This is the source code for the web interface for the SwePub för analys och bibliometri service - SwePub for analysis and bibliometrics (
There is also a repository dedicated for direct SPARQL interaction with the data in SwePub at
Please note that configuration and a few more key koncepts are not yet implemented into the solution.
- Install gradle from (or use a package manager, e.g.: brew install gradle).
- Install node from (or use a package manager, e.g.: brew install node).
- Install bower from (or use a package manager, e.g.: npm install -g bower).
- Install webpack from (or use a package manager, e.g.: npm install webpack -g)
- Install elasticsearch from (or use a package manager, e.g.: brew install elasticsearch).
Copy configValues.template.groovy to configValues.groovy and edit that according to your needs.
To build a war file for prod, run:
$ npm install && node_modules/.bin/bower install # "once"
$ node_modules/.bin/webpack && ./gradlew -Penv=prod clean bowerSyncComponentsForQf CopyMissingFonts war
- Download the sourcecode
- Open a commandline tool and go to the root folder of the project
- Run gradle clean build war
- Locate the war file in the build/libs directory
- Drop the war file into a Tomcat server and point your browser to http://[Your url goes here]/form
To come.