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R package to visualize and tabulate complex survey data. Ideal for quickly uncovering descriptive patterns in survey data.


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Visualize and tabulate single-choice, multiple-choice, matrix-style questions from survey data. Includes ability to group cross-tabulations, frequency distributions, and plots by categorical variables.

With each plot or table there is also the option to in integrate survey weights.

The functions are ideal for quickly uncovering descriptive patterns in survey data.


# or devtools::install_github("liamhaller/surveyexplorer") for the devlopment version 



The data used in the following examples is from the berlinbears dataset, a fictional survey of bears in Berlin, that is included in the surveyexplorer package.

Single-choice questions

#Basic table
             question = income)
Question: income
n freq
<1000 82 16.40%
1000-2000 50 10.00%
2000-3000 177 35.40%
3000-4000 109 21.80%
5000+ 57 11.40%
No answer 22 4.40%
NA 3 0.60%
Column Total 500 1

Use group_by = to partition the question into several groups

             question = income,
             group_by = gender)
Question: income
grouped by: gender
female male NA Rowwise Total
Frequency Count Frequency Count Frequency Count Frequency Count
<1000 16.74% 39 15.73% 39 21.05% 4 16.40% 82
1000-2000 9.87% 23 9.68% 24 15.79% 3 10.00% 50
2000-3000 35.62% 83 35.89% 89 26.32% 5 35.40% 177
3000-4000 21.89% 51 22.18% 55 15.79% 3 21.80% 109
5000+ 11.59% 27 10.89% 27 15.79% 3 11.40% 57
No answer 3.86% 9 4.84% 12 5.26% 1 4.40% 22
NA 0.43% 1 0.81% 2 0.00% 0 0.60% 3
Columnwise Total 46.60% 233 49.60% 248 3.80% 19 100.00% 500

Ignore unwanted subgroups with subgroups_to_exclude

             question = income, 
             group_by = gender, 
             subgroups_to_exclude = NA) 
Question: income
grouped by: gender
female male Rowwise Total
Frequency Count Frequency Count Frequency Count
<1000 16.74% 39 15.73% 39 16.22% 78
1000-2000 9.87% 23 9.68% 24 9.77% 47
2000-3000 35.62% 83 35.89% 89 35.76% 172
3000-4000 21.89% 51 22.18% 55 22.04% 106
5000+ 11.59% 27 10.89% 27 11.23% 54
No answer 3.86% 9 4.84% 12 4.37% 21
NA 0.43% 1 0.81% 2 0.62% 3
Columnwise Total 48.44% 233 51.56% 248 100.00% 481

Remove NAs from the question variable with na.rm

             question = income, 
             group_by = gender, 
             subgroups_to_exclude = NA,
             na.rm = TRUE)
Question: income
grouped by: gender
female male Rowwise Total
Frequency Count Frequency Count Frequency Count
<1000 16.81% 39 15.85% 39 16.32% 78
1000-2000 9.91% 23 9.76% 24 9.83% 47
2000-3000 35.78% 83 36.18% 89 35.98% 172
3000-4000 21.98% 51 22.36% 55 22.18% 106
5000+ 11.64% 27 10.98% 27 11.30% 54
No answer 3.88% 9 4.88% 12 4.39% 21
Columnwise Total 48.54% 232 51.46% 246 100.00% 478

Finally, you can specify survey weights using the weight option

             question = income, 
             group_by = gender, 
             subgroups_to_exclude = NA,
             na.rm = TRUE,
             weights = weights)
Question: income
grouped by: gender
female male Rowwise Total
Frequency Count Frequency Count Frequency Count
<1000 15.96% 59.6 17.21% 75.2 16.63% 134.8
1000-2000 10.46% 39.1 10.19% 44.5 10.31% 83.6
2000-3000 33.79% 126.3 33.88% 148.0 33.84% 274.3
3000-4000 25.08% 93.7 25.34% 110.7 25.22% 204.4
5000+ 9.82% 36.7 8.68% 37.9 9.21% 74.6
No answer 4.90% 18.3 4.70% 20.5 4.79% 38.8
Columnwise Total 46.10% 373.6 53.90% 436.9 100.00% 810.5
Frequencies and counts are weighted

The same syntax can be applied to the single_freq function to plot frequencies of the question optionally partitioned by subgroups.

             question = income, 
             group_by = gender, 
             subgroups_to_exclude = NA,
             na.rm = TRUE,
             weights = weights)

