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Overview DevSecOps

Topic Description Key Concepts Tools/Practices Use Cases
1. DevSecOps Basics Integration of security practices within the DevOps pipeline. Shift-Left Security, Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) CI/CD Pipelines, Security as Code Secure software development, Early vulnerability detection
2. Threat Modeling Identifying potential security threats and vulnerabilities in the early stages of development. Attack Vectors, Mitigation Strategies OWASP Threat Dragon, Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool Risk assessment, Security planning
3. Security Automation Automating security tasks to integrate seamlessly into the CI/CD pipeline. Automated Testing, Security Gates, Compliance as Code Jenkins, GitLab CI, SonarQube, Checkmarx Continuous security validation, Compliance enforcement
4. Vulnerability Management Identifying, assessing, and mitigating vulnerabilities in code and infrastructure. Vulnerability Scanning, Patching, CVEs Snyk, Trivy, OpenVAS, Nessus Vulnerability detection, Patch management
5. Secure Coding Practices Writing code with security considerations to prevent vulnerabilities. Input Validation, Error Handling, Authentication OWASP Top Ten, Static Code Analysis (SAST) Secure software development, Code quality improvement
6. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Security Managing and securing infrastructure through code, ensuring compliance and reducing risks. IaC Tools (Terraform, Ansible), Policy Enforcement Terraform, Ansible, AWS CloudFormation, Checkov Automated infrastructure management, Policy enforcement
7. Container Security Ensuring the security of containerized applications and their environments. Image Scanning, Runtime Security, Least Privilege Docker, Kubernetes, Aqua Security, Falco Secure container deployments, Runtime protection
8. Continuous Monitoring Ongoing monitoring of applications and infrastructure for security threats. Real-time Monitoring, Anomaly Detection, Alerting Prometheus, Grafana, ELK Stack, Splunk Threat detection, Incident response
9. Compliance and Governance Ensuring that security policies and standards are adhered to throughout the development lifecycle. Regulatory Compliance (GDPR, HIPAA), Auditing Open Policy Agent (OPA), Chef InSpec, Compliance as Code Regulatory compliance, Policy enforcement
10. Incident Response Processes and tools for responding to and managing security incidents. Incident Detection, Mitigation, Post-Incident Analysis Incident Management Plan, SIEM, PagerDuty, Splunk Incident management, Mitigation strategies

