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Merge branch 'feature/cxz' into develop
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jannistsiroyannis committed Nov 9, 2023
2 parents 4935836 + bfb54b9 commit 9c32aa1
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Showing 12 changed files with 929 additions and 7 deletions.
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions housekeeping/build.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
apply plugin: 'war'
apply plugin: 'groovy'
apply from: '../gretty.plugin'

repositories {

// Don't blame me for this TRAVESTY. It is a necessity because of the versioning of xml-apis (2.0.2 which gradle otherwise chooses is OLDER (and broken) despite the version.)
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy {
force "xml-apis:xml-apis:1.4.01"

sourceSets {
main {
java { srcDirs = [] }
groovy { srcDirs = ['src/main/java', 'src/main/groovy'] }
test {
groovy { srcDir 'src/test/groovy/' }

dependencies {
// XL dependencies

// Logging
implementation group: 'org.apache.logging.log4j', name: 'log4j-api', version: "${log4jVersion}"
implementation group: 'org.apache.logging.log4j', name: 'log4j-core', version: "${log4jVersion}"

// metrics
implementation "io.prometheus:simpleclient:${prometheusVersion}"
implementation "io.prometheus:simpleclient_servlet:${prometheusVersion}"

//implementation 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.3.2'
implementation "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:${groovyVersion}"

// Email
implementation group: 'org.simplejavamail', name: 'simple-java-mail', version: '8.2.0'

// Cron
implementation group: 'it.sauronsoftware.cron4j', name: 'cron4j', version: '2.2.5'


gretty {
jvmArgs = ['-XX:+UseParallelGC']
systemProperties = ['': System.getProperty("")]
httpPort = 8589
scanInterval = 0
afterEvaluate {
appRunDebug {
debugPort = 5006
debugSuspend = false
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
package whelk.housekeeping

import whelk.Document
import whelk.IdGenerator
import whelk.JsonLd
import whelk.Whelk
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import groovy.util.logging.Log4j2 as Log

import java.sql.Array
import java.sql.Connection
import java.sql.PreparedStatement
import java.sql.ResultSet
import java.sql.Timestamp
import java.time.Instant
import java.time.ZoneOffset
import java.time.ZonedDateTime
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit

import static whelk.util.Jackson.mapper

class NotificationGenerator extends HouseKeeper {

public static final String STATE_KEY = "CXZ notification generator"
private static final int MAX_OBSERVATIONS_PER_CHANGE = 20
private String status = "OK"
private final Whelk whelk

public NotificationGenerator(Whelk whelk) {
this.whelk = whelk

public String getName() {
return "Notifications generator"

public String getStatusDescription() {
return status

public String getCronSchedule() {
return "* * * * *"

public void trigger() {
// Determine the time interval of changes for which to generate notifications.
Instant now =
Timestamp from = Timestamp.from(now) // First run? Default to now (=do nothing but set the timestamp for next run)
Map state = whelk.getStorage().getState(STATE_KEY)
if (state && state.lastGenerationTime)
from = Timestamp.from( ZonedDateTime.parse( (String) state.lastGenerationTime, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME).toInstant() )
Timestamp until = Timestamp.from(now)

Connection connection
PreparedStatement statement
ResultSet resultSet

Map<String, List<String>> changedInstanceIDsWithComments = [:]

connection = whelk.getStorage().getOuterConnection()
try {
// Fetch all changed IDs within the interval
String sql = "SELECT id, ARRAY_AGG(data#>>'{@graph,0,hasChangeNote}') as changeNotes FROM lddb__versions WHERE collection IN ('bib', 'auth') AND ( modified > ? AND modified <= ? ) group by id;"
statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql)
statement.setTimestamp(1, from)
statement.setTimestamp(2, until)
resultSet = statement.executeQuery()
while ( {
String id = resultSet.getString("id")

Array changeNotesArray = resultSet.getArray("changeNotes")
List changeNotes = []
for (Object o : changeNotesArray.getArray()) {
if (o != null)

List<Tuple2<String, String>> dependers = whelk.getStorage().followDependers(id, ["itemOf"])
dependers.add(new Tuple2(id, null)) // This ID too, not _only_ the dependers!
dependers.each {
String dependerID = it[0]
String dependerMainEntityType = whelk.getStorage().getMainEntityTypeBySystemID(dependerID)
if (whelk.getJsonld().isSubClassOf(dependerMainEntityType, "Instance")) {
if (!changedInstanceIDsWithComments.containsKey(dependerID)) {
changedInstanceIDsWithComments.put(dependerID, [])

for (String instanceId : changedInstanceIDsWithComments.keySet()) {
List<Document> resultingChangeObservations = generateObservationsForAffectedInstance(
instanceId, changedInstanceIDsWithComments[instanceId], from.toInstant(), until.toInstant())

if (resultingChangeObservations.size() <= MAX_OBSERVATIONS_PER_CHANGE) {
for (Document observation : resultingChangeObservations) {
if (!whelk.createDocument(observation, "NotificationGenerator", "SEK", "none", false)) {
log.error("Failed to create ChangeObservation:\n${observation.getDataAsString()}")