Multiple-choice questions

The options and syntax for multiple-choice tables multi_table and graphs multi_graphs are the same. The only difference is the question input also accommodates tidyselect syntax to select several columns for each answer option. For example, the question “will_eat” has five answer options each prefixed by “will_eat”

berlinbears |> 
  dplyr::select(starts_with('will_eat')) |> 
#>   will_eat.SQ001 will_eat.SQ002 will_eat.SQ003 will_eat.SQ004 will_eat.SQ005
#> 1              0              1              0              1              1
#> 2              0              1              1              1              1
#> 3              1              1              0              1              1
#> 4              0              0              0              1              0
#> 5              0              0              0              1              1
#> 6              0              0              0              1              0

The same syntax can be used to select the question for the multiple choice tables and graphs

            question = dplyr::starts_with('will_eat'), 
            group_by = genus, 
            subgroups_to_exclude = NA,
            na.rm = TRUE)
Question: dplyr::starts_with("will_eat")
grouped by: genus
Ailuropoda Ursus Rowwise Total
Frequency Count Frequency Count Frequency Count
will_eat.SQ004 97.53% 237 92.07% 151 40.00% 388
will_eat.SQ002 58.02% 141 63.41% 104 25.26% 245
will_eat.SQ005 46.09% 112 48.78% 80 19.79% 192
will_eat.SQ001 25.10% 61 26.83% 44 10.82% 105
will_eat.SQ003 9.05% 22 10.98% 18 4.12% 40
Columnwise Total 59.07% 573 40.93% 397 100.00% 970

For graphing, the multi_freq function creates an UpSet plot to visualize the frequencies of the intersecting sets for each answer combination and also includes the ability to specify weights.

            question = dplyr::starts_with('will_eat'), 
            na.rm = TRUE,
            weights = weights)
#> Estimes are only preciese to one significant digit, weights may have been rounded

The graphs can also be grouped

            question = dplyr::starts_with('will_eat'), 
            group_by = genus,
            subgroups_to_exclude = NA,
            na.rm = FALSE,
            weights = weights)
#> Estimes are only preciese to one significant digit, weights may have been rounded

Matrix Questions

matrix_table has the same syntax as above and works with array or categorical questions

             group_by = is_parent)
Question: dplyr::starts_with("c_")
grouped by: is_parent
high low medium NA
c_diet 6.02% (20) 71.99% (239) 16.57% (55) 5.42% (18)
c_exercise 25% (83) 27.71% (92) 24.1% (80) 23.19% (77)
c_diet 3.57% (6) 75% (126) 17.26% (29) 4.17% (7)
c_exercise 19.05% (32) 27.38% (46) 23.81% (40) 29.76% (50)

matrix_freq visualizes the frequencies of responses

             na.rm = TRUE)

For array/matrix style questions that are numeric matrix_mean plots the mean values and confidence intervals

             question = dplyr::starts_with('p_'),
             na.rm = TRUE)

#Can also apply grouping + survey weights
            question = dplyr::starts_with('p_'),
            na.rm = TRUE,
            group_by = species, 
            subgroups_to_exclude = NA)

Finally, for Likert questions (scales of 3,5,7,9…) matrix_likert provides a custom plot

#you can specify custom labels with the `label` argument
              question = dplyr::starts_with('p_'),
              labels = c('Strongly disagree', 'Disagree','Neutral','Agree','Strongly agree'))

#can also apply pass custom colors and specify weights weights 
              question = dplyr::starts_with('p_'),
              labels = c('Strongly disagree', 'Disagree','Neutral','Agree','Strongly agree'), 
              colors = c("#E1AA28", "#1E5F46", "#7E8F75", "#EFCD83", "#E17832"),
              weights = weights) 



  • Single-choice
    • single_table
    • single_freq
  • Multiple-choice
    • multi_table
    • multi_freq
  • Matrix
    • matrix_table
    • matrix_freq
    • matrix_mean
    • matrix_likert

*_table functions return a gt table of the cross tabulations and frequencies for each question while *_freq returns the same data but as a plot.

For matrix-style questions with numerical input, matrix_mean plots the mean value value and ± two standard deviations. matrix_likert visualizes questions that accept Likert responses (strongly agree-strongly disagree) or questions with 3,5,7,9… categories.


Each function contains the following options

  • dataset —The input dataframe (or tibble) of survey questions
  • question — The column(s) that contain the response options for a question, can be selected by using tidyselect semantics or providing a vector of column names or numbers
  • group_by — Optional variable to group the analysis. If provided, the frequencies and counts will be calculated within each subgroup
  • subgroups_to_exclude — Optional vector specifying subgroups to exclude from the analysis
  • weights — Optional variable containing survey weights. If provided, frequencies and counts will be weighted accordingly
  • na.rm — Logical indicating whether to remove NA values from question before analysis


R package to visualize and tabulate complex survey data. Ideal for quickly uncovering descriptive patterns in survey data.




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