Computer Network




Topic Description Key Concepts Protocols/Technologies Use Cases
1. OSI Model Framework to understand network communication layers. 7 Layers: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, Application TCP/IP, Ethernet, PPP Network design, Troubleshooting
2. IP Addressing Method of assigning unique addresses to devices on a network. IPv4, IPv6, Subnetting, CIDR DHCP, ARP, NAT Routing, Address assignment
3. Routing & Switching Directing data packets between networks (Routing) and within a network (Switching). Static & Dynamic Routing, VLANs, Trunking OSPF, BGP, RIP, STP, VTP Internet routing, Network segmentation
4. TCP/IP Protocol Suite Set of communication protocols used for the Internet and similar networks. TCP, UDP, IP, ICMP, HTTP, FTP IPv4, IPv6, ARP, DNS Web browsing, File transfer, Email
5. Network Security Measures to protect the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data. Firewalls, Encryption, VPNs, IDS/IPS SSL/TLS, IPsec, SSH, WPA/WPA2 Secure communications, Access control
6. Wireless Networking Networking technology that uses radio waves to connect devices. Wi-Fi standards (802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax), Frequency Bands WPA2, WPA3, WEP, Bluetooth Home networking, Mobile devices, IoT
7. Network Topologies Physical and logical arrangement of network devices and paths. Star, Mesh, Bus, Ring, Hybrid Ethernet, Wireless, Fiber Optic Network design, Performance optimization
8. Network Address Translation (NAT) Method to map multiple private IP addresses to a single public IP address. Static NAT, Dynamic NAT, PAT NAT44, NAT64 IPv4 conservation, Internet access
9. VLANs (Virtual LANs) Segregation of networks within the same physical switch to improve management and security. VLAN Trunking Protocol, VLAN Tagging 802.1Q, Inter-VLAN Routing Network segmentation, Traffic management
10. Network Troubleshooting Methods and tools used to diagnose and resolve network issues. Ping, Traceroute, nslookup, Wireshark SNMP, Syslog, NetFlow Issue diagnosis, Performance monitoring
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Lab Exercise Description Key Concepts Tools/Software Learning Outcomes
1. Basic Network Configuration Set up and configure a simple network with routers, switches, and end devices. IP Addressing, Subnetting, Routing, Switching Cisco Packet Tracer, GNS3, VMware/VirtualBox Understanding IP addressing, Basic routing and switching
2. VLAN Configuration Create and configure Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) to segment network traffic. VLANs, Trunking, Inter-VLAN Routing Cisco Packet Tracer, GNS3, Real Switches Network segmentation, VLAN management, Traffic isolation
3. DHCP and DNS Setup Configure DHCP for automatic IP address allocation and DNS for name resolution. DHCP Server, DNS Records, Lease Time GNS3, Cisco Packet Tracer, Windows/Linux Server Dynamic IP management, Domain name resolution
4. Static and Dynamic Routing Implement static routes and dynamic routing protocols (RIP, OSPF, EIGRP) between routers. Static Routing, RIP, OSPF, EIGRP GNS3, Cisco Packet Tracer, Real Routers Routing fundamentals, Network path selection
5. Firewall Configuration Configure firewall rules to control traffic flow between different network segments. Packet Filtering, NAT, Access Control Lists (ACLs) pfSense, Cisco ASA, iptables, GNS3 Network security, Traffic filtering, NAT configuration
6. VPN Setup and Configuration Set up a VPN to securely connect remote users or sites to the internal network. Tunneling, Encryption, VPN Protocols (IPsec, OpenVPN) OpenVPN, WireGuard, Cisco AnyConnect, GNS3 Secure remote access, Site-to-site connectivity
7. Network Monitoring and Management Implement network monitoring to track and analyze network traffic and performance. SNMP, NetFlow, Syslog, Packet Capture Wireshark, Nagios, Zabbix, SolarWinds Real-time monitoring, Performance analysis, Traffic troubleshooting
8. NAT and PAT Configuration Configure Network Address Translation (NAT) and Port Address Translation (PAT) on routers. NAT, PAT, Inside/Outside Interfaces GNS3, Cisco Packet Tracer, Real Routers IP address conservation, Network translation, Port forwarding
9. Wireless Network Setup Configure a wireless network with security protocols like WPA2, and manage access points. SSID, WPA2, Access Point Configuration Cisco Packet Tracer, Real Wireless Routers, Ekahau Wireless security, Wireless network management
10. Load Balancer Configuration Set up a load balancer to distribute traffic across multiple servers for high availability. Round Robin, Least Connections, Load Balancing Algorithms HAProxy, NGINX, AWS ELB, Azure Load Balancer High availability, Traffic distribution, Load balancing
11. IPv6 Network Configuration Configure an IPv6 network with addressing, routing, and DNS support. IPv6 Addressing, Dual Stack, IPv6 Routing GNS3, Cisco Packet Tracer, Real Routers/Switches Understanding IPv6, Transitioning from IPv4, IPv6 routing
12. Docker Networking Explore container networking by setting up Docker networks and connecting containers. Bridge Network, Host Network, Overlay Network Docker, Docker Compose, Portainer Container networking, Service discovery, Network isolation
13. Network Automation with Ansible Automate network configuration tasks using Ansible playbooks. Ansible, YAML, Network Modules Ansible, Cisco Devices, GNS3 Automating repetitive tasks, Configuration consistency
14. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Setup Deploy an IDS to monitor and detect malicious network activity. IDS, Signatures, Anomaly Detection, Snort Snort, Suricata, Security Onion Threat detection, Security monitoring, Network defense
15. Cloud Network Configuration Configure and manage virtual networks in a cloud environment (AWS, Azure, GCP). VPC, Subnets, Security Groups, Peering AWS Management Console, Azure Portal, Terraform Cloud networking, Hybrid cloud connectivity, Security management
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Network and Network Security



