This repository contains the code and assets for a custom Controllable Plugin - TrafficCone.
To use this Controllable Plugin:
Clone the repo into Assets/External/Controllables/TrafficCone inside of your Simulator Unity Project
Build the Controllable Plugin for use with the Simulator, navigate to the
Simulator -> Build...
Unity Editor menu item. Select TrafficCone controllable and build. Output bundle will be in AssetBundles/Controllables folder in root of Simulator Unity Project -
Simulator will load, at runtime, all custom Controllable Plugin bundles in AssetBundles/Controllables directory
To implement custom logic, contained in a given Controllable Plugin project there must be an IControllable implementation. An example of this is in TrafficCone.cs
The interface requires the following to be implemented:
public bool Spawned { get; set; }
public string UID { get; set; }
public string ControlType { get; set; } = "type"
public string CurrentState { get; set; }
public string[] ValidStates { get; } = new string[]{};
public string[] ValidActions { get; } = new string[]{};
// Control policy defines rules for control actions
public string DefaultControlPolicy { get; set; }
public string CurrentControlPolicy { get; set; }
public Control(List<ControlAction> controlActions)
On Awake()
CurrentControlPolicy and CurrentState must be set, e.g.
private void Awake()
CurrentControlPolicy = DefaultControlPolicy;
CurrentState = "";
Control checks the parsed ControlActions and sets the CurrentState
public void Control(List<ControlAction> controlActions)
for (int i = 0; i < controlActions.Count; i++)
var action = controlActions[i].Action;
var value = controlActions[i].Value;
switch (action)
case = "exampleAction"
CurrentState = value; // not used for traffic cone
Debug.LogError($"'{action}' is an invalid action for '{ControlType}'");
Each controllable object has its own valid actions
(e.g., green, yellow, red, trigger, wait, loop, on, off, "") that it can take and is controlled based on control policy
, which defines rules for control actions.
To get a list of controllable objects in a scene:
controllables = sim.get_controllables()
For a controllable object of interest, you can get following information:
cone = controllables[0]
print("Type:", cone.type)
print("Transform:", cone.transform)
print("Current state:", cone.current_state)
print("Valid actions:", cone.valid_actions)
For control policy, each controllable object always has default control policy (read-only). When you load a scene for the first time or reset a scene to the initial state, a controllable object resets current control policy to default one follows it.
You can get default control policy and current control policy as follows:
print("Default control policy:", cone.default_control_policy)
print("Current control policy:", cone.control_policy)
To change a current control policy, you can create a new control policy and call control
function as below:
control_policy = "on"
To add a plugin controllable and set object state
state = lgsvl.ObjectState()
state.transform.position = lgsvl.Vector(0,0,0)
state.transform.rotation = lgsvl.Vector(0,0,0)
state.velocity = lgsvl.Vector(0,10,0)
state.angular_velocity = lgsvl.Vector(6.5,0,0)
cone = sim.controllable_add("TrafficCone", state)
To get plugin controllable object state
To set plugin controllable object state
state = lgsvl.ObjectState()
state.transform.position = lgsvl.Vector(0, 0, -10)
cone.object_state = state
Controllables can also have a Unity RigidBody component at the root and apply velocity from the API.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2020 LG Electronics, Inc.
# This software contains code licensed as described in LICENSE.
import os
import lgsvl
sim = lgsvl.Simulator(os.environ.get("SIMULATOR_HOST", ""), 8181)
scene_name = "CubeTown"
if sim.current_scene == scene_name:
sim.load(scene_name, 42)
spawns = sim.get_spawn()
state = lgsvl.AgentState()
forward = lgsvl.utils.transform_to_forward(spawns[0])
right = lgsvl.utils.transform_to_right(spawns[0])
up = lgsvl.utils.transform_to_up(spawns[0])
state.transform = spawns[0]
ego = sim.add_agent("Lincoln2017MKZ (Apollo 5.0)", lgsvl.AgentType.EGO, state)
print("Python API Quickstart #28: How to Add/Control Traffic Cone")
for i in range(10*3):
# Create controllables in a block
start = spawns[0].position + (5 + (1.0 * (i//6))) * forward - (2 + (1.0 * (i % 6))) * right
end = start + 10 * forward
state = lgsvl.ObjectState()
state.transform.position = start
state.transform.rotation = spawns[0].rotation
# Set velocity and angular_velocity
state.velocity = 10 * up
state.angular_velocity = 6.5 * right
# add controllable
o = sim.controllable_add("TrafficCone", state)
print("\nAdded {} Traffic Cones".format(i + 1))
seconds = 10
input("\nPress Enter to run simulation for {} seconds".format(seconds))
print("\nRunning simulation for {} seconds...".format(seconds))
Copyright (c) 2020 LG Electronics, Inc.
This software contains code licensed as described in LICENSE.