This project is used to reconstruct image from raw video captured by the spectroheliograph
- Clear API interface
- Algorithm with sub-pixel interpolation for wavelength correction
- Additional features such as color mapping
- Advanced algorithm to remove stray light (view comparison)
pip install astrospec
# single file input, generate 16-bit png files at the sub-folder named "output/img", no normalization, no color mapping
ascli -i "<SER file>" --raw
# single file input, generate png files at the sub-folder named "output/img"
ascli -i "<SER file>" [-c color_map_name] [-nb brightness(default=1)]
# process all .ser files in the folder, generate png files at the sub-folder named "output/img"
ascli -f "<folder>" [-c color_map_name] [-nb brightness(default=1)]
# color_map_name(optional):
# - orange-enhanced (default)
# - enhanced
# - linear
import astrospec as ass
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
img = ass.raw_file_to_image('input.ser')
import astrospec as ass
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
img = ass.raw_file_to_image('input.ser', color_map_name='linear')
plt.imshow(img[0], cmap='gray')
- Reconstruct image from the ser file, return the reconstructed image in the original value space, np.array(float64)
def raw_file_to_raw_image(file, shifts = [0], verbose = 0, return_details = False):
raw_file_to_raw_image reconstruct image from raw video (ser file), return the reconstructed image, np.array(float64)
:param file: input file path
:param shifts: the wavelength offsets in pixels, e.g. [-0.5, 0, 0.5] returns 3 images in corresponding wavelengths
:param verbose: 0~3,log information level
:param return_details: whether to return data from intermediate steps
:return: reconstructed image, np.array(float64)
- Reconstruct image from the ser file, return the reconstructed image after color mapping, np.array(uint8)
def raw_file_to_image(file, shifts = [0], color_map_name = 'orange-enhanced', verbose = 0):
raw_file_to_image reconstruct image from raw video (ser file), return the reconstructed, normalized, color mapped image, np.array(uint8)
:param file: input file path
:param shifts: the wavelength offsets in pixels, e.g. [-0.5, 0, 0.5] returns 3 images in corresponding wavelengths
:param color_map_name: color map, values: orange-enhanced (default), enhanced, linear
:param verbose: 0~3,log information level
:return: reconstructed, normalized, color mapped image, np.array(uint8)
- Reconstruct image from the ser file, write reconstructed image to file(s)
def raw_file_to_file(file, output_file, shifts = [0], color_map_name = 'orange-enhanced', verbose = 0):
raw_file_to_file reconstruct image from raw video (ser file), write reconstructed, normalized, color mapped image to file(s)
:param file: input file path
:param output_file: output file path
:param shifts: the wavelength offsets in pixels, e.g. [-0.5, 0, 0.5] returns 3 images in corresponding wavelengths
:param color_map_name: color map, values: orange-enhanced (default), enhanced, linear
:param verbose: 0~3,log information level
:return: None
- SolEx - The design of a DIY spectroheliograph by Valerie Desnoux, with very detailed introduction, which is worth reading carefully.
- DIY迷你太阳光谱仪 by 阴天wnova酱 - The design of another DIY mini-spectroheliograph
- Solex_ser_recon - An open-source reconstruct software made by Valerie Desnoux
- SHG - Another open-source reconstruct software
- 又能看光谱又能拍摄太阳的太阳光谱仪 by 摄日者天文
- 太阳光谱扫描成像 by Harold Liang - My DIY and observation records
Astrospec has a MIT-style license, as found in the LICENSE file.