up
  state.angular_velocity = 6.5 * right
  # add controllable
  o = sim.controllable_add("TrafficCone", state)

print("\nAdded {} Traffic Cones".format(i + 1))

seconds = 10
input("\nPress Enter to run simulation for {} seconds".format(seconds))
print("\nRunning simulation for {} seconds...".format(seconds))


Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2020 LG Electronics, Inc.

This software contains code licensed as described in LICENSE.