} catch (Throwable e) {
status = "Failed with:\n" + e + "\nat:\n" + e.getStackTrace().toString()
throw e
} finally {
Map newState = new HashMap()
newState.lastGenerationTime = until.toInstant().atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC).toString()
whelk.getStorage().putState(STATE_KEY, newState)

private List<Document> generateObservationsForAffectedInstance(String instanceId, List changeNotes, Instant before, Instant after) {
List<Document> generatedObservations = []
List<String> propertiesToEmbellish = [
Document instanceAfterChange = whelk.getStorage().loadAsOf(instanceId, Timestamp.from(after))
historicEmbellish(instanceAfterChange, propertiesToEmbellish, after)
Document instanceBeforeChange = whelk.getStorage().loadAsOf(instanceId, Timestamp.from(before))
if (instanceBeforeChange == null) { // This instance is new, and did not exist at 'before'.
return generatedObservations
historicEmbellish(instanceBeforeChange, propertiesToEmbellish, before)

Tuple comparisonResult = primaryContributionChanged(instanceBeforeChange, instanceAfterChange)
if (comparisonResult[0]) {
instanceId, changeNotes, "",
(Map) comparisonResult[1], (Map) comparisonResult[2])

return generatedObservations

private static Tuple primaryContributionChanged(Document instanceBeforeChange, Document instanceAfterChange) {
Object contributionsAfter = Document._get(["mainEntity", "instanceOf", "contribution"],
Object contributionsBefore = Document._get(["mainEntity", "instanceOf", "contribution"],
if (contributionsBefore != null && contributionsAfter != null && contributionsBefore instanceof List && contributionsAfter instanceof List) {
for (Object contrBefore : contributionsBefore) {
for (Object contrAfter : contributionsAfter) {
if (contrBefore["@type"].equals("PrimaryContribution") && contrAfter["@type"].equals("PrimaryContribution")) {
if (contrBefore["agent"] != null && contrAfter["agent"] != null) {
if (
contrBefore["agent"]["familyName"] != contrAfter["agent"]["familyName"] ||
contrBefore["agent"]["givenName"] != contrAfter["agent"]["givenName"] ||
contrBefore["agent"]["lifeSpan"] != contrAfter["agent"]["lifeSpan"]
return new Tuple(true, contrBefore["agent"], contrAfter["agent"])
return new Tuple(false, null, null)

private Document makeChangeObservation(String instanceId, List changeNotes, String categoryUri, Map oldValue, Map newValue) {
String newId = IdGenerator.generate()
String metadataUri = Document.BASE_URI.toString() + newId
String mainEntityUri = metadataUri+"#it"

// If the @id is left, the object is considered a link, and the actual data (which we want) is removed when storing this as a record.
Map oldValueEmbedded = new HashMap(oldValue)
Map newValueEmbedded = new HashMap(newValue)

Map observationData = [ "@graph":[
"@id" : metadataUri,
"@type" : "Record",
"mainEntity" : ["@id" : mainEntityUri],
"@id" : mainEntityUri,
"@type" : "ChangeObservation",
"concerning" : ["@id" : Document.BASE_URI.toString() + instanceId],
"representationBefore" : oldValueEmbedded,
"representationAfter" : newValueEmbedded,
"category" : ["@id" : categoryUri],

List<String> comments = extractComments(changeNotes)
if (comments) {
Map mainEntity = (Map) observationData["@graph"][1]
mainEntity.put("comment", comments)

return new Document(observationData)

private List<String> extractComments(List changeNotes) {
List<String> comments = []
for (Object changeNote : changeNotes) {
if ( ! (changeNote instanceof String) )
Map changeNoteMap = mapper.readValue( (String) changeNote, Map)
comments.addAll( asList(changeNoteMap["comment"]) )
return comments

private List asList(Object o) {
if (o == null)
return []
if (o instanceof List)
return o
return [o]

* This is a simplified/specialized from of 'embellish', for historic data and using only select properties.
* The full general embellish code can not help us here, because it is based on the idea of cached cards,
* which can (and must!) only cache the latest/current data for each card, which isn't what we need here
* (we need to embellish older historic data).
* This function mutates docToEmbellish
private void historicEmbellish(Document docToEmbellish, List<String> properties, Instant asOf) {
List graphListToEmbellish = (List)["@graph"]
Set alreadyLoadedURIs = []

for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); ++i) {
Set uris = findLinkedURIs(graphListToEmbellish, properties)
if (uris.isEmpty())

Map<String, Document> linkedDocumentsByUri = whelk.bulkLoad(uris, asOf)
linkedDocumentsByUri.each {
List linkedGraphList = (List)["@graph"]
if (linkedGraphList.size() > 1)
} = JsonLd.frame(docToEmbellish.getCompleteId(),

private Set<String> findLinkedURIs(Object node, List<String> properties) {
Set<String> uris = []
if (node instanceof List) {
for (Object element : node) {
uris.addAll(findLinkedURIs(element, properties))
else if (node instanceof Map) {
for (String key : node.keySet()) {
if (properties.contains(key)) {
uris.addAll(findLinkedURIs(node[key], properties))
return uris

private List<String> getLinkIfAny(Object node) {
List<String> uris = []
if (node instanceof Map) {
if (node.containsKey("@id")) {
uris.add((String) node["@id"])
if (node instanceof List) {
for (Object element : node) {
if (element instanceof Map) {
if (element.containsKey("@id")) {
uris.add((String) element["@id"])
return uris


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