- Major refactor, reintroduced provider resources:
>>> from notifiers import get_notifier
>>> telegram = get_notifier('telegram')
>>> telegram.resources
>>> telegram.updates
>>> telegram.updates()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Users/orcarmi/PycharmProjects/notifiers/notifiers/core.py", line 278, in __call__
data = self._process_data(**kwargs)
File "/Users/orcarmi/PycharmProjects/notifiers/notifiers/core.py", line 204, in _process_data
self._validate_data(data, validator)
File "/Users/orcarmi/PycharmProjects/notifiers/notifiers/core.py", line 175, in _validate_data
raise BadArguments(validation_error=msg, provider=self.name, data=data)
notifiers.exceptions.BadArguments: Error with sent data: 'token' is a required property
>>> telegram.updates(token='foo')
- Major CLI refactor, validates command options via type (as opposed to keyword=value as it was, which was always string. Yuck)
$ notifiers --help
Usage: notifiers [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Notifiers CLI operation
--version Show the version and exit.
--env-prefix TEXT Set a custom prefix for env vars usage
--help Show this message and exit.
email Options for 'email'
gitter Options for 'gitter'
gmail Options for 'gmail'
hipchat Options for 'hipchat'
join Options for 'join'
providers Shows all available providers
pushbullet Options for 'pushbullet'
pushover Options for 'pushover'
simplepush Options for 'simplepush'
slack Options for 'slack'
telegram Options for 'telegram'
zulip Options for 'zulip'
$ notifiers telegram notify --help
Usage: notifiers telegram notify [OPTIONS] [MESSAGE]
Send Telegram notifications
--token TEXT Bot token
--chat-id TEXT
--parse-mode [markdown|html] Send markdown or html, if you want telegram
apps to show bold, italic, fixed-width text
or inline urls in your bot's message.
--disable-web-page-preview / --no-disable-web-page-preview
Disables link previews for links in this
--disable-notification / --no-disable-notification
Sends the message silently. users will
receive a notification with no sound.
--reply-to-message-id INTEGER If the message is a reply, id of the
original message
--help Show this message and exit.
See docs for details.