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恋爱照片墙网站模板,情人节礼物/纪念日礼物/生日礼物,Love photo wall website template, Valentine's Day gift/Anniversary gift/Birthday gift


This is a website template that you can store your love story photos, and you can give it as a gift to your lover, or share your love story with more people. You can click here to see the website demo. With this template, you can make your own website in less than 10 minutes.

The website is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is responsive and works well on both desktop and mobile devices.Feel free to fork this repository and modify it to suit your needs! If you're looking to build your own love story website, this is a great place to start.

Following I will introduce the features of the website and how to create your own one from zero, both in English and Chinese.

Click here to jump directly to the English introduction.


这是一个网站模板,你可以存储和展示你的爱情照片。你可以把它作为一份特别的礼物送给爱人,或者分享你的爱情故事,让更多人见证你们的美好时刻。点击 这里 查看网站演示。使用这个模板,你可以在 不到 10 分钟 内轻松搭建属于自己的爱情照片网站。

该网站基于 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 开发,具备响应式设计,无论在桌面端还是移动端都能流畅运行。你可以自由 fork 这个仓库,并根据自己的需求进行个性化修改。如果你正在寻找一个简单又优雅的方式来展示你的爱情故事,这个模板将是一个完美的起点。

接下来,我将介绍网站的主要功能,以及如何从零开始创建你的专属爱情故事网站,包括 英文和中文



How to Use:

It's very easy to use this template to create your own website. Just follow the steps below:

  1. Fork this repository and Clone it to your local machine

    1. Click the Fork button in the upper right corner of this repository.
    2. Delete the images folder, because it's too big to download.
    3. Clone the repository to your local machine or download the zip file.
  2. Change your own information:

    • Photos: Recreate the images folder and put your photos in it. Most formats of photos are supported.
    • Information: Change the information in index.html at the <!--**Name**-->, <!--**Birthday**--> and <!--**Love date**--> places. Change the information in script.js at the // **Love date** place.
  3. Preprocess step 1: Rename the photos

    • Run to rename the photos. This script will rename all the photos in the images folder according to the shooting time.
  4. Preprocess step 2: Create thumbnails:

    • Run to create thumbnails for all the photos. This script will create thumbnails for all the photos in the images folder.
  5. Deploy Your Website

    1. After finishing your edits and committing your changes, go to the GitHub repository page and click the Settings tab at the top.
    2. In the left-hand menu, find and click Pages.
    3. In the Branch section, change the option from None to the main branch and save.
    4. Wait a few seconds to a few minutes. After refreshing the Pages settings page, you'll see a URL at the top. This is the link to your newly created website.


  1. Heart Trail: When you move the mouse, a heart trail will appear. At the same time, a lighter heart pattern will always float at the bottom of the interface, adding a romantic atmosphere while preventing the color from being too bright and tacky. If you still think this feature is too tacky, you can delete <script src="hearts.js"></script> in index.html.


  1. Click to View Large Image: After clicking a photo, you can view the large image, making it easier to see the details. The shooting time will also be displayed (if included in the photo's exif infomation). You can also press the esc key or click the X to close the large image. (Loading speed is largely affected by network conditions.)

  2. Switch Images: You can switch images by clicking the left and right arrows or using the arrow keys on your keyboard, making it easier to view the previous and next photos.


  1. Image Order: During preprocessing, all images will be sorted in reverse chronological order (by default), with the newest photos appearing first. You can also customize the display order. The implementation details are in the technical section.

  2. Mobile Support: The website supports mobile access, allowing you to view photos on your phone.


  1. Automatically Calculate Love Days: After setting the anniversary date, the website will automatically calculate the number of days you've been together, without the need for manual input.

Technical Details:

  1. Batch Loading: Photos are loaded in batches, with 10 photos being loaded at a time to avoid slow loading speeds when loading one photo at a time, and to prevent slow page refreshes when loading too many photos at once.

  2. Scroll Loading: When scrolling within 1000px of the page bottom, the next batch of photos will be automatically loaded.

  3. First Load: During the first load, 5 batches of photos will be loaded, with subsequent photos loaded based on the scroll loading rule.