Topic Description Key Concepts Commands/Tools Use Cases
1. Network Basics Fundamental concepts of networking, essential for understanding how systems communicate in a DevOps environment. IP Addressing, Subnetting, DNS, TCP/IP, OSI Model ping, traceroute, ipconfig/ifconfig, nslookup Network troubleshooting, Connectivity testing
2. Virtual Private Network (VPN) Securely connecting to a remote network over the internet. Tunneling, Encryption, VPN Protocols (IPsec, OpenVPN) OpenVPN, WireGuard, Cisco AnyConnect Secure remote access, Connecting distributed teams
3. Firewalls Security systems that control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. Packet Filtering, Stateful Inspection, NAT, ACL iptables, ufw, AWS Security Groups, Azure NSG Network security, Traffic management
4. Load Balancing Distributing network traffic across multiple servers to ensure reliability and performance. Round Robin, Least Connections, Sticky Sessions HAProxy, NGINX, AWS ELB, Azure Load Balancer High availability, Scaling, Fault tolerance
5. DNS Management Translating domain names into IP addresses, critical for routing traffic to services. DNS Records (A, CNAME, MX, TXT), TTL, Zone Files BIND, dig, AWS Route 53, Azure DNS Domain management, Service discovery, Traffic routing
6. Network Security Protecting network infrastructure from threats and unauthorized access. SSL/TLS, Encryption, VPN, IDS/IPS, Zero Trust OpenSSL, Snort, Suricata, Fail2Ban Secure communication, Threat detection, Access control
7. Network Monitoring Continuously observing network traffic to ensure availability, performance, and security. SNMP, NetFlow, Syslog, Packet Capture Nagios, Zabbix, Wireshark, Prometheus Network performance monitoring, Troubleshooting, Security auditing
8. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for Networking Managing and provisioning network infrastructure using code. Terraform, CloudFormation, Ansible Playbooks Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, Azure ARM Templates Automated network provisioning, Configuration management
9. Cloud Networking Networking concepts and practices specific to cloud environments (AWS, Azure, GCP). VPC, Subnets, Security Groups, Peering, Load Balancers AWS VPC, Azure VNet, GCP VPC, Cloud Networking CLI Building secure cloud networks, Hybrid cloud networking
10. Network Automation Using scripts and tools to automate network configuration and management tasks. Ansible, Python, Network APIs, RESTful APIs Ansible, Cisco Netmiko, Nornir, Python Scripts Automating network changes, Reducing manual errors, Configuration consistency
11. Service Mesh A dedicated infrastructure layer for managing service-to-service communication within a microservices architecture. Sidecar Proxy, Traffic Management, Service Discovery Istio, Linkerd, Envoy, Consul Microservices communication, Observability, Security
12. Network Troubleshooting Techniques and tools to diagnose and resolve network issues. Packet Analysis, Latency, Bandwidth, Connectivity ping, traceroute, tcpdump, Wireshark Debugging network issues, Ensuring network reliability
13. Container Networking Networking concepts specific to containerized environments like Docker and Kubernetes. Overlay Networks, Service Discovery, Ingress, Egress Docker Networking, CNI Plugins, Calico, Flannel Container communication, Scaling microservices, Multi-host networking
14. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) and Networking Ensuring that network configurations are part of the CI/CD pipeline for consistency and automation. Network Config as Code, Automated Testing, Deployment Pipelines Jenkins, GitLab CI, Terraform, Ansible Automated network deployments, Testing network changes, Continuous delivery of network updates
15. Edge Networking Networking solutions that bring computing power closer to the data source or end user. Edge Computing, CDN, Latency Reduction, IoT AWS CloudFront, Azure CDN, Akamai, Cloudflare Reducing latency, Content delivery, Real-time applications


Topic Description Key Concepts Commands/Tools Use Cases
1. Linux File System Structure and organization of files and directories in Linux. Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS), Inodes ls, cd, mkdir, rm, ln File management, Storage organization
2. File Permissions Security settings that control access to files and directories. Read, Write, Execute, Owner, Group, Others chmod, chown, umask Access control, Security management
3. Process Management Handling processes running on a Linux system. PID, Parent/Child processes, Foreground/Background ps, top, kill, nice, cron Performance optimization, Automation
4. Package Management Installation, upgrade, and removal of software packages. Repositories, Dependencies, Package formats (rpm, deb) apt, yum, dnf, rpm, dpkg Software installation, System updates
5. User and Group Management Management of user accounts and groups for access control. User IDs (UID), Group IDs (GID), Sudoers useradd, usermod, groupadd, passwd Multi-user systems, Security configuration
6. Shell Scripting Automating tasks using scripts written in shell languages like Bash. Variables, Loops, Conditional Statements bash, sh, echo, read, grep, awk Task automation, System administration
7. Networking in Linux Configuring and managing network interfaces and services on a Linux system. IP configuration, DNS, DHCP, Firewall ifconfig, ip, iptables, ss, netstat Network setup, Firewall configuration, Troubleshooting
8. Disk Management Managing disk partitions, mounting, and filesystem types. Partitions, Filesystem types (ext4, xfs, etc.), Mounting fdisk, mount, umount, df, mkfs Storage setup, Disk utilization, Data organization
9. System Monitoring Tools and techniques for monitoring system performance and resource usage. CPU, Memory, Disk I/O, Network Usage top, htop, vmstat, iotop, sar Performance tuning, Resource management
10. Linux Services Management Controlling and managing services (daemons) on a Linux system. Service States (start, stop, enable), Init Systems (SysV, systemd) systemctl, service, chkconfig Service management, Boot process configuration

