A live motion graphics editor and performer.
- Luz Studio: a live motion graphics editor (Ruby, Gtk+, OpenGL)
- Luz Performer: plays Luz projects fullscreen (Ruby, SDL, OpenGL)
- Luz Video Recorder: renders smooth HD video of Luz projects (Ruby, SDL, OpenGL, ffmpeg)
- Luz Audio Player: plays music and sends song progress percentage to Luz (Ruby, GStreamer)
- Luz Input Manager: sends live input device data to Luz (C++, Gtk+, XOrg API, libwiimote, SDL Input)
- Luz Spectrum Analyzer: sends audio information to Luz (C++, OpenGL, FFTW)
- Luz Hand Tracker: sends hand position, angle, and finger data to Luz (C++, Leap)
- Luz Body Tracker: sends human skeleton data to Luz (C++, OpenGL, OpenNI+NITE)
Luz currently only runs on Linux. Help is wanted porting it to OSX.
git clone git://github.com/lighttroupe/luz.git
Install dependencies as described in the INSTALL file.
Run make in the root directory to build Input Manager and Spectrum Analyzer.
Optionally run the ./build scripts in utils/video-file, utils/video, and utils/chipmunk.
Run wget openanswers.org/gtkglext.so to get the Ruby bindings to GtkGL, which are now missing from the RubyGNOME project.
http://openartist.org/debian/trusty64/luz_0.92.1~20130620-1_amd64.deb http://openartist.org/debian/trusty64/luz-next_20141027-1_amd64.deb