go install github.com/lifull-dev/onelogin-aws-connector@latest
OneLogin AWS Connector provides to create AWS credentials with OneLogin SAML. If you want to use this command, You need to do setup to OneLogin and AWS accounts.
How to setup OneLogin and AWS accounts is the following OneLogin Help Center
Init command initialize OneLogin API settings.
onelogin-aws-connector init \
--endpoint us \
--client-token [TOKEN] \
--client-secret [SECRET] \
--subdomain [SUBDOMAIN] \
--username-or-email [USERNAME_OR_EMAIL]
OneLogin API Server
OneLogin API Client Token
OneLogin API Client Secret
OneLogin Service Subdomain
OneLogin Login Username or Email
Configure command configure OneLogin and AWS connection settings.
onelogin-aws-connector configure \
--app-id [APP_ID] \
--role-arn [AWS_ROLE_ARN] \
--provider-arn [AWS_SAML_PROVIDER_ARN] \
--aws-profile [AWS_PROFILE_NAME]
OneLogin AppID
AWS Provider ARN connected to OneLogin AppID
The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) to maximum session duration setting (default 3600 seconds (1 hour)).
AWS Profile Name (default "default")
Login command makes AWS credentials with OneLogin SAML.
onelogin-aws-connector login \
--aws-profile [AWS_PROFILE_NAME] \
--aws-region [AWS_REGION_NAME]
AWS Profile Name (default "default")
AWS Region Name