Bash Script


Topic Description Key Concepts Syntax/Commands Use Cases
1. Introduction to Bash Scripting Basics of writing and executing Bash scripts. Shell, Script Execution, Shebang (#!/bin/bash) chmod, ./, #!/bin/bash Automating tasks, Running scripts, Basic shell programming
2. Variables Storing and using data in scripts with variables. Variable Declaration, Environment Variables, Scope VAR=value, echo $VAR, export VAR Dynamic script configuration, Reusability, Passing data
3. User Input and Arguments Handling user input and command-line arguments in scripts. $1, $2, read, shift, getopts read, $@, getopts, $?, $# Interactive scripts, Argument parsing, Command-line tools
4. Conditional Statements Making decisions in scripts using if, else, and elif. if, else, elif, Test Conditions, Exit Status if [ condition ]; then ... fi, test, [[ ]] Flow control, Decision making, Conditional execution
5. Loops Automating repetitive tasks with for, while, and until loops. for, while, until, Loop Control (break, continue) for i in ...; do ... done, while [ condition ]; do ... done Iterating over lists, Automating repetitive tasks, Monitoring
6. Functions Encapsulating code into reusable blocks with functions. Function Definition, Local Variables, Return Values function_name() { ... }, return, local Code reusability, Modular scripts, Simplifying complex tasks
7. Arrays Using arrays to store multiple values in a single variable. Indexed Arrays, Associative Arrays, Array Operations arr=(), arr[0]=value, ${arr[@]}, declare -A Handling lists of data, Complex data management, Argument handling
8. String Manipulation Working with strings, including slicing, replacing, and length calculation. String Length, Substring, Replacement, Concatenation ${#str}, ${str:position:length}, ${str/pattern/replacement} Text processing, Data formatting, String comparison
9. File Operations Reading from and writing to files within scripts. File Redirection, cat, echo, grep, sed cat file, echo "text" > file, >>, <, 2> Log management, Data processing, Configuration management
10. Error Handling Managing errors and debugging in Bash scripts. Exit Codes, trap, set -e, Logging $?, trap, exit, set -e, >&2 Robust scripting, Debugging, Error reporting
11. Script Debugging Techniques to debug Bash scripts and find errors. set -x, set -e, trap, Verbose Mode bash -x, set -v, echo "Debug" Debugging scripts, Troubleshooting, Ensuring script reliability
12. Process Management Managing and controlling processes within scripts. Background/Foreground Processes, ps, kill &, fg, bg, jobs, kill, wait, trap Running background tasks, Process automation, Signal handling
13. Networking in Bash Performing network-related tasks and checks using Bash. ping, curl, wget, Sockets ping -c 4, curl, nc -zv Network monitoring, Data retrieval, Connectivity checks
14. Scheduling Scripts Automating script execution at specific intervals using cron jobs. cron, crontab, Scheduling Syntax crontab -e, * * * * * /path/to/ Automating tasks, Scheduled maintenance, Regular reporting
15. Automation and Integration Integrating Bash scripts with other tools and automating system tasks. awk, sed, grep, ssh, rsync, scp awk '{print $1}', sed 's/old/new/g', grep 'pattern' Data processing, Remote management, Automated deployments


Topic Description Key Concepts Commands/Tools Use Cases
1. Docker Basics Introduction to Docker, a platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in containers. Containers, Images, Docker Engine docker, docker run, docker pull Containerization, Microservices
2. Docker Images Read-only templates used to create containers. Dockerfile, Layers, Image Registry docker build, docker images, docker tag Application distribution, Version control
3. Docker Containers Lightweight, standalone, and executable packages of software that include everything needed to run it. Container Lifecycle, Isolation, Port Binding docker ps, docker start, docker stop, docker exec Running applications, Testing environments
4. Docker Volumes Mechanism for persisting data generated by and used by Docker containers. Bind Mounts, Named Volumes, Data Persistence docker volume, docker run -v, docker-compose Persistent storage, Data sharing between containers
5. Docker Networking Networking capabilities that allow containers to communicate with each other and the outside world. Bridge Network, Overlay Network, Host Network docker network, docker run --network, docker-compose Service discovery, Microservices communication
6. Docker Compose Tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications using YAML files. docker-compose.yml, Services, Networks, Volumes docker-compose up, docker-compose down, docker-compose logs Multi-container applications, Orchestration
7. Docker Registry Storage and distribution system for Docker images, both public (Docker Hub) and private. Docker Hub, Private Registry, Image Tags docker push, docker pull, docker login, docker tag Image distribution, CI/CD pipelines
8. Docker Swarm Native clustering and orchestration tool for Docker, enabling the management of a group of Docker engines as a single entity. Services, Nodes, Tasks, Scaling docker swarm, docker service, docker node Container orchestration, High availability
9. Docker Security Best practices and tools to secure Docker containers and images. User Namespaces, Docker Content Trust, Security Scanning docker scan, docker bench, docker trust Secure container deployment, Vulnerability management
10. Dockerfile Script containing a series of commands to assemble a Docker image automatically. Instructions (FROM, RUN, CMD, etc.), Multistage Builds docker build, docker run -f, docker tag Custom image creation, Automated builds