  4. Thumbnails: Each photo has a corresponding thumbnail. When you click a thumbnail, the large image will be loaded, saving loading time and reducing network bandwidth usage. (If a thumbnail is not available for a photo, the original image will be loaded.)

  5. Image Order: In, the image's exif data is read to obtain the shooting time, and then the images are sorted by that time. If the image does not have exif data, the sorting is based on the file name. On the webpage, images will only be sorted by their file names, so you can also rename the files according to any other custom rule. Additionally, this file converts all other types of images to JPG format.

  • P.S. All the numbers in the technical details can be modified as needed in script.js.



  1. Fork 本仓库并clone到本地

    1. 点击本仓库右上角的 Fork 按钮。
    2. 删除 images 文件夹,因为它太大,不便于下载。
    3. 克隆仓库到你的本地机器,或者下载 zip 文件。
  2. 更改你的信息

    • 照片:重新创建 images 文件夹并将你的照片放入其中。大多数格式的照片都支持。
    • 信息:在 index.html 中修改 <!--**Name**--><!--**Birthday**--><!--**Love date**--> 的位置。在 script.js 中修改 // **Love date** 的位置。
  3. 预处理步骤 1:重命名照片

    • 运行 来重命名照片。此脚本会根据拍摄时间重命名 images 文件夹中的所有照片。
  4. 预处理步骤 2:创建缩略图

    • 运行 来为所有照片创建缩略图。此脚本会为 images 文件夹中的所有照片创建缩略图。
  5. 部署你的网页

    1. 完成编辑并提交更改后,进入 GitHub 仓库页面,点击顶部的 Settings 标签。
    2. 在左侧菜单中,找到并点击 Pages
    3. Branch 部分,将选项从 None 改为 main 分支,并保存。
    4. 等待几秒钟到几分钟,刷新 Pages 设置页面后,你会看到顶部的 URL 链接。这就是你新创建的网站的链接。


  1. 爱心轨迹:鼠标移动时,会有爱心轨迹。同时界面底部也会始终浮出颜色更淡的爱心图案,增加浪漫氛围的同时避免颜色太鲜艳导致俗气。 如果你仍然认为这个功能太俗气,可以在 index.html 中删除掉 <script src="hearts.js"></script> 这一句。


  1. 点击大图:点击照片后,可以查看大图,方便查看细节,并且会显示拍摄时间(如果照片信息中包含)。也可以点击 esc 键或者点击 X 号关闭大图。(加载速度受网络影响较大)

  2. 切换图片:点击左右箭头或者键盘上下左右键可以切换图片,方便查看前后照片。


  1. 图片顺序:在预处理时,所有的图片都会按照拍摄时间倒叙(默认)排列,最新的照片会显示在最前面。也可以自定义展示顺序。实现方式在技术细节部分。

  2. 手机支持:网站支持手机端访问,可以在手机上查看照片。


  1. 自动计算相恋天数:设置好纪念日后,网页会自动计算相恋天数,无需手动输入。


  1. 分批加载:照片采用分批加载的方式,每次加载 10 张,避免一张一张加载导致加载速度缓慢,也避免大批量加载导致刷新过慢。

  2. 滚动加载:当滚动到距离页面底部 1000px 时,自动加载下一批照片。

  3. 首次加载:首次加载时,加载 5 批照片,后续再根据滚动加载规则加载。

  4. 缩略图:每张照片都有对应的缩略图,点击缩略图后再加载大图,节省加载时间和网络带宽占用。(如果某张图片没有缩略图,会自动加载原图)

  5. 图片顺序 中通过读取图片的 exif 信息,获取拍摄时间,然后按照拍摄时间排列。如果图片没有 exif 信息,会按照文件名排列。在网页展示时只会根据文件名进行顺序读取,因此也可以自行以其他规则命名文件。此外,本文件还将所有其他类型图片都转成 jpg 格式保存。

  • P.S. 技术细节中的所有数字都可以在 script.js 中根据需要进行修改。

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If you have any question of the code, please contact me or leave an issue. My email:[email protected]