Docker compose

Topic Description Key Concepts Commands/Tools Use Cases
1. Docker Compose Basics Tool for defining and managing multi-container Docker applications using YAML files. Services, Containers, YAML Structure docker-compose, docker-compose.yml Orchestrating multi-container environments, Simplified container management
2. Services in Docker Compose Definition of individual services that make up a Docker Compose application. Service Configuration, Dependencies, Scaling docker-compose up, docker-compose down, docker-compose scale Defining microservices, Setting service dependencies
3. Docker Compose YAML Structure The file format for defining services, networks, and volumes. Version, Services, Networks, Volumes version, services, networks, volumes Configuring multi-container apps, Version control
4. Networks in Docker Compose Configuring communication between containers and external systems. Bridge Network, Overlay Network, External Networks docker-compose network, networks: Isolated environments, Microservices communication
5. Volumes in Docker Compose Persistent data storage across container restarts and redeployments. Named Volumes, Bind Mounts, Volume Drivers docker-compose volume, volumes: Data persistence, Sharing data between containers
6. Environment Variables Managing environment-specific variables in Docker Compose files. .env File, Variable Substitution, Secrets environment:, env_file: Configuration management, Secure secret management
7. Docker Compose Commands Command-line interface for managing Docker Compose applications. Up, Down, Logs, Exec, Build, Config docker-compose up, docker-compose down, docker-compose logs Application lifecycle management, Troubleshooting
8. Dependency Management Control the startup order of services and ensure dependencies are met. depends_on, Healthchecks, Startup Order depends_on:, restart:, condition: Ensuring proper service initialization, Health checks
9. Scaling Services Running multiple instances of a service for load balancing or redundancy. Replicas, Load Balancing, Service Discovery docker-compose scale, docker-compose up --scale Horizontal scaling, High availability
10. Docker Compose and CI/CD Integrating Docker Compose with Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment pipelines. Automated Testing, Staging Environments, Deployment Jenkins, GitLab CI, CircleCI with Docker Compose Automated testing, Seamless deployment processes


Topic Description Key Concepts Commands/Tools Use Cases
1. Kubernetes Basics Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and managing containerized applications. Pods, Nodes, Clusters, Containers kubectl, Kubernetes API, kubeadm Container orchestration, Automated deployment, Scaling
2. Pods The smallest deployable units in Kubernetes that can contain one or more containers. Single Container Pods, Multi-Container Pods, Init Containers kubectl run, kubectl get pods, kubectl describe pod Running containerized applications, Multi-container apps
3. Services Abstraction that defines a logical set of Pods and a policy by which to access them. ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, ExternalName kubectl expose, kubectl get svc, kubectl describe svc Load balancing, Service discovery, External access
4. Deployments Controllers that manage the desired state of Pods and ReplicaSets. Rolling Updates, Rollbacks, Scaling kubectl create deployment, kubectl rollout, kubectl scale Managing application updates, Scaling applications
5. ReplicaSets Ensure that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any given time. Replica Count, Scaling, Self-healing kubectl get rs, kubectl scale rs, kubectl describe rs High availability, Fault tolerance
6. ConfigMaps and Secrets Manage configuration data and sensitive information for applications separately from the code. Key-Value Pairs, Data Injection, Environment Variables kubectl create configmap, kubectl create secret, kubectl get secrets Decouple configuration from application, Secure sensitive data
7. Persistent Volumes (PV) & Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) Storage abstraction in Kubernetes, allowing Pods to request and use storage resources. Static Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning, Storage Classes kubectl get pv, kubectl create pvc, kubectl describe pv Persistent data storage, Stateful applications
8. Namespaces Virtual clusters within a Kubernetes cluster for organizing resources and managing resource allocation. Resource Quotas, Isolation, Multi-Tenancy kubectl create namespace, kubectl get namespaces, kubectl config set-context Resource management, Environment separation
9. Ingress Manages external access to services in a cluster, typically HTTP/HTTPS. Ingress Controllers, TLS, Path-based Routing kubectl create ingress, kubectl describe ingress, Nginx Ingress Controller Exposing services, SSL termination, Load balancing
10. Kubernetes Networking Networking model in Kubernetes allowing communication between Pods, Services, and external clients. Pod Networking, CNI Plugins, Network Policies kubectl apply -f network-policy.yaml, Flannel, Calico, Cilium Pod communication, Network security, Traffic control
11. Helm A package manager for Kubernetes, facilitating the deployment of pre-configured applications. Charts, Repositories, Releases helm install, helm upgrade, helm repo add Application packaging, Deployment automation
12. Kubernetes Security Best practices and tools to secure Kubernetes clusters and applications. RBAC, Pod Security Policies, Network Policies kubectl create role, kubectl apply -f pod-security-policy.yaml, kubectl auth can-i Cluster security, Access control, Network isolation
13. Kubernetes Autoscaling Automatically scaling Pods and resources based on demand. Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA), Cluster Autoscaler kubectl autoscale, kubectl get hpa, Metrics Server Dynamic scaling, Resource optimization
14. StatefulSets Managing stateful applications, ensuring that Pods are created in order and have stable identities. Persistent Storage, Stable Network IDs, Ordered Deployment kubectl get statefulsets, kubectl delete statefulset Stateful applications, Databases, Distributed systems
15. Monitoring and Logging Observability of Kubernetes clusters, enabling tracking of performance and debugging issues. Metrics, Logs, Prometheus, Grafana Prometheus, Grafana, ELK Stack, kubectl logs, kubectl top Performance monitoring, Troubleshooting, Alerting


Topic Description Key Concepts Commands/Tools Use Cases
1. Jenkins Basics Jenkins is an open-source automation server used to build, test, and deploy software. Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD) Jenkins Dashboard, Jenkins CLI, Jenkins Blue Ocean Automating software builds, Testing, Deployment
2. Jenkins Pipelines Define your CI/CD workflows as code, using a Jenkinsfile. Declarative Pipeline, Scripted Pipeline, Stages, Steps Jenkinsfile, pipeline {}, stage {}, steps {} Automating complex CI/CD workflows, Version control
3. Jenkins Jobs Configurable tasks that Jenkins runs, such as building code or deploying an application. Freestyle Jobs, Pipeline Jobs, Multibranch Pipelines Build Triggers, Post-build Actions, job-dsl Custom CI/CD tasks, Triggering builds, Job chaining
4. Jenkins Plugins Extending Jenkins functionality through community-contributed plugins. Plugin Management, Plugin Compatibility, Jenkins Update Center Git Plugin, Docker Plugin, Pipeline Plugin, Blue Ocean Plugin Integrating tools, Extending Jenkins features
5. Jenkins Master-Slave Architecture Distributing build jobs across multiple nodes to balance the load. Master Node, Slave Nodes, Executors, Labels jnlp, ssh-agent, node {} Distributed builds, Resource management
6. Jenkins Credentials Securely managing sensitive information such as passwords and SSH keys within Jenkins. Credential Binding, Secret Text, Secret Files credentials {}, Jenkins Secret, withCredentials Secure CI/CD pipelines, Access control
7. Jenkins Declarative vs. Scripted Pipelines Two different syntaxes for defining Jenkins Pipelines. Declarative Syntax, Scripted Syntax, Groovy pipeline {}, node {}, agent {} Pipeline customization, Choosing the right syntax
8. Jenkins Shared Libraries Reusable code libraries that can be shared across multiple Jenkins Pipelines. Global Libraries, vars/, src/ @Library, globalPipelineLibraries {}, Groovy Scripts DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle in pipelines, Code reuse
9. Jenkins Pipeline Stages and Steps Breaking down a Jenkins Pipeline into sequential stages and individual steps. Stage Block, Steps Block, Parallel Stages stage(), steps {}, parallel Organizing CI/CD processes, Parallel execution
10. Jenkins Blue Ocean A modern UI for Jenkins that simplifies Pipeline creation and visualization. Visualization, Pipeline Editor, Interactive UI Blue Ocean Editor, Visualization Dashboard Simplified Pipeline creation, Enhanced UI/UX
11. Jenkins Notifications Sending alerts and updates on build status through various channels. Email Notifications, Slack Integration, Webhooks emailext, slackSend, post {} Build status alerts, Communication with teams
12. Jenkins Security Protecting Jenkins with authentication, authorization, and security settings. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), Matrix Authorization, SSH Keys securityRealm, authorizationStrategy, Jenkins RBAC Plugin Secure Jenkins setup, Access management
13. Jenkins Backup and Restore Strategies for backing up Jenkins configurations, jobs, and plugins. Job Config History, Backup Plugins, Scripted Backups ThinBackup Plugin, JobConfigHistory Plugin, Manual Backups Disaster recovery, System migration
14. Jenkins Integration with Version Control Connecting Jenkins to VCS for automated build triggers and version management. Git, SVN, Mercurial, Webhooks Git Plugin, Poll SCM, GitHub Integration Automated builds from VCS, Continuous Integration
15. Jenkins with Docker Running Jenkins inside Docker containers and building Docker images within Jenkins pipelines. Docker in Jenkins, Docker Agents, Docker Pipeline Plugin docker {}, agent { docker { } }, Docker Plugin Containerized Jenkins setup, Building Docker images


Topic Description Key Concepts Commands/Tools Use Cases
1. Zabbix Basics Zabbix is an open-source monitoring tool for networks, servers, applications, and services. Agent-based Monitoring, Agentless Monitoring, Server, Proxy Zabbix Web Interface, Zabbix Agent, Zabbix Server Real-time monitoring, Alerting, Data visualization
2. Zabbix Architecture Overview of Zabbix's distributed architecture, including Server, Agents, Database, and Web Interface. Zabbix Server, Zabbix Agents, Proxies, Databases Zabbix Server, Zabbix Proxy, Zabbix Agent Scalable monitoring setups, Distributed monitoring
3. Items Basic elements in Zabbix that define what data to collect from monitored resources. Key, Value, Item Types, Interval Zabbix Agent, SNMP, JMX, HTTP Data collection, Resource monitoring
4. Triggers Logic used to evaluate the collected data against defined thresholds to detect issues. Expressions, Severity, Dependencies last(), avg(), count(), nodata() Automated issue detection, Threshold-based alerts
5. Templates Predefined sets of items, triggers, graphs, and screens that can be applied to multiple hosts. Inheritance, Template Linking, Mass Updates Built-in Templates, Custom Templates, Template Linking Standardized monitoring configurations, Easy deployment
6. Hosts and Host Groups Entities that are monitored by Zabbix, organized into groups for easier management. Host, Host Group, Interfaces Create Host, Link Templates, Host Groups Structured monitoring, Group-based configurations
7. Zabbix Trapper A method for receiving and processing data sent by external applications or scripts to Zabbix. Active Checks, Passive Checks, Zabbix Sender zabbix_sender, trap_items, trap_keys Custom data collection, Integrating external systems
8. Zabbix Proxies Components that gather data from monitored devices and pass it to the Zabbix server. Active Proxy, Passive Proxy, Offline Monitoring zabbix_proxy, Proxy Configuration, proxy-mode Distributed monitoring, Load balancing
9. Zabbix Alerts and Actions Configuring Zabbix to send notifications and take predefined actions when triggers are fired. Alert Methods, Media Types, Escalations Action Configuration, Media Types, Escalation Scenarios Incident response, Automated actions, Alerting channels
10. Graphs and Screens Visual representation of the collected data for easier analysis and reporting. Simple Graphs, Custom Graphs, Screens, Maps Create Graph, Create Screen, Create Map Data visualization, Performance monitoring
11. Zabbix API RESTful API for integrating Zabbix with other applications and automating tasks. Authentication, JSON-RPC, API Tokens zabbix_api, json-rpc, curl Automation, Integration with third-party tools
12. Zabbix Agent Configuration Setting up and configuring Zabbix Agents on monitored hosts. Active Checks, Passive Checks, Agent Daemon zabbix_agentd.conf, zabbix_get, zabbix_sender Data collection, Agent management, Custom monitoring
13. Zabbix Discovery Automatically discovering network devices and services for monitoring. Network Discovery, Low-Level Discovery (LLD), Rules Discovery Rules, LLD Macros, Discovery Actions Automated network mapping, Dynamic resource tracking
14. Zabbix Maintenance Periods Configuring periods during which alerts and actions are suppressed for certain hosts. Maintenance Window, Suppressed Alerts, Data Collection Create Maintenance, Schedule Maintenance, Suppress Triggers Scheduled downtime, Maintenance operations
15. Zabbix Performance Tuning Optimizing Zabbix performance to handle large-scale monitoring setups. Database Optimization, Poller Processes, Housekeeping zabbix_server.conf, Database Tuning, Housekeeping Settings Efficient resource monitoring, High availability setups


Topic Description Key Concepts Commands/Tools Use Cases
1. Azure DevOps Overview A cloud service that provides a set of tools for DevOps practices, including CI/CD, project management, and collaboration. Azure Boards, Azure Repos, Azure Pipelines, Azure Artifacts, Azure Test Plans Azure DevOps Portal, Azure CLI, REST API End-to-end DevOps solution, Project management, CI/CD automation
2. Azure Boards A work tracking system for managing software projects using Kanban boards, backlogs, sprints, and work items. Work Items, Backlogs, Sprints, Epics, User Stories Boards, Queries, Delivery Plans Agile project management, Tracking work, Sprint planning
3. Azure Repos A set of version control tools that can manage your code, including Git repositories and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC). Git Repositories, Branching, Pull Requests, Code Reviews Git, Pull Request, Branch Policies, Forking Source code management, Code collaboration, Version control
4. Azure Pipelines A CI/CD service that builds, tests, and deploys code to any platform or cloud. Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, YAML Pipelines, Multi-Stage Pipelines azure-pipelines.yml, Pipeline as Code, Build Agents Automated builds, Testing, Continuous deployment
5. Azure Artifacts A package management solution for managing and sharing code libraries and artifacts. NuGet, Maven, npm, Python Packages, Universal Packages Package Feeds, Upstream Sources, Retention Policies Dependency management, Package distribution
6. Azure Test Plans A comprehensive testing solution that includes manual and exploratory testing tools. Test Cases, Test Suites, Test Plans, Load Testing Test Hub, Test Runner, Load Testing Tools Test management, Manual testing, Continuous testing
7. CI/CD Pipelines with Azure Pipelines Automating the build, test, and deployment processes using pipelines. Build Pipelines, Release Pipelines, Deployment Strategies (Canary, Blue-Green) yaml, Classic Pipelines, Environments, Deployment Groups Automating application lifecycle, Continuous integration/delivery
8. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Azure DevOps Managing infrastructure through code using tools like Terraform, ARM templates, or Bicep in Azure Pipelines. ARM Templates, Terraform, Bicep, Desired State Configuration (DSC) terraform, az, bicep, Azure DevOps Pipelines Infrastructure automation, Environment provisioning
9. Azure DevOps Integration Connecting Azure DevOps with other tools and services like GitHub, Slack, Jira, and Azure services. Service Hooks, Webhooks, Integrations, API GitHub Actions, Slack Notifications, Azure Service Bus Cross-tool collaboration, Notifications, Workflow automation
10. Security and Compliance Implementing security practices in Azure DevOps, including secure development and compliance tracking. Secure DevOps, Azure Policy, Identity and Access Management (IAM) Azure Security Center, Azure Policy, Secure DevOps Kit Compliance monitoring, Security automation, Access control
11. Monitoring and Reporting Tracking and visualizing metrics, logs, and performance data across your Azure DevOps projects. Dashboards, Analytics, Log Analytics, Alerts Azure Monitor, Application Insights, Kusto Query Language (KQL) Performance monitoring, Error tracking, Real-time analytics
12. Azure DevOps Extensions Enhancing Azure DevOps capabilities with custom or third-party extensions from the Marketplace. Marketplace Extensions, Custom Extensions, APIs Azure DevOps Marketplace, Azure CLI, REST API Adding custom functionality, Integrating external tools
13. Multi-Stage Pipelines Defining multiple stages in a pipeline, each responsible for different tasks like building, testing, and deploying. Stages, Jobs, Tasks, Approvals, Gates azure-pipelines.yml, Environments, Deployment Strategies Complex CI/CD workflows, Environment segregation
14. Azure DevTest Labs A service that allows development and test teams to quickly create environments in Azure while minimizing waste and controlling cost. Lab VMs, Custom Images, Artifacts, Cost Management DevTest Labs, ARM Templates, Automation Self-service environments, Cost management, Testing environments
15. Azure Key Vault Integration Securely managing secrets, keys, and certificates in your DevOps pipelines. Secrets Management, Certificates, Keys, Access Policies az keyvault, Azure Pipelines Secret Variables, Key Vault References Secure secrets handling, Key management, Compliance enforcement


Topic Description Key Concepts Commands/Tools Use Cases
1. SonarQube Overview SonarQube is an open-source platform for continuous inspection of code quality, detecting bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities. Static Code Analysis, Continuous Inspection, Technical Debt SonarQube Dashboard, SonarQube Scanner, SonarLint Code quality management, Continuous integration, Security compliance
2. Quality Gates Set of conditions a project must meet to pass the quality threshold in a SonarQube analysis. Conditions, Thresholds, Pass/Fail Criteria Quality Gate Configuration, Default Quality Gate Enforcing coding standards, Preventing code with issues from being merged
3. Quality Profiles Collections of rules against which your source code is analyzed. Rules, Language-Specific Profiles, Custom Profiles Quality Profile Configuration, Rule Management Tailoring code analysis to project needs, Enforcing coding standards
4. SonarQube Scanners Tools that analyze code and send the results to the SonarQube server. CLI Scanner, Maven Scanner, Gradle Scanner, MSBuild Scanner sonar-scanner,, sonar.maven Automated code analysis, Integration with CI/CD pipelines
5. Code Coverage Measurement of how much of your source code is tested by your test suite. Unit Tests, Integration Tests, Coverage Reports JaCoCo, Cobertura, Clover, sonar.coverage Ensuring code reliability, Identifying untested code
6. Code Smells Maintainability issues in the code that indicate bad design or coding practices. Debt Ratio, Maintainability, Refactoring SonarQube Dashboard, Code Review, Rule Configuration Improving code maintainability, Reducing technical debt
7. Bugs and Vulnerabilities Detecting potential errors and security issues in the codebase. Security Hotspots, OWASP, SAST OWASP Top 10, CWE (Common Weakness Enumeration), Rule Management Enhancing code security, Reducing production bugs
8. Technical Debt Quantification of maintainability issues, expressed as the estimated time to fix them. Debt Ratio, Code Smells, Remediation Effort Technical Debt Calculation, Debt Ratio Metrics Managing and reducing technical debt, Prioritizing refactoring efforts
9. SonarQube Projects Logical groupings of related codebases analyzed by SonarQube. Project Dashboard, Project Key, Branch Analysis sonar.projectKey, Project Overview, Branch Management Project-specific code analysis, Branch-based code quality monitoring
10. SonarQube Issues Identified problems in the codebase categorized as bugs, vulnerabilities, or code smells. Issue Severity, Resolution, False Positives, Issue Workflow Issue Triage, Issue Resolution, False Positive Marking Tracking and fixing code issues, Prioritizing fixes
11. SonarQube Rules Specific guidelines used to identify issues in the code. Built-in Rules, Custom Rules, Rule Sets Rule Management, Custom Rule Creation, Importing Rules Customizing code analysis, Enforcing specific coding standards
12. SonarQube Branch Analysis Analyzing code quality across different branches in a project. Long-lived Branches, Short-lived Branches, Pull Request Decoration Branch Configuration,, PR Decoration Continuous quality checks in feature branches, Integrating with Git workflows
13. SonarQube Security Implementing and managing security rules and best practices within the codebase. Security Rules, OWASP, CWE, SAST Security Hotspot Review, OWASP Configuration, Security Profiles Enhancing application security, Detecting vulnerabilities early
14. Integration with CI/CD Integrating SonarQube with CI/CD pipelines for automated code quality checks. Jenkins, Azure DevOps, GitLab CI, GitHub Actions sonar-scanner, Webhooks, sonar.maven Automated code quality gates, Continuous code inspection
15. SonarLint An IDE extension that provides real-time code analysis and feedback. On-the-fly Analysis, IDE Integration, Issue Highlighting SonarLint for IntelliJ, Eclipse, Visual Studio, VS Code Real-time code quality feedback, Improving code during development



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